[5e] Spell & Crossbones


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So, somewhat counter-intuitively, the way the loading property works in 5e is that you can't attack more than once per action/bonus action/reaction. It doesn't actually specify the need to take any additional action to load. Like other attacks with the ammunition property, loading the weapon is still part of the action to attack. You could fire a crossbow every round, or even more than once per round.

The person who this most affects (Barrington, especially once he gets Extra Attack) already has the feat that negates it (Crossbow/Firearm Expert). If anything, it seems like flintlock weapons would take even longer to reload than crossbows, although it actually does make a little more sense with an Age of Sail-era brace of pistols.

@fireinthedust- How 'bout that bet?
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First Post
Huh! Well, I still prefer the bow for the flavor factor. She may keep a pistol tucked out of sight though, later, since a bow can't really be concealed on her person. :)


First Post
By all means, I wasn't trying to sway you over to the way of the gun. :p It's fitting, and distinctive, and really pretty badass.

Have to say, though, I'm honestly a little torn between ease of play and the added verisimilitude of flintlock weapons taking at least an action (and thus a round) to load.


First Post
[MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION]- A fine thing indeed... I just this very moment noticed the edit where you said we could take 4 Mixed/Good Fortunes.

I know I said I would take Weather Pains, but having thought about it more since then, I don't think it would be appropriate to his love of Calypso for Mr Teague to know or consciously avoid sailing into the storm, were the Sea to decree it so.

Instead, what about some more Magic Trinkets? Mr Teague's got all his many tattoos, and I was thinking maybe a wooden eye underneath his patch?


By all means, I wasn't trying to sway you over to the way of the gun. :p It's fitting, and distinctive, and really pretty badass.
Yes, your characters have all kinds of bad-assery, and Nia certainly is no exception!

Have to say, though, I'm honestly a little torn between ease of play and the added verisimilitude of flintlock weapons taking at least an action (and thus a round) to load.
If you make a round more flexible than "6 seconds" I think it works. You could narrate Firearms Expert as having a brace of pistols, or as having specially prepared shot & powder wads (with lightning fast hands), or even as a custom modified multi-barrel flintlock pistol!

[MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION]- A fine thing indeed... I just this very moment noticed the edit where you said we could take 4 Mixed/Good Fortunes.

I know I said I would take Weather Pains, but having thought about it more since then, I don't think it would be appropriate to his love of Calypso for Mr Teague to know or consciously avoid sailing into the storm, were the Sea to decree it so.

Instead, what about some more Magic Trinkets? Mr Teague's got all his many tattoos, and I was thinking maybe a wooden eye underneath his patch?
Sure, that could work. If you take Magic Trinkets, (a) what Ill Fortune would you take to balance it out? For example, younmight expand his illiteracy into some kind of Ill Fortune... (b) would you want 1 magic item of your choice, or 2 chosen by me as DM? And would Teague be aware they're magic items?


First Post
I have an idea for an Obligation, so I'll tinker with that. And given what you managed for Shayuri, it'd be a shame not to see what else you can come up with. :D Mr Teague won't know which of his tattoos are magical. I'm actually playing him as not being aware he can do magic-- as in he definitely believes in magic and he sees it constantly, he's just not aware he's the one doing it. Any divine spell or cantrip that happens to be cast in his vicinity is just a sign that Calypso's eye is on him. Sometimes she does what he hopes and prays she'll do. Other times just the opposite.


Queen of Everything
I was thinking of changing my trinket, my hat, since Barrington also has the always returning hat. Maybe Quickleaf you want to choose something for me? :D


I was thinking of changing my trinket, my hat, since Barrington also has the always returning hat. Maybe Quickleaf you want to choose something for me? :D
Sure. How about "a golden statuette of Madonna and child"? It seems apropos for Katarina to remind her of her quest.

And added the rest of the background, and a nice little horribly-photoshooped portrait. :)
Nice! Love the story and hunt for Smiling Jack!

Stats also look good to me. You're all good to join in the role playing thread :) Btw, what does her Haunted fortune represent? I mean, what's the nature of her haunting?


First Post
I'm thinking she either relieves the nightmare she had before the summoning, or perhaps she finds herself in the Shadowlands again, awake but asleep...all night long. Never sure if she's going to wake up this time, or if this is it.

As for the IC thread, may I assume for the sake of convenience that Nia was able to overhear the conversation where Claude 'hired' the PCs, and is thus acquainted with the patron and the expedition?

Further, to ease integration, can we arrange perhaps that Nia has some idea of how to help the PCs acquire a ship, if not necessarily a crew? What I'd like is to be able to have her come up and say, "You need a ship, I can help," and therefore immediately be of use.

Would that be allright?
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