[5e] Spell & Crossbones


Btw, I am holding off replying until [MENTION=6777934]Maldavos[/MENTION] [MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION] [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] [MENTION=51930]fireinthedust[/MENTION] get a chance to reply to the hijinx in the tavern and the introduction of the purser (accountant) Badouin to their table.

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Queen of Everything
Btw, I am holding off replying until [MENTION=6777934]Maldavos[/MENTION] [MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION] [MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] [MENTION=75195]FirE[/MENTION]indthedust get a chance to reply to the hijinx in the tavern and the introduction of the purser (accountant) Badouin to their table.

I'm glad you posted this, I thought maybe my last post broke you ;)


I'm glad you posted this, I thought maybe my last post broke you ;)
Haha, takes more than that to break me. I'm a "Kung Fu Panda" DM after all :D

I suspect folks just got busy toward the end of the week, but maybe some folks missed that I'd split the post into tavern scene & veranda negotiation scene. So I wanted to be sure.


Queen of Everything
Haha, takes more than that to break me. I'm a "Kung Fu Panda" DM after all :D

I suspect folks just got busy toward the end of the week, but maybe some folks missed that I'd split the post into tavern scene & veranda negotiation scene. So I wanted to be sure.

Yeah, some people have that "work" thing. Fenris has been busy with work this week. Hopefully he can get to it tonight but I never know with him.


I figured it might be a sort of 'language of the Loa' type thing that sounds like speaking in tongues to outsiders, but it could be a native language. That'd be nice, actually. Lets do that.

As for what native language, I was thinking a sort of West African/Haitian/Jamaican sort of thing, but I'm open to suggestions.
That makes sense with her Voodoo tradition. I was thinking of the connection to Katarina's father Blackheart taking on an island bride named Inka. Probably would make sense if Nia comes from a mixed background (a lot of African, some native, a little white) so Haitian or Jamaican would make sense.

It's a default selection, of course. There'll be times when she prep other spells, but this loadout seems to cover a wide range of applications. Druids are so very limited in their cantrip selection that I was reluctant to use one on a Ship's Mage cantrip so far. As she gains more I would certainly look at them again. As for Detect Magic...I prefer to cast it as a ritual, at least for now. It's rarely a spell you need nownownow, and I only get to prep 7 spells at the moment, plus Circle spells.
Right, I forget clerics and druids can prepare any spells from their respective class lists. As for cantrips, I just wanted to clarify that the Ship Mage fortune grants a bonus cantrip, in case you missed it.

Yes, do the '"2 strange and mysterious magic items chosen by the DM"! Do it, you know you want to

I DO want to. So yes. We'll do that.
Ok, she knows the following two items in her possession are magical and knows most of their properties...enjoy! :)

[h3]Agwé's Brass Nave[/h3]
This weathered teak wood center section (nave or hub) of a broken ship's wheel is capped with brass carved with the veve symbol (a boat with sails) of Agwé, the Master of the Sea and Loa of Tides. Some Voodoo practitioners believe it comes from the ship Immamou on which Agwé carries the dead to the afterlife. The brass nave serves as an arcane focus, druidic focus, and holy symbol for spells related to the sea. It has three powers depending on which ritual and command words are used:

  • Weal of Papa Agwé: By performing a 10 minute ritual you attune the brass nave to a ship with a damaged or missing ship's wheel. The nave spins, growing into a strange ship's wheel made of wood and coral, complete with a magical rudder, allowing one to steer the ship as long as the brass nave serves as the wheel.
  • Woe of Master Agwé: By performing a 10 minute ritual you curse an enemy ship clearly in sight, increasing or decreasing either the sea state or wind state for that ship by one step. This curse lasts while the enemy ship remains in sight or until they approach within cannon-firing range.
  • Trackless Seas of the ImmamouBy performing a 10 minute ritual, you cast pass without trace on the ship you are aboard. However you must roll a d20, and on a 1 (hounded by undead) or 20 (honored guests of Agwé) your ship enters the Shadowlands, the Shores of Death.

[h3]Mama Caille's Recipe Book[/h3]
Disguised as a common pirate recipe book for salmagundi and grog, this book is actually a Voodoo text describing the Great Caille Ceremony, a form of ritual feast for the Loa, complete with the choice offerings for each Loa. The Great Caile Ceremony is used to gain new spells (even those from outside your class list) from a Loa, and is performed during a short rest wherein you set out a feast of the Loa's favored foods as a sacrifice; afterward, you make a Charisma check (with your proficiency bonus for a good offering) to determine how the Loa responds. This "recipe book" grants you advantage on that Charisma check.


[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Yeah, you really DO have a voodoo pirate recipe book of doom ;)

Also I caught 2 things on your rough draft character sheet...

She uses a longbow (d8 damage) instead of a musket (d12) damage. I'm assuming that's for thematic reasons, the better range of a longbow, and never having to worry about getting gunpowder wet, but thought I'd double check.

She should have five languages. English (Common) +1 human +1 bonus from setting, +Abyssal (ranger favored enemy), +Druidic (changed to Loa "speaking in tongues"? Aquan? Native language? Something else?).

EDIT: As soon as you finish up your sheet with a background writeup I think you're good to go for joining in the roleplaying thread!
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First Post
Oh wow, well that's cool then. Lets call languages: English, Creole, Jamaican, Abyssal, "Loa"

As for the weapon choice, the longbow is actually better in terms of damage per round. Muskets have the Load quality, meaning they can only fire every other round. In the same time, a bow can fire twice. So it's not 1d8 vs 1d12. It's 2d8 vs 1d12, plus better range, plus no powder, and finally it fits Nia better...being a more 'primitive' weapon that suits her more 'primitive' origin.

In anticipation of joining the thread, what are your thoughts for getting Nia into the narrative?


In anticipation of joining the thread, what are your thoughts for getting Nia into the narrative?
You tossed out a couple ideas earlier - overhearing in the tavern, from a rival expedition, castaway - and I think any of those could work, depending on when you can join in.

Might be interesting if she was approached by Captain Read Wallace for his expedition after La Gloriosa, but disagreed with his stern discipline and distrust of Voodoo.


First Post
Hm. If he dislikes voodoo, it would be odd for him to approach her. She might have approached him...or perhaps he felt he needed the edge, even though he hated it...

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