[5e] Spell & Crossbones


Queen of Everything
Okay, some possibilities I see. I'm going with the idea that Nia is from the same village here, and that...consequently...that village is now gone, and the person(s) responsible for cursing Kat's dad and therefore her are now dead. But as we all know, curses linger.

1) Though the curse was at the behest of the Chief, it was actually laid down by someone else; a practitioner of the magic arts. Inka had been training to succeed this person, and once she left, a new apprentice was found. This was Nia. She would have been quite young still when Inka was returned, dead, and the curse was cast...but would still remember something like that.

2) Inka was the Chief's daughter, but not his ONLY offspring. He had a son, or another daughter, and Nia is their daughter...she's therefore the Chief's grand-daughter...much as Kat herself is. This tie between them isn't known by either of course, though it's possible they could put the pieces together if they open up to one another.

Either way, as Nia is the only surviving member of the tribe and/or family of the one that cursed Kat's line, there may be a way to end it through her somehow... BUT HOW?


Edit - Come to think of it, these two possibilities aren't mutually exclusive. Why agonize over a decision when we can use it ALL? :)

What do you think?

Nia's all human. Which would mean that th...oh. Was Inka elf? Thaaaaaat would alter how things could happen. Though it COULD still work, if the Chief had more than one wife, perhaps. But it might be overcomplicating things. We can just go with option 1 in that case and say there's no blood connection. :)

When I read your initial post up there I thought the same thing - why not use it all! I think it works very well and more importantly, I LOVE it! Katerina is human and I envisioned her mother - while exotic because of the voodoo thing - as human also. One of Kat's defining bonds is finding a way to break the curse asap so I think it would be great played out as she's trying all these different things (she's been working on it, I think already 2 years, while before her father died he had been doing it for years also) to eventually have had help next to her all along. Great stuff.

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First Post
Yar, I think we've hit the point where we're starting to step on the GM's toes if we go much further, but I really like what we have so far. Cousins! I like what that does for Nia later, as it means she still has some family left after all; something to hold onto...perhaps something to ease her own personal demons as well.

So yep, good stuff. I'll throw that into the background and cook it up!




Yar, I think we've hit the point where we're starting to step on the GM's toes if we go much further, but I really like what we have so far. Cousins! I like what that does for Nia later, as it means she still has some family left after all; something to hold onto...perhaps something to ease her own personal demons as well.

So yep, good stuff. I'll throw that into the background and cook it up!


Don't you mean VOODOO pirate recipe book... OF DOOM ? ;)

Class-wise, are you thinking Ranger 1 / Druid 3? Which Druidic circle, land or moon?


First Post
You do realize that when I was pondering a monk, I naturally considered a Shadow Monk. Which is basically a ninja. But then I realized I'd be making a Ninja Pirate, who was doomed to self-annihilate like a man made of both matter and antimatter.

So I went with this.

Druid 3, Ranger 1...started out druid, then went to ranger. Circle of the Land, with Coast as favored terrain. Coincidentally, that's also her ranger favored terrain. Go figure! Favored enemy is prrrrrrobably Aberration, though if 'human' is possible that could work too since most of her work has been with cultists...

Sheet is being worked on now.


You do realize that when I was pondering a monk, I naturally considered a Shadow Monk. Which is basically a ninja. But then I realized I'd be making a Ninja Pirate, who was doomed to self-annihilate like a man made of both matter and antimatter.
A valid concern. And there can only be one Zombie Monkey Ninja Pirate. He is my co-DM.

So I went with this.

Druid 3, Ranger 1...started out druid, then went to ranger. Circle of the Land, with Coast as favored terrain. Coincidentally, that's also her ranger favored terrain. Go figure! Favored enemy is prrrrrrobably Aberration, though if 'human' is possible that could work too since most of her work has been with cultists...

Sheet is being worked on now.
Instead of PHB races as favored enemies, use real world nationalities. For example, "Spaniards" would include humans and the rare demi-human from Spain, as well as ships flying the Spanish flag.


First Post
Okay, first draft sheet, it's just the mechanics. Details of appearance, background, etc will go on the final draft. To sum it up, Nia is a support caster first, using her ranger abilities for primary offense. She's a good shot with her longbow, can use Shilleilegh and wild shape if things get up close and personal, and tends to save her spell slots for healing and debuffing enemies with Entangle and Faerie Fire. In situations where her bow doesn't cut it, she has Flaming Sphere (great for setting fire to enemy ships at close range) and Moonbeam (radiant damage is good vs undead, and it can expose shapeshifters, plus decent ongoing damage). In noncombat situations she can spam Guidence, and use Enhance Ability to give potent bonuses to ability checks; which she abuses heinously to inflate her skills as Sailing Master. Mirror Image offers good defense at any range, and Misty Step gives her a workaround for her lackluster Athletics bonus when boarding. :)

On the ranger side, she has some pretty sweet bonuses; doubling her proficiency on any 'coast related' Int and Wis check, and gaining the Natural Explorer bennies on food gathering, navigation, etc.

Quickleaf, I haven't decided on the magic item thing yet, but I'm leaning towards the '2 unidentified' item idea, just because I'm curious to see what you come up with for that eclectic and odd mix of items. :)

[sblock]Nia Steeleyes
Neutral Good Human Druid 3/Ranger 1
Background: Sailor

Str 10
Dex 16 (+1 race)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 18 (+1 race, +1 feat)
Cha 14

HP 32
AC 14 (11 + 3)
Prof Bonus +2
Init +3

Race: Human
+1 Dex, +1 Wis
Bonus Feat
Bonus Trained skill

Druidic Language
Ritual Casting
Wild Shape 2/short rest (up to CR 1/4)
Circle of the Land
- Coastal Terrain
- Bonus cantrip
- Spell Recovery (1/2 lvl in spell lvls/short rest)

Favored Enemy (Adv on Wis checks to track and recall info, gain language)
- Aberrations
Natural Explorer (2x prof on Wis/Int checks related to terrain type, gain benefits when traveling through)
- Coast

Armor: Light, Medium, shields (only nonmetal armor)
Weapons: All Simple, All Martial
Tools: Herbalism Kit, navigation tools, water vehicles
Saves: Intelligence and Wisdom

Skills: Athletics, Perception
Tools: Navigational tools, water vehicles
Equipment: Belaying pin, 50 ft silk rope, common clothes, 10 gp, trinket)
Feature: Shelter of the Faithful

Athletics +2
Nature +6
Survival +6
Perception +6
Stealth +5
Insight +6

English, Something, Abyssal

Personality Trait: I do not suffer fools. I conserve magic, using theatrics to fake it when possible.
Bond: I hunt the thing that destroyed what I love, and I will stop at nothing to find and destroy it.
Ideal: What goes around, comes around.
Flaw: I would risk too much, sacrifice too much, to accomplish my goal.

Mixed: Quicksilver eyes
Good: Voodoo rituals, Magic Trinkets
Ill: Haunted, Wastrel

- Observant (+1 Wis, +5 passive Perception and Investigation, read lips)

Spellcasting (Save DC 14)
Slots 1 - 4, 2 - 2
- Guidence
- Shillelagh
- Druidcraft
Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Enhance Ability, Flaming Sphere, Moonbeam
Misty Step, Mirror Image


Staff, +2, 1d6 (+6, 1d8+4 w/shillelagh)
Dagger, +5, 1d4+3
Longbow, +5, 1d8+3, 150/600 rng

Pitch Jacket

3 belt pouches
Herbalism Kit
- Pirate recipe book
- Elaborate compass in scrimshaw case
- Piece of helm's wheel with loa name on it
- Sharkman necklace
- Loud conch shell[/sblock]
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[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Looks like a good first pass. Here are my initial thoughts...

Elf? Whoa, so...how does that work being Katarina's cousin? LOL Looks like you just forgot to change the race to "Human."

What's her alignment?

Looks like you're carrying on this party's tradition of good to great ability rolls. Well done!

For her background as Sailor, would you like to change her background feature to that of another background? I ask only because two PCs - Gunner Teague and Old Zef - both already have the Ship's Passage feature. Up to you.

Druidic. Unless you have an idea for what Druidic means in the game (because I don't), I'd suggest switching this to either her native tongue (perhaps Arawak, Island Carib, or Mayan?) or else Aquan.

Observant is a great feat; it also makes her the best Lookout in the group.

Spells. Good selection. No Ship Mage cantrips of interest? Also, did you give up detect magic? No worries, Old Zef has it, just double checking.

Does Nia cast spells using components or a Druidic focus (staff, mistletoe, totem, yew wand, etc)? It's a flavor thing, but something I'm curious about.

Quickleaf, I haven't decided on the magic item thing yet, but I'm leaning towards the '2 unidentified' item idea, just because I'm curious to see what you come up with for that eclectic and odd mix of items.
Yes, do the '"2 strange and mysterious magic items chosen by the DM"! Do it, you know you want to :)
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First Post
Elf? Whoa, so...how does that work being Katarina's cousin? LOL Looks like you just forgot to change the race to "Human."

Bwah! Yep. This is why I like posting rough drafts before I finalize. :)

What's her alignment?

Oh heck, right. Um. Let us say Neutral Good, but she kind of comes off as Neutral. She has a soft heart in there, but she keeps it under lock and key. And a lot of the time she expresses compassion in hard-to-recognize ways.

Looks like you're carrying on this party's tradition of good to great ability rolls. Well done!

Yeah, I was feeling a little embarrassed about it until I looked at some of the other sheets. All fine now. :)

For her background as Sailor, would you like to change her background feature to that of another background? I ask only because two PCs - Gunner Teague and Old Zef - both already have the Ship's Passage feature. Up to you.

If that's an option, sure! Let us say, 'Shelter of the Faithful' from the Acolyte background, applying to followers of the 'Voodoun' faith? She is capable of identifying herself as a priestess of that tradition.

Druidic. Unless you have an idea for what Druidic means in the game (because I don't), I'd suggest switching this to either her native tongue (perhaps Arawak, Island Carib, or Mayan?) or else Aquan.

I figured it might be a sort of 'language of the Loa' type thing that sounds like speaking in tongues to outsiders, but it could be a native language. That'd be nice, actually. Lets do that.

As for what native language, I was thinking a sort of West African/Haitian/Jamaican sort of thing, but I'm open to suggestions.

Observant is a great feat; it also makes her the best Lookout in the group.

It felt very appropos for someone in her position, doing what she's doing...the clues are so often subtle and fleeting, and the consequences of missing a detail potentially so steep.

...and it's the only feat that boosts Wis. But that had nothing to do with my decision! (^_^)

Spells. Good selection. No Ship Mage cantrips of interest? Also, did you give up detect magic? No worries, Old Zef has it, just double checking.

It's a default selection, of course. There'll be times when she prep other spells, but this loadout seems to cover a wide range of applications. Druids are so very limited in their cantrip selection that I was reluctant to use one on a Ship's Mage cantrip so far. As she gains more I would certainly look at them again. As for Detect Magic...I prefer to cast it as a ritual, at least for now. It's rarely a spell you need nownownow, and I only get to prep 7 spells at the moment, plus Circle spells.

Does Nia cast spells using components or a Druidic focus (staff, mistletoe, totem, yew wand, etc)? It's a flavor thing, but something I'm curious about.

She uses her staff as a spellcasting focus for spells that require one (ie - that permit saving throws).

Yes, do the '"2 strange and mysterious magic items chosen by the DM"! Do it, you know you want to

I DO want to. So yes. We'll do that.


Queen of Everything
So, was there anything I missed that should have been brought up in the negotiations?

[SBLOCK=GM STAY OUT!! :D ] I deliberately did not bring up him having access to any "special" aka magical treasure we may find at the wreck or along the way. [/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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