People. Seriously, people. Okay so we were out drinking tonight so probably not gonna get any kind of great character sheets from us tonight lol. However, I am FREAKING OUT reading of all the piratey goodness in this thread. Seriously.
Okay so actually Kira's character fits awesomely with some ideas we're kinda throwing around. I don't know how you guys post like five different characters and then pick just one! I want to play them alllll!
So, I don't have to be Captain especially is someone else wants it. But for now that is kinda what we are thinking about since there isn't a super lot of interest I that so far. Or I have no problem going back and forth with Kobald Stew to see who reigns surpreme lol.
So, like Fenris said, she grew up on the sea, pirating along with her father. Her father was cursed, and now that he's dead the curse passes to my gal.
So, also, she's got a baby. Or a child. Not sure yet. Kira's character comes in here with her midwifery / voodooey / prophecies. Just gotta figure that part out exactly. The child will get the curse if my gal dies so she wants to find the ship to end the curse upon her family. Either her father told her or Kira's did- that the cure for the curse is on the ship.
However, the baby / child might be cursed. Either way this offspring is not with el Captain. Either she didn't want the bambino growing up to be a pirate or some other reason not to keep it. So, to save the baby she must break the curse. Perhaps after she left the baby on the steps of the church and one of her arch nemesises, the bad at heart governor has the child so she must have some kind of rescue. Perhaps the prophecy said the baby would turn evillll so she gave it up but it is really tuning evil with the new parents so she must save the baby to enjoy a pure and good life of piracy. Rofl!
Okay I think this is turning into a drunk post so I'll shut up. Mostly. Did any of that make sense?
And then yes I always play magic users so I want to try something new... Fighting suave swashbuckling style! So I figured that would work somewhere.