I think those two things would be enough, so long as the right rules “bloat” (subjective, I know) was cut, of course. “Right” according to my own tastes, naturally. But either way, as far as I’m concerned, 5e HP totals go way too high, and pretty fast at that, in some cases. Like, if they were - give or take - cut in half, that might suffice.
There are things I like a lot about 5e, but the overall level of crunch and again, HP totals, are not among them.
If there is such a game, it would have to be easy to convert from 5e to it, especially monsters. Then again, a comprehensive bestiary would be a plus.
Oh, and if you think I should just run an older (pre-3e) edition, yes, perhaps. It has occurred to me. However, I am very fond of, for example, Advantage/Disadvantage and one save type per ability - things that don’t exist in any previous edition. Or.. is there an OSR game that meets these requirements? I must admit, there are so many that it’s unlikely I’ve heard of them all.