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D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy

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The Academy/Woods
Late Fall/Morning
Round 0

“You are welcome,” Asherah told Grody with a smile as he pulled away.

They headed back to the chapel and gathered up some food and searched for anything else that might be useful, but found little. Then a man arrived from who knew where looking for the priest. They informed him of what happened, much to his chagrin.

“I will hang onto my vial for now,” Asherah told the man. “I am sorry for your loss. The priest was long devoured before we arrived to save him,” she said sadly.

Once they had gathered up books and papers, they headed off to the road leading to the Academy. Medrash’s flail was heavy in her bag, though her spear made for a good walking stick. “I can’t wait for a bath and a change of clothes,” Asherah sighed, her fine sari and chola torn and ruined with tree sap. “And a real bed.”

Free object interaction:

HP: 6/6
AC: 12
Unarmed: +1 1 B
Claws: +1 1d4 S
Flametongue Spear: +1 1d6/d8/P+1d6 fire 20/60
Coldtongue Flail: +1 1d8/B+1d6 cold

"Lets go, there is nothing for us here. These books will not get themselves to the school. Keep sharp!"
Quentin looks around once more and hefts the books he collected.
"I look forward to some civilisation. Lyla, are you coming with us?"


Zivar travels as quickly as he can with the group, working his short legs as hard as he can. Any time that they break for a rest or meal and he isn't tasked with something he is reviewing the mans notes on the flowers and this area in general.


After a long day of hiking, the group comes over a hill to see the Academy come in to view, not a hundred yards away. The towers are still a ways off, but in front of them is a wall, and a gate, which rises thirty feet high and must circle a town sized campus. The wall is made of some glistening metal, etched with runes and symbols along its entirety.

In front of the gate stands the blond woman who met them in the cave, and the old Dwarf, Professor Boranger. They are smiling, and gesture for the group to approach.

"You made it!" the woman said, clapping her hands. "I'm so glad. I'm Professor Haught, You've met Professor Boranger. We're here to give you your results, and let you know if you'll be staying or leaving. I know, you've probably had a long, hard day, but only students are allowed past this point, and we don't want to get anyone's hopes up. The heads of each school have been watching almost every move you make, and have almost made a decision on who to accept and who to not. There is really only one trial left to take."

She draws a small dagger, ornate with a silver handle. The pommel is in the shape of a tiger, with sapphire eyes.

"I'm going to need to draw a little blood. Just a few drops. Don't worry, this dagger is enchanted so the cut won't hurt at all. It will, however, leave a tiny scar. Nothing we can do about that, I'm afraid. So, who's first?"


Zivar looks down at his feet for a moment, swallows hard, looks up, and steps forward.

I need to know one way or another

"Is the priest ok? Please say that all was a test and he is ok." he says, his voice cracking a little as he nears professor Haught. Not sure he trusts that it won't hurt.


Professor Haught's face fell at the question.

"I'm sorry," she said, shaking her head, "The Mouther wasn't part of the exam. Professor Forabenza fell asleep while stargazing, and never saw it approach. We aren't able to interfere during a trial, except to send an older student along with the group. But rest assured that the Professor, and the student who was lost, is now at peace thanks to what y'all have done."

She takes the knife and draws it across Zivar's hand. He felt nothing. Not the sting of the blade, nor the coolness of the metal, nor even the pressure as she touched it to his skin. To his mind, it wasn't anything more than air.

But cut him it did. Blood flowed freely. Professor Haught gathered a few drops into a vial, then waved her hand over the cut and the wound healed itself, leaving a small, pink scar.

OOC: I forgot to mention, when you come to get your hand cut, roll a d20.



Zivars eyes water.

"We... We thought, it would be important to bring Forabenza's notes, the ones we could find."

Zivar does his best to pulls himself together and moves out of the way, back with the groups, so that the rest may approach.

Voidrunner's Codex

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