[5e] Spell & Crossbones

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Me and Koblad Stew I think. If he wants it that is fine I will come up with something else. You took the voodooey character which is cool so at this point of the evening I do not know what else I would try. But it would be something cool I am sure :D

I rather like the baby angle, actually. If your character is the captain and my character is the captain's slave, perhaps the captain acquired my creepy diviner as a tool, so to speak, to find what she needs to free herself and her child from the family curse. Being cursed by Ixchel, perhaps my character has a special gift for foreseeing the fate of children. ;)


Queen of Everything
I rather like the baby angle, actually. If your character is the captain and my character is the captain's slave, perhaps the captain acquired my creepy diviner as a tool, so to speak, to find what she needs to free herself and her child from the family curse. Being cursed by Ixchel, perhaps my character has a special gift for foreseeing the fate of children. ;)

That sounds amazing. See, that's why I wrote that whole only half formed idea out there because you guys are all awesome with ideas to help put it together. Awwww group hug *hug*


That sounds amazing. See, that's why I wrote that whole only half formed idea out there because you guys are all awesome with ideas to help put it together. Awwww group hug *hug*

I'm so emotional right now.
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION], can you promise me that you'll always drunk post? Like, forever? :)


Queen of Everything
A bit of research for the part of a drunken pirate, eh? ;)

Hahahha!! Well, I was drinking Jamaican Me Happy wine coolers... I guess that the drunk part counts no matter what. I am so embarrassed in my youth I would drink real stuff! Like vodka! And rum! And now I drink cheesy wine coolers. But, it tastes less like piss than the Coronas my brother had at the party. So, there is that.

Actually rum is my favorite, coconut rum. See, I am part pirate already. WHY IS ALL THE RUM GONER? We were out which is why I did not drink the rum tonight. We must fix that presently.


Queen of Everything

There is a Monkey Magnet. MONKEY MAGNET PEOPLE!

Wait, does that mean everywhere you go monkeys follow you? That would be weird.


Queen of Everything
Rum is actually the only thing I'll drink. Can't stand beer, wine is gross, and everything else is...well...not rum. ;)

I am with you sister! Finally Malibu made a I think 151 proof rum. Finally. Soooo yummy. Rum is the best. Light or dark or coconutty. Yummo.

I went to Mexico once and I wasn't feeling good (too much sun and drinks!) and they (we were on a boat tour so that they) gave me tequila and belch. Never again that stuff is disgusting.

Voidrunner's Codex

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