Sure, send it to me. I'll check it out.I have a race I'd like to PM to you, if that would be all right?
Sure, send it to me. I'll check it out.I have a race I'd like to PM to you, if that would be all right?
Thanks, mate!Please allow me to say that this game sounds friggin' amazing. I can't wait to read about it as it progresses.
Love your concept! Definitely surprised me, but everything works together really well.Tentative concept - A half-elf from Cozumel who is a slave to the captain, whoever picks up that role. She is a Wizard (Diviner) with the sacred relic bond, haunted and jonah ill fortunes, loa patron and magic trinkets good fortunes, and superstitious mixed fortune. She has prophetic visions and is not entirely sane. As she serves the captain directly as a seer, she doesn't have an actual function aboard the ship and the NPC crew avoid her as she's spooky and eccentric. I'd like to play up the slave aspect with the player of the captain if that player is willing and leave it up to that player as to whether they are cruel or kind to her.
Indeed! I'll quickly address some of the questions/thoughts you had...There are a lot of fun ideas flying around.
Definitely I would allow a "firearms expert" feat mimicking the crossbow expert feat. Pistol-wielding fighters should be a thingGiven the existence of munitions, I am wondering if there can be a "firearms expert" on par with the "crossbow expert" feat -- granting exactly the same bonuses but to firearms instead of crossbows. (Alternately, that crossbow could allow both). That makes a pistol-wielding fighter a viable build.
Great minds! I've stolen a lot from Skull and Bones, but the sail-making tools were strangely missing from that book so I added them based on my (very limited) experience being taught to use a sailor's palm for sewing canvas.I was really delighted at your new tool proficiencies. Just the other day, I was lamenting the absence of sailmaking tools.
I'd say it stays in place. I actually was envisioning Leomund's Tiny Hut being used as a larger magical equivalent to those diving bells that were dropped so they held a pocket of air within them. I except some very creative spell uses from you guysthis has also got me thinking about other spells at sea. Does Leomund's tiny hut sail with a ship? If so, there's room for a few more crew members on a small ship. If not (i.e. if it stays in place and the ship would sail on) then it actually makes a really good anchor in rough harbours -- you cast the spell and attach ropes/nets to that (like the immovable rod in 3.x, but way more ungainly).
Sounds like there could be competition for Captain between you and [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION]! Could make for fun roleplaying?Three character concepts occur to me right now:
* A charismatic fighter, the sort whom you want by your side in shipboard combat. I am currently thinking of a (variant) Human Battle Master, though Paladin (if the archery fighting-style were available to paladins) is also a possibility. (Possible Captain, but also gunner, or Boatswain)
Robinson Crusoe with anger management issues?* A high elf barbarian -- survivor of a shipwreck who fended for himself for far too long. It's a fun idea, but it would end up being a barbarian who can't leverage the benefits of raging -- since dex would be the highest stats. Is that too much to give up just to get eyes of the eagle at level 6?
Cheers!Unsung said:Off to a very good start... Makes me wish I'd come across Skull & Bones sooner. Thanks for having me.
Great character brief! This would mean 2 Jonahs along with [MENTION=6755061]Kiraya_TiDrekan[/MENTION]'s character...that might be a bit too much of a penalty to crew quality...CN human Barbarian 1/Cleric 3 (Tempest domain)
Background: Sailor
Duties: Ship's gunner
Fortunes: Old Salt, Hangin' Look, Treasure Map, Jonah
Wiry and stooped, with the knotted muscles on his back so thick with scars from the lash that you can hardly see the map tattooed there-- one tough old man. The idea here is that he came by his worship honestly, no formal teaching from any church or temple, but amid the bosom of the Sea herself-- he's made the Sea his goddess, for she claimed half a dozen of the ships he's crewed on, but always spared him. So far, at least. He can't read, but he's got a way with words, and he's cobbled together a makeshift religion out of snatches of folklore from any and every seafaring nation.
Love the re-skin of the Fiend pack to his own Luck! Some very creative ideas so far!CG human Warlock 4 ('Fiend' pact, reskinned)
Background: Charlatan
Duties: Cook/Crew?
Fortunes: Strange Luck, Devil's Own Luck, Magic Trinkets, Haunted, Loose Lips
That odd combination of the goodhearted, plucky naif and the layabout huckster, who lives by his wits and his silver tongue, but survives by only the sheerest possible luck. Quite literally, in fact. His pact is with himself, or rather, his luck. So he believes, anyway, and it's this belief that has him cleave to a peculiar code of honour: he must always keep his promises, and pay back every good turn done him, or his good fortune will surely abandon him. For this reason, he is loath to give his word or tell the truth where a lie will do. [The collection of trinkets he carries around are meant to have as much of a hold on him as any warlock's patron, though the character probably thinks of himself as a rogue who happens to have a great many magical knicknacks rather than any kind of magician. He's deluding himself, though.]
Is someone going to play a sahuagin? Kind of hoping that happens.
Ah! I just found a little tidbit for your character: Cozumel is the center of worship for the Mayan moon goddess Ixchel, who is decidedly not popular in the Church.I'd be more than willing to take on rituals. They certainly fit my concept. There's no reason we can't have a couple of ritual casters, though.