D&D 4E 4E Character Optimization WOTC rescue Handbook Guide

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Great to see you here, [MENTION=94370]Nausicaa[/MENTION]! Though you had already faded from active participation on the WotC CharOp boards before I started posting regularly there (as darkwarlock), I found your previous posts and guides invaluable. Many thanks!


I keep joining the group from time to time, but always end up being cleaned out- the times for games never work for me, so I don't end up creating characters.


I keep joining the group from time to time, but always end up being cleaned out- the times for games never work for me, so I don't end up creating characters.

You can request times, too. There are DMs from Europe, Australia, and the U.S., so it is basically possible to have a game at any time.


Asked about it on the Meta thread. Will see what happens. If it doesn't get resolved in a week, I may just go the cached version and redo it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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