D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy


OOC: Dex Save: [roll0]
The human's got me! You better get here quick before I claw his face off! This isn't funny! Riley yells into Zivars head as he starts hissing while twisting around to scratch the crossbowman. "I don't think anyone is behind the walls. Just the one crossbowman, they don't seem ready for us. If we can knock him out before he calls for help...We should move now, he's got Riley and he's is pissed."
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Grody climbs out of the cart and moves over to the entrance to the cave peeking in from a handy hiding place behind a rock. As he tries to make out the layout and see what is happening for himself.

OOC: Stealth: 1d20+5 23

Jordy follows Grody's example, wand at the ready.
Unfortunately, he steps on a sharp rock and is not quite able to stifle his gasp of pain.
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"Hi-yaah!" Quentin heels his horse setting his shield firmly over his torso and ducking the head down.
If someone shoots, he hopes this will be enough.

OOC: move forward, defense action


The crossbowman grabs the cat by the scruff of the neck, lifting it up to eye level.

The wagon barrels through the illusion, and it appears that one moment, the group is traveling along the road, and the next, you are in a large cavern. The driver, who’s name is Javen, pulled the horses to a stop just as they were about to slam into the other end.

The crossbowman’s eyes went wide, and he dropped the cat.

OOC: You have a moment before he can react. He seems to be the only one here.


Grody ducks into the cavern right after the wagon does and spots the man. He yips in excitement and kicks off a crackling sling stone. Unfortunately, his eyes haven't yet adjusted to the light and the stone flies wide.

OOC: Sling:: 1d20+5 9 1d4+3 6 1d4 1


Zivar looks around frantically for a moment wondering what to do. Deciding that acting quickly and not allowing this man to sound any kind of alarm. Making sure that we didn't get caught in this trap before getting around the walls was extremely important.

Zivar mutters and incantation, extending the fingers on his hand, crackling with magical energy, towards the crossbowman. Three bolts of energy shot from his fingers, all smashing into the chest of their target.

As Riley is dropped he lands on his feet running off towards the entrance to the cave as a rock narrowly misses his head. Turning to get behind the wall and hide Riley feels safe, determined to not get hit by anything meant for him or anyone else for that matter.

OOC: Magic Missle [roll0]
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The missiles hit the man dead center, and he collapses to the ground, his crossbow falling, unfired, beside him.

The cavern goes quiet, but only for a moment. Distantly, through the tunnels, the sounds of fighting can be heard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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