5e Tomb of Annihilation - OCC

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Since elves don't sleep I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I would think Enanthil would have to remove the shin and hip guards to sit cross-legged in a trance so we will say the armor will be the equivalent of a breatplate when he's trancing if he doesn't want to remove it all.

Steve Gorak

Since elves don't sleep I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I would think Enanthil would have to remove the shin and hip guards to sit cross-legged in a trance so we will say the armor will be the equivalent of a breatplate when he's trancing if he doesn't want to remove it all.
Hey @FrontLine MeatShield,

I always figured Elves just sit/lie next to a tree, a rock, or on the ground, so they don't need to cross their legs (ex: here; you can also go a google search "knight sitting"). I never visualized elves sitting as monks crossed legged in reverie; I see them more looking at the sky, or trees, and meditating that way. If this is acceptable, this is what he would do. Also, please consider that this is magic armor exceptionally comfortable & flexible.

I would also venture that you can sit crossed legged with regular plate armor, but that is entirely your call.

So if the above doesn't work for you (again, entirely your call, and I will respect your decision), can I propose half plate instead of breast plate? This is pretty much the definition of half plate (keep top, no legs); this makes a bit more sense to me than breastplate.

In my opinion, this mithral armor is like the armor of a SWAT team or motorcycle protective gear made of lightweight composites. It's flexible, and doesn't restrict movement.

I look forward to your feedback Meatshield, and whatever your call, I won't have any hard feelings.



I agree. It's absolutely our DM's call. I also don't imagine Elves to sit cross-legged (It's trance, not meditate) - unless they are an elf monk! I see it as standing or sitting blankly.

But you were very generous already with stuff, so feel free to be strict with anything you like.


Possibly a Idiot.
Sry Leatherhead I have no ideal what your talking about.
I suppose I should show you then.
This is what a post looks like to me:


The unformatted text works fine, but the black text is hard to see.

If you are interested in looking at dark mode for yourself, just use this light bulb icon:

Dark Mode..jpg

So I have looked, and looked for some RAW on sleeping in armor. Just to get me out of this pickle, and the only thing I see written about sleeping in armor comes from XGtE pg. 77-78. So we will use these rules for sleeping in armor. It has it that sleeping in light armor has no adverse effects, but medium and heavy armor have the following effects following a long rest:

  • you only regain one quarter of your HD (minimum one die)
  • if you have any levels in exhaustion the rest does not reduce your exhaustion level

This looks to me like it is ok to sleep in heavy armor just not ideal. Which sounds about right. Most nights you won't be worrying about exhaustion or HD and can sleep in the armor with no adverse effect on your character. Its those rare few that you'll have to slip it off and hope for no random encounter LOL

Voidrunner's Codex

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