(5E) D&D/Moorcock Multiverse Inspiration PBP

Steve Gorak

OOC: also done!

Selytnin feels different. The rest felt good, but somehow he felt more powerful, with magical night he had never felt before. He looks at the rag tag band next to him, nods and says with satisfaction “What a fine time to take the keep!“. Leading the group, he stands expecting the others to follow.

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Bradrick, Jim, and Bo stood at the ready, weapons in hand. They nervously eyed Alan and Page, waiting for direction. The humans seemed somewhat reassured by Selythin's confidence and swagger.

Cousin Zenythin hung back, sword drawn as well, but not eager to lead the charge. He waited for someone else to open the cellar door.

It appears the door used to have a lock, but it is now broken, almost hanging off it's hinges. It's still shut, but more like two big pieces of wood lying over a narrow set of stairs leading down into the dark.

(Marching order, from your cues above, looks like Selythin, Alan, Page, Bradrick, Jim Bo, Eovin flying above all them, Ralph Crenshaw, Sirocco, Zenythin) (Whew! You've got a crew. 🤔) (I don't know if Ralph Crenshaw the Dreaming Knight is playing still or not, but technically he's there as well.)

The stairs wind and descend into a largish room with a dirt floor. There are splintered and broken boxes and shelves littering the area. Bits of food, dropped or left as garbage, lie here and there.

"Ohhh! They took all the cheese and wine! Oh no! And the bramble-berry preserves...All the duck eggs...Not to mention all the baking supplies..." Page whined, trying not to start crying again.

There's a large door on the wall across from the stairwell. This one has the lock intact.

* * *


Alan reassured Page softly, telling her that it was just things; that the group of them were still alive, and that was what mattered.

Alan then examined the lock, frowning. "Maybe there's a key?" he asked, looking around.

OOC: Alan will try: Investigation!

Investigation: 1d20+2 12

Steve Gorak

Selythin thinks to himself sarcastically: and the nightly heroes were stopped in their tracks by a simple lock!.

wait, let me see if I sense enemies directly across the door” he says to the Bariaur

OOC: use of divine senses, he should then know the location of fiends within 60 feet


Alan looked around here and there, found a little key-shaped patch, free of grime, under the mat by the door even, but there was no key.

Nothing but trash and rubble.

Meanwhile, Eovin fluttered over and tried her hand picking the lock. To no avail, it didn't budge.

Sirocco was right about the door, though. It looked easily bashed and broken. It wouldn't take more than a couple blows.

Cousin Zenythin replied snidely to Selythin's sarcasm: "Heroes now are we? And here I thought this was a 'survivors on a life-boat' type situation..."

Selythin used his Divine Sense and immediately knew there were three fiends within sixty feet on the other side of the door.

* * *


Alan sighed. "All right, smashing the lock it is. Just be careful, anything inside the castle will have a way out as well as us having a way in. Alternately, we can try one of the other entrances?"

Steve Gorak

Selythin says with resolve: “there are three chaos beasts within 60 feet of the door. We’ll need to act fast once the door opens. I’m wearing armor, so I’ll lead the charge. Follow closely, and may our weapons strike true.

Voidrunner's Codex

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