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D&D 5E 5e Eldritch Knight vs PF Magus


I don't know the PF Magus, but in 5E there are multible ways to play an Warrior/Mage so there should be one for everone. :)

The Eldritch Knight is 80% Fighter and 20% Wizard, maybee even less. It's for those want a pure Fighter (Weapons, Toughness, up to 4 Attacks,..) with some offensive and defensive Spells from the Wizard (up to 4th Level).

Then there is the Warlock and Bard, both full-spellcasters with d8 HD, light to medium Armor Proficiency and the ability to get an Extra Attack. So they are a bit like Clerics .. tough Spellcasters who can stand in the Front line. The Armor is a bit lighter, but they have better Weapons and Arcane Spells.

And Lets not forget the Paladin and Ranger. They are quite good 1/2 Casters now with very good Combat Options. While the Spells are Divine, they have a few unique Spells that are quite offensive and great for any Warrior/Mage, like different kinds of Smites or Hunter's Mark.

Oh by the Way the Barbarian and Monk can now cast a few spells themself, depending on their Specialization (Heck the Barbarian can even fly!).

The Cleric and Druid, like always, are also quite good Warriors themself, the Tempest Cleric even gets heavy armor AND martial Weapons. In fact the only one that will be really hard to optimize for Melee are the Sorcerer and the Wizard.

I haven't tried Multiclassing yet, but at first glance it seems quite bad to me, since it share the same problems as 3E (you don't want to delay Spellcasting Levels), for the Warrior Classes its even worse since the Extra Attacks also get delayed.

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Watching a PF Magus with nothing but shocking grasp prepared murder every thing in the first round had soured me on the class, but the 5E EK looks a damn sight better than the 3.5 version, which I felt was lackluster.


I think the Eldrich Knight is awesome. By level seven you are casting spells and making weapon attacks in every round.

Seriously the complexity of the class is awesome, but you are going to want Ritual Caster and Spell Sniper and maybe War Caster, so your going to be stretched alittle thin between strength, Intelligence and feats.

You get those three feats plus the innate class/subclass abilities of an Eldrich Knigh and will have very interesting turns.

4 possible attacks per action, you can move between them, and you can substitute a Shove, Grapple, Cantrip, or Spell by level 20, plus possible bonus action, and reaction. And if you use action surge you get an extra action and free teleport.

One interesting multiclass would be Eldrich Knight and Arcane Trickster.


First Post
I'm loving the Eldritch Knight so far, and its diversity also works really well in turning him into an Arcane Archer (my favorite) :)
The Magus was a good class, and really fun, but it wasn't your typical mix of steel and spell. It was more of a special type of Wizard with just a touch of melee combat abilities.


First Post
Please, could you tell me the main restrictions about armour and weapons? I suppose the EK is skilled in light/ medium armour, but is he or she able to wield a bastard sword?


First Post
Please, could you tell me the main restrictions about armour and weapons? I suppose the EK is skilled in light/ medium armour, but is he or she able to wield a bastard sword?

There is no Bastard Sword, only a Long sword that can be weilded 2handed for 1d10 instead of one handed for 1d8. I didn't see any other weapon/armor restrictions so you can be in full plate and cast spells from level 3 on.


Please, could you tell me the main restrictions about armour and weapons? I suppose the EK is skilled in light/ medium armour, but is he or she able to wield a bastard sword?

EK has all the same proficiencies as any other fighter (all armor and weapons). Remember they don't become EKs until 3rd level.


First Post
There is no Bastard Sword, only a Long sword that can be weilded 2handed for 1d10 instead of one handed for 1d8. I didn't see any other weapon/armor restrictions so you can be in full plate and cast spells from level 3 on.
Woah! That rocks! Just can't wait to have the PHB in my hands!

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