[5e] Spell & Crossbones

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Queen of Everything
I've been dying to play a pirate game for YEARS! I would definitely be interested... I also need Fenris to help me make up a character for the Arabian game... I haven't forgotten just got hit with a lot of stuff at the same time.

Kira, what do you mean unemployed? I am sorry to hear it.


First Post
Room for one more? I've had experience with PbP games, but not with these forums. Still, got to start somewhere, right?


I've been dying to play a pirate game for YEARS! I would definitely be interested... I also need Fenris to help me make up a character for the Arabian game... I haven't forgotten just got hit with a lot of stuff at the same time.

Kira, what do you mean unemployed? I am sorry to hear it.

Yeah, I was let go yesterday. My posting is thus going to be potentially sporadic as I look for work. :(


Wow! Lots of interest! I just updated my original post with lots of info on the game and character creation. Decided to start everyone at 4th level too. Oh, and happy Halloween :)

To be fair as possible, this is the list of players with priority. 7 players is the maximum I would want to go with, and even that might be pushing what's manageable...
[MENTION=23484]Kobold Stew[/MENTION]


Queen of Everything
What Piratey goodness lurks here, I'm squeeiing inside. I have so many ideas that I can't even narrow them down at the moment. I'd throw in for Captain (fighter or rogue) or Surgeon (cleric) but am open to other things if someone else already has ideas. Or magic - possible Gunner? I've just really wanted to play that typical piratey character forever. While not a great movie, Cutthroat Island's Captain Morgan Adams had so much potential... :D I'm gonna work on this later today. Thanks for posting the info!

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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