D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy

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[sblock=Zivar, Grody, Jordy]
The three approached the School of the Arcane, located in a number of the tall towers on the west side of the castle. Professor Haught met them in the lobby.

"I was expecting some to come. I'm glad you've decided to wake your latent abilities. I must warn you, it is...not a pleasant experience. Some of you may have an easier time, depending on how much of your power has awakened in the past, but all of you will have to suffer some. It is regrettable, and if there was another way, we'd do it. Unfortunately, innate magic can only be awakened through trauma.

"You can end the process at any time, and you can come back to try again if you decide not to do this now. Most often, anything you experience can be healed later. However, I am required to warn you that very rarely, a student comes out with some form of permanent hinderance. And once every few decades, a student dies. But that only happens when it's obvious their power will not awaken, and they stubbornly go forward. Those students either gain great power when they come out, or they die.

"If you are ready, follow me."

She leads them to a circular room. In the middle of the room is a rod sticking up out of the ground, apparently immovable.

"This rod will send a surge of energy through your body when you touch it," she said. "The kind of energy is different every time you touch it. You need to hold on to it until you either can bare no more, or your power is awakened, in which case the rod will cease to harm you."

OOC: You may each try to grab the rod, and will need to succeed on three Luck Checks in order to awaken your power. We will go by round.

Each Round, you make a Constitution Check. When you pass, you do a Luck Check. Three nonconsecutive successes on the Luck Checks and you win. If you fail a Constitution Check, you are unable to hold on, and you lose a hit-point. You may then try to grab it again. However, you gain a cumulative +2 modifier on the Luck Checks for each round you continue to hold on to the rod. Let go, and you lose those modifiers.

If you fail a Constitution Check, you may instead make a Wisdom Save to hold on by your grit. Succeed, and you don't let go, and don't lose a hit point, but you may incur a Lingering Injury. This is basically a "second chance" to keep going and keep your Luck modifiers.

Additionally, Grody gains advantage on all his Constitution Checks related to this because of losing his wings. Similarly, Jordy gains advantage on all Luck Checks related to this due to his experience as well. Zivar is, unfortunately, out of luck in these regards.

For time's sake, post your Constitution and Luck checks at the same time. The Luck Check is only valid if the Constitution Check succeeds. If you want to post a series of Constitution and Luck checks, you may, and I will invalidate any unused ones if you wind up letting go. Might be a good idea to post 3 Constitution Checks and 3 Luck checks in one post. Look at your results ( and label them Con check 1, Con check 2, etc), and then decided if you want to make any Wisdom Saves to replace any failed Con checks. However, If you do need to do a Wisdom Save to replace a Con check, you need to redo that Luck Roll. This will keep you from only doing a Wisdom save if you succeeded on the Luck Check.

Let me know if you have any questions, and let's see who's lucky![/sblock]


OOC: It's a good thing Grody has advantage on the con checks. Yay for dump stats!

Grody listens pensively to the explanation and stares at the rod. He nods at the warnings and speaks only once. "Grody used to tram-at-ik. Grody do this." And then he steps forward and takes hold of the rod.

Squirrels are evil!


OOC: Let's say DC 12.

Grody grabs the rod,and jolts of electricity run up his arms. He grits his teeth and holds on.

After the first few seconds, he feels something inside him shift. The next moment carries nothing but pain, but eventually, that something inside cracks. He can feel he is almost there!

OOC: Grody only succeeded twice on his Luck checks. He has to keep holding on until he gets another one.

Btw, because of the Luck modifiers, his next Luck check has a +6 to it. This signifies getting closer to breaking.

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Grody grits his maw as the pain washes over him. As the seconds burn on, he feels a pressure spike up in his head, but simply grips the rod more forcefully. A little blood leaks out of one of his ear-holes, and then a few moments later, he suddenly relaxes. Letting go of the pole, Grody turns back to Professor Haught. "Grody feel different. It work?"

Squirrels are evil!


Grody glows as his inner draconic power floods out. The glow fades, but the power remains.

"Wonderful!" Professor Haught says. "You must have some experience with pain to awaken that fast! You must have some affinity with electricity."

Gordy indeed feels that the electricity from the rod did not do as much damage as it could have. In fact, it felt...energizing.

OOC: Gordy has gained the Feat Elemental Adept, with the element Lightning. This may or may not have anything to do with your draconic heritage.

"Well?" Professor Haught said. "Who's next?"

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[sblock=Dariana, Asherah and Quentin]
Dariana, Asherah and Quentin all head to the School of Combat, located on the east side of the castle. It has a few large fields, stables, an armory with a forge, as well as classrooms in the nearby tower.

As they walk in to the tower, they see a man wearing worn and dented plate armor. It still looks splendid, though.

He looked the three of them up and down, noting their weapons. "Welcome to hell. I am Professor Taris, I run the School of Combat. I always meet and size up the newer recruits. Tell me, what is it you're looking to find at the School of Combat?"[/sblock]


The little Kobold perks up even more at the praise and cocked his head to one side at the mention of electricity. "Grody... used to pain. What Elktriss....." His voice falters as he has trouble repeating the word.

Squirrels are evil!

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