D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XIV: Wizard)


The High Aldwin
Abjuration 27
Bladesinging 23
Conjuration 24
Divination 29
Enchantment 22
Necromancy 19
Runecrafter 3
Transmutation 25
War Magic 26

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Abjuration 26
Bladesinging 24
Conjuration 25
Divination 25
Enchantment 22
Necromancy 19
Runecrafter 3
Transmutation 25
War Magic 26


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Abjuration 26
Bladesinging 25
Conjuration 25
Divination 25
Enchantment 22
Necromancy 19
Runecrafter 1
Transmutation 25
War Magic 26


The High Aldwin
CORRECTED SCORES: (from post 256 to 257)

Abjuration 26
Bladesinging 25
Conjuration 23
Divination 24
Enchantment 22
Necromancy 19
Transmutation 25
War Magic 26

Time for the REAL competition... Will Bladesinging or War Magic win out, or will one of the surviving PHB options take the road to victory!?

Voidrunner's Codex

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