D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy


Zivar Joins in the toast "To Medrash and Professor Forabenza."

He enjoys the chatter of the tavern for a while then thinks of another question. "When do classes start anyway, and how do we know where to go or what to bring?"

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Charwoman Gene

Dariana joins in the toast. A bit later she asks, "is it possible to get into a school that has rejected you in a later term? I found my rejection from the nature school somewhat disheartening."


"Unfortunately, no," Raven answered Dariana. "The heads of each school make their decision, and they don't change them. They say its because they know who will do well in which schools, and don't want to let a student flounder just because they want it real bad. I think they just roll some dice and decide that way, but that's just me."

She looked at Zivar, "Go to each campus, they'll have a board with classes listed. Or you can just start studying on your own. This place seems to reward those who forge their own way."


"Is there a place we can get a map of the area or something? I feel like I could spend a year getting lost here trying to find out where I need to go. Any places we should avoid?"

Quentin follows the conversation, Zivar asks most things he would like to know too and which he already partially asked. Great, more time for more wine while the wizard talks. He smiles into his tankard, but then remembers the blindness and near death experience. And another mouther prawling the forests, if professor is to be believed.

He looks around for little sprite and offers her some wine if she's around.


Lyla is indeed there, and is grateful for the wine.

Raven smiles at the gnome, "Avoid trying to sneak in to a school you aren't invited to. And going outside the town isn't a good idea, either. There are worse things than Mouthers running around out there. Other than that, you'll learn your way around. School of Combat is on the east side of Halcyon, and has a lot of land for combat maneuvers. School of the Arcane and the Immortal are in the towers. Divine has a temple on the west side, and Nature is behind the school, where they have a section of the forest cordoned off. Skill is in the basement."

With that, a man walks into the bar. He has red hair and is wearing simple robes, and walks with a sureness few others can match. He appears to be about Raven's age.

"Raven, good to see you're back. Do you mind if I join you?"

Raven sighed, scooting over to let the man sit. "Another group of initiates, waiting to be...well, initiated."

The man nods at this, then introduces himself. "Liam Ó Suileabháin, at your service. I hope you will enjoy your time at the Academy, and won't get into too much trouble. I, myself, got into quite a bit when I was a student here."

"How long ago was that?" Raven asked, "Two thousand years?"

"Three thousand and ninety six," Liam said. "But who's counting?"

"You, apparently."

It is about this time that Mim walks into the bar. Liam smiles and gestures for him to sit with them.

"So, how have you all found Halcyon so far?" Liam asked.


Mim scowls at this question "All this magic, all these people and all these weapons yet still an old man and a student died, all because no one could remove a monster? Barnabus is not impressed. What's the quickest way to get stronger around here anyway. I bet there are other things out there" As Mim finishes his sentence his stomach rumbles.


Liam nods at the words, understanding the sentiment. "The Academy is not here to keep you safe. It is here to teach you to grow stronger. We grow stronger by overcoming obstacles. If there were no fear of death, your growth would be hindered. I have been alive for a long, long time, and I have seen the Academy have different rules. I have seen a headmaster try to make sure none of his students perished, and their growth was stunted because of it. They became arrogant and haughty, and often died as soon as they left.

"Those who are in charge of the Academy will not save you if you are attacked. You are to save yourself. We try not to pit you against anything you are not ready for, but that is not always possible. It is why we make a senior student accompany new students on their entrance exam. But that is the only help you will get.

"Now, to answer your question, the quickest way to get stronger is to pick a field and study hard. Those of you who have magic in your blood, I highly recommend having it unlocked, regardless of the path you choose. Even knowing just a few spells can greatly increase your chances of survival."


"Your words make sense, but I still do not accept them" Mim heads off to the bar returning with food."Magic... I was told a patron would take me. Where can I find one, and how quickly can I start"


"A patron is any powerful being who teaches you secrets in exchange for servitude. They always have at least representatives here at the Academy, and a few have even studied here when they were much, much younger. It really depends on what you want to learn. Would you prefer access to the demonic planes and control over their fire? Or to beguile others the way the Fey do? Or do you wish to delve into secrets the world has never heard? I have been known to be a patron to students before, as I have learned the secrets of the Undying. If living forever is your goal, I can help you get there.

You have some time before you make your choice, but know this: having a patron means serving them. No patron is an easy master. Once you leave this school, you will still have a connection to them, even if you choose not to serve them at that point."

Voidrunner's Codex

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