D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part VIII: Mystic, aka Psion)

Nobody would abuse the "one vote per calendar day" rule, right? That would be dishonorable, and we are all honorable gamers here.
  1. I would never think to question the honor of the participants in these polls, with whom I would happily entrust the entirety of my earthly possessions,
  2. However, I think we can all agree that the results of these informally-conducted just-for-fun rpg popularity contests is vitally important to the health of this website, the broader rpg hobby, the D&D brand, and the wider social fabric of polite society, and as such, I think we can all agree that there can be no tolerance for any hint of impropriety that could call into question the validity of these results.
  3. Therefore, rigorous controls must be implemented to protect the sanctity of this august institution..
  4. I dunno, maybe blood tests and wire taps or something..

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
  1. I would never think to question the honor of the participants in these polls, with whom I would happily entrust the entirety of my earthly possessions,
  2. However, I think we can all agree that the results of these informally-conducted just-for-fun rpg popularity contests is vitally important to the health of this website, the broader rpg hobby, the D&D brand, and the wider social fabric of polite society, and as such, I think we can all agree that there can be no tolerance for any hint of impropriety that could call into question the validity of these results.
  3. Therefore, rigorous controls must be implemented to protect the sanctity of this august institution..
  4. I dunno, maybe blood tests and wire taps or something..
I have a friend on the inside who can help.
anonymous GIF


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I like to vote just before midnight, and then immediately after midnight. Just so I can double-downvote something obviously terrible, like the Battle Master Fighter, or the Immortal Mystic, or any subclass of Bard.


View attachment 263894
View attachment 263895
That is what I saw and I figured was the case.

Personally, I think the rule should include a "you cannot vote twice within 12 hours" (along with the just one vote per calendar day), that way everyone can tell you didn't vote twice that day.

It is sort of sneaky IMO, but hey... guilty (myself) in past Survivors LOL! :D

Yeah, I had a later morning than normal and finished a movie about 11:55, so I thought I might as well wait up and vote after midnight. 🤷‍♂️
I thought you could vote only once per day?


I thought you could vote only once per day?
That is true, with day being considered a calendar day for your local time zone. So, if you vote at 11:55 PM on Tuesday, and 12:05 AM on Wednesday you have voted once per day, and then would have to wait until 12:01 AM on Thursday to vote again.

For tactical reasons, some of our posters wait until late on one day to vote, and then wait over the change of day to vote again when the game enters its final phases to give their favourites a boost up.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
For tactical reasons, some of our posters wait until late on one day to vote, and then wait over the change of day to vote again when the game enters its final phases to give their favourites a boost up.
I mean, it's just easier to make a bunch of sock puppet accounts and vote multiple times. It's less suspicious if you slightly vary the votes, but still a solid strategy, like the Sun Tzu of flamewars...

I mean, it's just easier to make a bunch of sock puppet accounts and vote multiple times. It's less suspicious if you slightly vary the votes, but still a solid strategy, like the Sun Tzu of flamewars...
Yes. Explicitly breaking the rules is usually more efficient than trying to rules lawyer into an advantage.

I rather think informal popularity contests are atypical of the conflucts where Sun Tzu's teachings are expected to be applied.

Voidrunner's Codex

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