D&D 5E 5E Books Through 2021 and the Road Ahead (2022 and Beyond)


Book-Friend, he/him
None of the mentioned setting books they are working on are MtG books. I could see them taking a break on MtG setting books next year to get caught up on other setting books that they want to do.

And yes I'm certain at minimum the classic settings will be next year.
I see no reason to suspect that they will take a break on Magic Settings: as @Mercurius lays out with 10 products in 2 years thst leaves a lot of time.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Perkins contradicted himself in that blog post. Honestly I'd just ignore both Perkins and Crawford on this for now.
I mean, they are the guys in charge of what is being written, so they are the ones to pay attention to. The blog post was both clear and not at all contradictory: it laid out some plain commonsense principles that the D&D Studio is using to parse what to keep and what to change over time.
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I mean, they are the guys in charge of what is being written, so they are the ones to pay attention. The blog post was both clear and not at all contradictory: it laid out some plain commonsense principles that the D&D is using to parse what to keep and what to change over time.

It absolutely was contradictory, it said of 5e books only the core was canon (to 5e), then he starts listing stuff from other 5e books as canon, plus it contradicts what Crawford said. Like I said the post can safely be ignored, BUT with the following exceptions.

1: having multiple seperate canons for different editions, the novel line, comics, ect..., instead of decanonizing stuff like we thought they were originally going to do, is setting the up the next FR book for a splitting of the Forgotten Realms & D&D multiverses into a system of parrell worlds/multiverses, and the book won't just explore the present, but open the door to alternate timelines/multiverses, like a timeline that didn't advance past the Grey Box, because the ToT never happened, and a FR multiverse were the Plaguelands still exist because the Sundering never happened for example. This marvel style metaverse for a lack of a better name, will be the theme for this FR book the way Horror was for Ravenloft, Magitech/Pulp was for Eberron, Guilds were for Ravnica, and MtGied Greek Mythology was for Theros.

2: Future stories won't worry about previous canon, because they are in different timelines, no don't be surprised by inconsistancies.

But the way this was explained was a hot mess, and could have been done better.

If we just get Planescape (holding thumbs) or something Manual of the Planes:ish, and Spelljammer (preferably as setting, but rules in a splat or adventure is good enough), then the edition is basically complete for me. Other fun stuff is a bonus, but I don't have to be worried about my blood pressure when yet another MtG setting is released.

With that said, I would buy a Forgottten Realms box set in a heartbeat, and am curious about the "new" settings - will WotC actually offer us a new and enjoyable original setting during 5e? From the track record so far I'm more than a bit sceptic, but who knows.

I think the Domains of Delight will be one of the new settings and where ever Ellywick is from (apparently she's an immigrant to FR) will be the other.

It absolutely was contradictory, it said of 5e books only the core was canon (to 5e), then he starts listing stuff from other 5e books as canon, plus it contradicts what Crawford said. Like I said the post can safely be ignored, BUT with the following exceptions.

1: having multiple seperate canons for different editions, the novel line, comics, ect..., instead of decanonizing stuff like we thought they were originally going to do, is setting the up the next FR book for a splitting of the Forgotten Realms & D&D multiverses into a system of parrell worlds/multiverses, and the book won't just explore the present, but open the door to alternate timelines/multiverses, like a timeline that didn't advance past the Grey Box, because the ToT never happened, and a FR multiverse were the Plaguelands still exist because the Sundering never happened for example. This marvel style metaverse for a lack of a better name, will be the theme for this FR book the way Horror was for Ravenloft, Magitech/Pulp was for Eberron, Guilds were for Ravnica, and MtGied Greek Mythology was for Theros.

2: Future stories won't worry about previous canon, because they are in different timelines, no don't be surprised by inconsistancies.

But the way this was explained was a hot mess, and could have been done better.
Also, there's an entire thread dedicated to it, so I probably made a mistake by introducing here. We probably should just ignore the subject and stick to product speculation...

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