D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part IX: Paladin)

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Oath of the Ancients 25
Oath of Conquest 14
Oath of the Crown 10
Oath of Devotion 24
Oath of Glory 1
Oath of Heroism 9
Oath of Redemption 19
Oath of Vengeance 24
Oath of the Watchers 21

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
Oath of the Ancients 25
Oath of Conquest 14
Oath of the Crown 10
Oath of Devotion 24
Oath of Glory 1
Oath of Heroism 9
Oath of Redemption 19
Oath of Vengeance 22
Oath of the Watchers 22
I find vengeance a motivation only for the truly foolish and overdone plus got to remove the other edge lord option.


Oath of the Ancients 25
Oath of Conquest 14
Oath of the Crown 10
Oath of Devotion 24 + 1 = 25
Oath of Glory 1
Oath of Heroism 9
Oath of Redemption 19
Oath of Vengeance 22 - 2 = 20
Oath of the Watchers 22

Flights of Fancy

Candy is King
Oath of the Ancients 26
Oath of Conquest 14
Oath of the Crown 10
Oath of Devotion 25
Oath of Glory 1
Oath of Heroism 9
Oath of Redemption 19
Oath of Vengeance 20
Oath of the Watchers 20


Oath of the Ancients 24
Oath of Conquest 14
Oath of the Crown 10
Oath of Devotion 25
Oath of Glory 2
Oath of Heroism 9
Oath of Redemption 19
Oath of Vengeance 20
Oath of the Watchers 20


Oath of the Ancients 24 - 2 = 22
Oath of Conquest 14
Oath of the Crown 10
Oath of Devotion 25
Oath of Glory 2
Oath of Heroism 9
Oath of Redemption 19 + 1 = 20
Oath of Vengeance 20
Oath of the Watchers 20

I’m intrigued that a lot of folks didn’t want any fighter in their kensei or any wizard in their mystic… but are digging getting some Druid in their Paladin…


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
For me it is the Green Knight.

I keep wondering why people keep upvoting the "flower power" paladin...?
I can't speak for everyone, but I'll tell you why I'm upvoting the Oath of Ancients: it's the only one I've played.

Which means that of all the paladins, it stood out as interesting enough for me to actually consider. It had the best flavor imo...a paladin who swore an oath to the forests of his home, a protector of the earth and the wild places. Every other paladin is another edgelord anti-hero, or another "battlepriest-plus-a-gimmick." Been there, done that.

So like I said in another post, I rolled up an Oath of Ancients paladin, choosing Shifter as my race, and picking the Outlander background. I wanted him to be completely different from the same old Churchy Fighter that everyone else plays, so I decided that my paladin and his whole clan practiced ancestor-worship..."the gods" were actually his distant relatives. His clan believed they all descended from a "great wolf" long ago, so my DM suggested that his great-great-great-grandma was probably a werewolf and was therefore the seat of the clan's power.

Anyway, it was a fun character to play.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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