D&D 5E 5e Compatible Gamma World

This is a 5th edition compatible version of Gamma World. The version of Gamma World is based largely on 4th edition Gamma world Published in 1992. It was pre 3 and 3.5 system which was a step above 2nd edition but not quite reaching 3rd edition complexity/rule set.

Basic Outline is

Rules wise

I only changed one rule really from the basic / SRD rules of 5th edition. Ranged attacks cannot be made if an enemy is adjacent. There are several ways around this to make Ranged attacks at Disadvantage by getting a feat, fighting style, specific weapons (usually tech pistols) etc.

The Base races are not necessarily balanced, some are clearly better than others. A Mutant Bear makes a better melee fighter than a Dog or Ants. they Are more balanced than they were in that edition.

While Bounded accuracy is held to the bounds are a little higher - For example a starting character in 5th should have a +4 to +5 to hit, skills etc in whatever they are supposed to be good at. To a +11 to +13 at 20th. Gamma World is about +1 to +2 higher along that range.

Feats are not optional but probably could be made to be.

It has these races Pure Strain Humans, Humanoids, Mutated Animals, Plants and Synthetics

It has random stat generation with a point buy option. It has random mutations.

It has new classes from the ground up. Each has 5 Archetypes / Sub classes. Subclasses are more universally designed each getting more benefits for 6 levels each with all classes getting them at the same levels. Multiclassing is optional by default but nothing depends on it so could be.
Adept - Specializes in Physical mutations
Enforcer - Fighter
Examiner - The brains and person who figures artifacts out.
Mentalist - Specializes in Mental Mutations
NanoWizard - A wizard basically using nano machines to do weird powerful things.
Scout - rogues, ranger etc.

It has full equipment list, monster, robot and Npc stats.

Where it suffers is probably at higher level play since there are not many high CR challenges since I din’t include the truly super robots that even 20th level characters should run from. CR tops out at 12th or so If I remember correctly.

I ran the basic adventure and a little beyond and it seemed fairly balanced and worked stopped at about 8th level beyond that not sure, gave my best guess.

Well Hope you enjoy!!

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Looks good! A pretty minor fix that I would appreciate is a table of contents for the main PDF. Nothing too detailed, just the different chapter breaks.

I have said a lot of times in the past the true challenge for a d20 with modern technology is the power balance about firearms. With the right ammo you only need one shot to kill megafaun. In the first movie "Alien the eight passenger" one xenomorph was enough to kill almost all Nostromo crew, but in the second move dozens, maybe hundreds were killed from the next room thanks with turret guns.

And sci-fi gets old very soon. Today fandom wants for their PCs high-tech as 3D-printers to craft machines.

How should be the XPs reward/challenge rating when an enemy is using a mecha?



I have said a lot of times in the past the true challenge for a d20 with modern technology is the power balance about firearms. With the right ammo you only need one shot to kill megafaun. In the first movie "Alien the eight passenger" one xenomorph was enough to kill almost all Nostromo crew, but in the second move dozens, maybe hundreds were killed from the next room thanks with turret guns.

And sci-fi gets old very soon. Today fandom wants for their PCs high-tech as 3D-printers to craft machines.

How should be the XPs reward/challenge rating when an enemy is using a mecha?



Give XP/CR to the machine(s). If the driver can meaningfully contribute to the combat include them in the budget. No different than standard calculations for encounters.

Not sure what the problem is. A soldier isn't fighting the driver of the tank per se, they're fighting the tank.

As to Dm's guild. While I think the mechanics are polished the presentation and such is not by far. YOu can read it and it is organized but lacks anything that would make it pretty or well presented which makes some difference. Plus I am not looking to profit from it as too much is borrowed or inspired from the 4th edition stuff. I am going to drop it there and make a post I will link back here later.

While I take your point about "aesthetics" in terms of the look of the work for DM's Guild, you needn't worry about making a profit there. You list stuff for "Pay what you want", which for at least 2/3's of the people that download it will mean "free". It is a nice venue to get stuff out there to a wider audience, but their whole set-up for formatting and uploading content has got to be 5 years old, and it shows. It gave me fits (and still can at times) the first time I uploaded something there.

Yeah Luis.

It is hard to balance all of that out. I mean a Pure Strain Human Knight on a horse with a sword who is 5th level is a different than one in powered armor with an assault rifle. 5th ed has a pretty wide "band" of what fits in a specific CR. That is down side of 5th ed. Up side is GM has more say (I know they technically have all the say but some systems leave more adjudication to the GM hence more power.) in moving an NPC up a CR.


I haven't even tried messing with it. I know I feel a little embarrassed at the Plain nature of my end product. I should have put forth more effort to learn to place images and such when I tried I felt frustrated. I credit Homebrewery for letting me get it somewhat presentable. I do not hold against them , and no one else should., My laziness at not learning that. I had quite a bit of absconded art I could have put in to make it more presentable. Then I would have felt bad about using someone else's art even the original Gamma World 4th ed stuff I used 90% of the time.

Thank you for putting this up.
My first RPG (in 1980) was Gamma World - not D&D! - and I've had a soft spot for it ever since.

Don't feel bad about art / no art. If I were ever to publish my notes &c, I would be using the GWvol1 and vol2 black-and-white line pics of the monsters. Oldest school :-)


Yeah the art I had was the black and white from that edition. I started with 1st and 2nd edition along with D&D. we basically took turns playing them.

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