The Academy/Woods
Late Fall/Evening
Round 0
“Oh, that isn’t right!” Asherah said in shock at Mezzra’s words. “I would certainly not wish to see you jump,” she said sincerely, giving the drow girl a hug and a cheek rub, as she would a tabaxi friend. “Maybe I will see you in class,” she said. “That is one of the schools I was accepted into. I just do not know where I will go,” she admitted. “So many choices!”
Asherah turned to give Korlin a reassuring nuzzle, as well. “You will do well no matter where you go,” she told him confidently.
Reaching the bar, they slid into a booth with Raven, and Asherah listened to the older student’s wisdom with rapt attention. Everyone else seemed so confident where they were going. Asherah was wishing she had such confidence.
Getting up for another drink, Asherah spotted the kobold from the forest lingering near the doorway.
“Hello, Grody. Please, come join us. Are you hungry?” she asked. “We have food and drinks. I was about to go to the bar for more.” She gestured to the kobold to join her. “You can help me carry it.”
Free object interaction:
HP: 6/6
AC: 12
Unarmed: +1 1 B
Claws: +1 1d4 S
Flametongue Spear: +1 1d6/d8/P+1d6 fire 20/60
Coldtongue Flail: +1 1d8/B+1d6 cold