D&D 5E 5e Compatible Gamma World


Hey RPGneo

To be honest since I was the Game so to speak. When I ran I made character sheets from scratch. I could then copy and drop all the mutations and class abilities onto the sheet so My players seldom had to reference anything else. Even eventually added tech gear as they found it. So no official character sheets. Once I was done with edits and such I might make a character sheet then but want to leave that to last in case something changes.

Happy to help with anything else though.

I will post what I used if I can


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Hey RPGneo

To be honest since I was the Game so to speak. When I ran I made character sheets from scratch. I could then copy and drop all the mutations and class abilities onto the sheet so My players seldom had to reference anything else. Even eventually added tech gear as they found it. So no official character sheets. Once I was done with edits and such I might make a character sheet then but want to leave that to last in case something changes.

Happy to help with anything else though.

I will post what I used if I can
Delphian, Awesome, thanks for the character sheet. So far I have transferred nearly all of the rules, bots, monsters, equipment and mutations into roll20. Hoping to run a campaign in March or April. Once you are done with the edits count me in. Thanks for your time. Rpgneo


I (re-) stumbled across this wonderful work you did! it fits what I have been agonizing over for some time - which version og Gamma World to run at the convention games I do. THIS will work, as 5E is the 500-pound mutant gorilla that everyone knows. Your version is a bit complex - I've never been a fan of the whole sub-class thing starting at 3rd level but I am not sure how to get around that without breaking the 5E system.

Anyhoo, may I humbly suggested posting to some of the several Gamma World groups on Facebook and perhaps also on Scribd? If you give me you OK, I'd be happy to do so. The only problem is there is no cover sheet indicating your name (or pseudonym) nor an email address should folks want to pay you a compliment or ask questions ... would you be willing to add that?

Also, is there an update from this 2020 file?



I have posted to several reddit and Facebook places. Never thought to do Scribd.

Never thought to do a cover sheet or anything like that most people just post something here, or other similar places.

and I have updated some of it but stalled out on doing monsters and such as I was double checking things (Proofreading and such). Need to make time and finish up.

Thanks for the interest

I'm going to get back to you (over time) with some suggestions, but I really feel you should get some credit for this work. it finally gets me in a place to run Gamma World again. I'd also be happy to send you some feedback/proofing as I was an editor for ahem many years. Is there a way to communicate you with? I'm happy to share emails.


Cool. I appreciate any assistance with this. I have done editing up to the monsters, NPCs and that would be it, but another set of eyes is always good.

What I wish I had more is Play testing. I have done some running the base game 2-3 times but only up to 6th or so level and it seems to work but it is a whole lot of guessing and eyeballing things.

When One D&D comes out I will probably do an overhaul of the whole thing again so it will match and some of the concepts presented so far I like personally.

You can contact me at Delphistar101 at that Google email address. :)

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