5e Tomb of Annihilation - OCC


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Looks like I will need my first roll on here... DC20 History from Amitiel - to see what he remembers reading about Mezro during his research.

I don't know how to handle rolls, whenever i click on a linked roll in someone's IC it leads to CoyoteCode, but that sight doesn't let me do any kind of rolling or make a profile. Can't you roll here I read that somewhere. [roll]1d20[/roll]
The forum had the dice roller, but it was disabled at some point after the crash.
I use Coyote since I have the access from work :)

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No prefrence from me how anyone rolls I was just wondering how I was going to since Coyote wouldn't let me roll. Oroko let me set up a profile - do you believe FrontLineMeatShield was taken ugh, and let me make a test roll so I'm not so scared about it anymore.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Looks like I will need my first roll on here... DC20 History from Amitiel - to see what he remembers reading about Mezro during his research.

I don't know how to handle rolls, whenever i click on a linked roll in someone's IC it leads to CoyoteCode, but that sight doesn't let me do any kind of rolling or make a profile. Can't you roll here I read that somewhere. [roll]1d20[/roll]
History for Mezro: 1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24

Hello all, want to let you know I'm liking the route this is taking. I would like to go ahead here and get everyone's thumbs up/down for this proposed route so I can go ahead and map it out for myself.

So the route is North along the coast to Fort Belurain, then downriver a bit, then east through the jungle to Mezro. Knowing ahead will give me time to right write some area posts, and figure out encounters, NPCs and such.

But before all that you will all be spending a last day in Port Nyanzaru, and attending a Dinosaur Race. Which will also give you time for a bit of last minute shopping, and prep if you wish it.

But please let me know if going north first is ok with everyone. On a side note it doesn't matter much how you get to Mezro, I just wanted a liitle heads up for prep time on this end.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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