D&D 5E 5e Compatible Gamma World


I Know there are typos :)

Am working on next edit. Changed a very few minor things to help it align with changes in Tasha's.

Am not done yet when I do I will update the files online and post here. but it is mostly just fixing typos and formatting issues :)

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Thank you for doing this, I have been GM Gamma World before. It's too bad WOC appears not to have any plans to bring it up to date. This looks interesting and I might have to give it a test run.


Thanks I am currently running another Gamma world game with some new character races and mutations so building some feedback from that. so anything you accomplish would be appreciated if you let me know.

As of now I think the plants may be a little under powered but still seeing how it plays out.


Hello, I just checked out your Gamma World 5E and it is awesome! I am working on adding the monsters to roll20. I do have a question though, and forgive me if I missed it somehow....How do you compute Mutation points? Also is there is a new edit or new additional material? Thank you for your time. Jeff Howerton


Mutation points are granted by each mutation. Should be right beside name of mutation (MP=#) that number is added into a pool and spent however the player wishes when triggering mutations.

As Far as edits I am working on the monster/creatures section and it is slow going making sure I calculated everything correctly and to be honest is sort of mind numbing so I only get so far. I also am working on running my weekly games and other new systems. So it gets looked at like once twice a month. I made need to just bite bullet and replace my files with what I have so far and edit it in two parts.

Hope that helps


Mutation points are granted by each mutation. Should be right beside name of mutation (MP=#) that number is added into a pool and spent however the player wishes when triggering mutations.

As Far as edits I am working on the monster/creatures section and it is slow going making sure I calculated everything correctly and to be honest is sort of mind numbing so I only get so far. I also am working on running my weekly games and other new systems. So it gets looked at like once twice a month. I made need to just bite bullet and replace my files with what I have so far and edit it in two parts.

Hope that helps
Hello again, Do you have a character sheet or a list that has the new skills on it and what attribute to use? Right now I am using a 5E character sheet on Roll20 and I have found some skills such as The Ancients and Domestic task. Thank you for your time. Jeff Howerton


I'd just create an account on DrivethruRPG, and sell it or give it away there - they get a 35% cut, unless you make them the exclusive seller, and you get 5% more, but I'm Gamer Printshop, and I've been selling map sets and map object sets since 2010, then five years ago turned into a full on publisher as third party for Starfinder RPG. DTRPG is the 800# gorilla of online RPG product sales - I sell on Paizo Store and almost see no profits, but I'm making something every month on DrivethruRPG...

You should visit my store there, though, I've got quite a few post-apocalypse single and map sets that might fit well into your game.


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