5e Tomb of Annihilation - OCC

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Did my best although I'm not sure about character personalities and all yet. I went off Amitiel's run in with the thieves guild to give him a cautious of strangers feel.

Also want to run by FitztheRuke an alternative pay for his guiding of the group. I'm thinking that Wakanga would entice the young wizard with the spellbook from his side quest "Wizard's Journal".


Did my best although I'm not sure about character personalities and all yet. I went off Amitiel's run in with the thieves guild to give him a cautious of strangers feel.

Also want to run by FitztheRuke an alternative pay for his guiding of the group. I'm thinking that Wakanga would entice the young wizard with the spellbook from his side quest "Wizard's Journal".

Yeah, that sounds good. I figure Obah's involvement started over acquaintances among Port Nyanzaru spellcasters. They're not friends, I imagine, but they know of each other. Obah is sympathetic to Syndra's plight, of course. I'm happy for a deal like that to have been worked out.

Looks like I will need my first roll on here... DC20 History from Amitiel - to see what he remembers reading about Mezro during his research.

I don't know how to handle rolls, whenever i click on a linked roll in someone's IC it leads to CoyoteCode, but that sight doesn't let me do any kind of rolling or make a profile. Can't you roll here I read that somewhere. [roll]1d20[/roll]

Voidrunner's Codex

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