[5e] Spell & Crossbones

Ha! Perfect. Well, almost. A quick wikipedia search reveals she is a goddess of midwives and medicine. Doesn't quite fit my concept. Hmm...

Cursed by Ixchel! She was "unbirthed" - primitive cesarean section performed by the European "doctors" on her elven mother, killing her mother in the process. How does that sound?

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I'm toying with a few ideas.

A hulking beast of a man with implacable tattoos and a permanent snarl, a seaman accustomed to rough trade and haunted by an unspoken past. As ship's boson, he is in high demand as his skill is formidable, though a crew must tolerate the brooding, often drunk sailor. Upon his pinky finger he wears a ring, obviously a woman's wedding ring. Asking him of the item returns a swift reminder that you'd best mind yer own. (I'm thinking human, half-orc or Scottish dwarf, with a re-flavor of the monk class to accommodate a brawler).

Ship's cook or quartermaster, a well-educated dwarf with relations to the Oranje royals who has long since fallen from favor after a jovial verbal assault on a noble the court preferred to the cook. He has since taken to the seas, providing an uncommon set of knowledge, skill at the ledger and flair in the kitchen. He's jovial and likeable, a singer and comic with a sharp tongue. (Dutch Dwarven Bard).

Would love to see which you guys would rather see in print.

Ha! Perfect. Well, almost. A quick wikipedia search reveals she is a goddess of midwives and medicine. Doesn't quite fit my concept. Hmm...

Cursed by Ixchel! She was "unbirthed" - primitive cesarean section performed by the European "doctors" on her elven mother, killing her mother in the process. How does that sound?
Sounds suitably horrible and very in genre! The whole "birth caul" and the legends around it relating to second sight and medium-ship might be an interesting connection to becoming a diviner...

Also [MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION], have you given any thought to your character's bond?
[MENTION=6777934]Maldavos[/MENTION] Great character ideas! I'm loving your creativity! Personally, I am for the Dutch Dwarven Bard. But then again I vote for bards 9 times out of 10, so I might be biased :)
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[MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION]- I'm thinking... Curse of Aztec Gold for the old man? I think I'm leaning toward him as the more interesting choice. I like the young warlock's gimmick of a pact with his own luck, but a gimmick is what it is at this point, so maybe that's best saved for later. Needs time. Unless somebody can use it, if they've got an idea?
[MENTION=6777934]Maldavos[/MENTION]- I like the dwarf as well. Maybe not just the cook, or the quartermaster, but the cook, quartermaster, and surgeon, too, why not? A real renaissance man, putting that education of his to good use.

Tentative concept - A half-elf from Cozumel who is a slave to the captain, whoever picks up that role. She is a Wizard (Diviner) with the sacred relic bond, haunted and jonah ill fortunes, loa patron and magic trinkets good fortunes, and superstitious mixed fortune. She has prophetic visions and is not entirely sane. As she serves the captain directly as a seer, she doesn't have an actual function aboard the ship and the NPC crew avoid her as she's spooky and eccentric. I'd like to play up the slave aspect with the player of the captain if that player is willing and leave it up to that player as to whether they are cruel or kind to her.

God that sounds like fun. This just drips with flavor and will yield so many compelling RP opportunities.

[MENTION=6777934]Maldavos[/MENTION]- I like the dwarf as well. Maybe not just the cook, or the quartermaster, but the cook, quartermaster, and surgeon, too, why not? A real renaissance man, putting that education of his to good use.

I dig it. 'Jack of all trades' is a class feature, after all.

Queenie is looking to make a classic swashbuckler (rogue 3/fighter 1). Pistol and sword style, acrobatic and charismatic. Probably daughter of a pirate captain, grew up on the seas. Her father was cursed and the only way to reverse the curse was on the Gloriana. He died searching for the ship. The curse then passed to her, which is why she is searching for it.

People. Seriously, people. Okay so we were out drinking tonight so probably not gonna get any kind of great character sheets from us tonight lol. However, I am FREAKING OUT reading of all the piratey goodness in this thread. Seriously.

Okay so actually Kira's character fits awesomely with some ideas we're kinda throwing around. I don't know how you guys post like five different characters and then pick just one! I want to play them alllll!

So, I don't have to be Captain especially is someone else wants it. But for now that is kinda what we are thinking about since there isn't a super lot of interest I that so far. Or I have no problem going back and forth with Kobald Stew to see who reigns surpreme lol.

So, like Fenris said, she grew up on the sea, pirating along with her father. Her father was cursed, and now that he's dead the curse passes to my gal.

So, also, she's got a baby. Or a child. Not sure yet. Kira's character comes in here with her midwifery / voodooey / prophecies. Just gotta figure that part out exactly. The child will get the curse if my gal dies so she wants to find the ship to end the curse upon her family. Either her father told her or Kira's did- that the cure for the curse is on the ship.

However, the baby / child might be cursed. Either way this offspring is not with el Captain. Either she didn't want the bambino growing up to be a pirate or some other reason not to keep it. So, to save the baby she must break the curse. Perhaps after she left the baby on the steps of the church and one of her arch nemesises, the bad at heart governor has the child so she must have some kind of rescue. Perhaps the prophecy said the baby would turn evillll so she gave it up but it is really tuning evil with the new parents so she must save the baby to enjoy a pure and good life of piracy. Rofl!

Okay I think this is turning into a drunk post so I'll shut up. Mostly. Did any of that make sense?

And then yes I always play magic users so I want to try something new... Fighting suave swashbuckling style! So I figured that would work somewhere. :D

Who is in contention for the captain role?

Me and Koblad Stew I think. If he wants it that is fine I will come up with something else. You took the voodooey character which is cool so at this point of the evening I do not know what else I would try. But it would be something cool I am sure :D

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