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D&D 5E [5e] Witcher: Mother of Monsters


Two questions:
A) There is an advanced mutation named and themed for five of the six witcher schools, why no love for the Griffins?
I couldn't think of one that fit. If you notice, each of the advanced mutations themed to a witcher school takes into account some ability of the animal. For example, Owl Eyes reflecting an owl's keen vision. Griffon are known for having keen sight, so it seemed redundant to have another sight-based mutation.

Unless you have an idea you'd like to pitch?

EDIT: How about this? Kinda makes sense if griffon witchers were originally on the lookout for dragons, manticores, and other flying beasts...

Griffon Eyes: You can see twice as far as a human outdoors (i.e. up to 80 mies atop a mountain, up to 4 miles on a clear day, up to 2 miles on a rainy or cloudy day, and up to 200-600 feet on a foggy day) and you don’t suffer disadvantage to your Wisdom (Perception) checks in a lightly obscured area.

B) Since Griffins learn to use shields as part of the school, can they learn to use Witcher signs while using a shield?
The short answer is "Yes, you can use Signs while wielding a shield."

I imagine griffon witchers use shields which are strapped to the arm and wrist & thus the actual handgrip can be held when parried but let go of to free the hand for casting Signs. When casting an offensive sign like Aard or Igni I imagine the griffon witcher has to raise the shield at an angle for a moment to get a clear line from his fingertips to his opponent, possibly a moment of decreased defenses. Obviously, stuff like this doesn't have a direct translation to D&D mechanics and that's OK.

For example, leaping off a waterfall into water with a shield strapped to your arm is going to make swimming challenging, and likewise if a situation emerged where you wanted to quickly doff your shield that would require cutting the straps or taking the time to unbuckle them as an action.

Another example, in the rare situation against a skilled opponent who knows witcher tactics, you might find an enemy readying an attack for when you cast an a Sign offensively, and on that readied attack they ignore your shield bonus to defense.

But these are outlying scenarios.

EDIT: Also, I'll be improving the Edge of the Shield 15th level ability. I know that we may never even reach 15th level, but that ability needs a major upgrade.
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Queen of Everything
Finally made it through the thread, yay! Lol Lots of awesome, exciting ideas. Jon's furiously typing away on Princess Melora, which I'll fix up when he's done. I'm also excited to play a new, different character class. So happy we got into this game!


Ok [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION], I am looking at starting items from the table and an uncommon magic item. I wanted to run them by you first. I was considering either a Sentinel Shield or a Weapon of Warning, either ok?


Finally made it through the thread, yay! Lol Lots of awesome, exciting ideas. Jon's furiously typing away on Princess Melora, which I'll fix up when he's done. I'm also excited to play a new, different character class. So happy we got into this game!
Yes! I'm looking forward to this game too! A good group of players, nice party composition, and I've got an intriguing story setup.

Ok [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION], I am looking at starting items from the table and an uncommon magic item. I wanted to run them by you first. I was considering either a Sentinel Shield or a Weapon of Warning, either ok?
Absolutely, either is fine. Maybe include a bit about the item in your background?


Ok [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION], here are our two characters. Not quite entirely finished, but the majority of the characters are done. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Fergus Llew Gawain
Height 6’ 2”; Weight 210# ; Hair:. ; Age 21; Patron Deity:
Sex: Male Race: Human Class: Witcher (Griffin School)
Alignment: Lawful Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +2; Passive Wisdom (Perception) 13 (Advantage on Initiative and Perception)
Languages : Common, Skellige

AC 18 (Armor 14, +2 Dex, +2 Shield)
HP 36 (HD: 10 + 6 CON )
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Constitution, Dexterity
Speed 30ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14 , Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12
STR 15, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 13, WIS 13, CHA 12
Racial Traits: +1 to Any two Stats, 1 Feat, 1 proficiency
Background: Soldier
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics and Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Gaming Set (Gwent), Vehicles (land)
Equipment: Gwent set, common clothes, belt pouch with 10 gp

Personality Trait:

Class Features:
Mutant (Immune to disease, darkvision 60 ft, extended lifespan)
The Medallion (Detect presence of monsters within 30 ft, action to sense magic within 30 ft)
Witcher Alchemy (
Witcher School
Witcher Signs
Combat Superiority (4 superiority dice, 2 maneuvers)
School Feature (Proficiency with shields)

Class Proficiencies: Armor: Light, Medium Armor, Shields
Weapons: All Simple and Martial Weapons
Tools: Herbalism Kit
Saving throws: Constitution, Dexterity
Skills: Choose 2 from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation,
Nature, Perception, Stealth, Survival

Combat Maneuvers (4 superiority dice, d8)
Precision Attack. When you make a weapon attack roll against a creature, you can expend one superiority die to add it to the roll. You can use this maneuver before or after making the attack roll, but before any effects o f the attack are applied.

Shield Swipe. When you hit a target while wielding a shield, you can spend a superiority die to
deal extra damage equal to the number rolled. In addition, your AC increases by an amount
equal to the number rolled against only the target you just attacked until the start of your next

Witcher Signs: Casting a Sign is an action that requires a free hand, requiring only a somatic gesture. Each has three uses: an at-will effect, a combat application, and an empowered effect which becomes available at 7th level. Firstly, there is no limit to how often you can use the at-will effect of a Sign. Secondly, when you use a Sign for combat, it is expended and can only be recharged by concentrating for a full round; each round you concentrate for allows you to recharge one Sign you’ve expended. The maximum number of times you can recharge Signs is equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1); after this you need to take a short or long rest before you can recharge Signs again. Thirdly, once you reach 7th level you may empower the Sign you’re currently casting by expending the use of another Sign.
HELIOTROPE: Heliotrope is a simple ward against magic and spells based on the absence of elements. At-Will Effect: As a reaction when a spell or magical effect would force you to move, you reduce the forced movement by 10 feet.
Combat Effect: As a reaction when a spell or magical effect targets you, either the attack roll is disadvantaged or your saving throw is advantaged.
Empowered Effect: In addition to the combat effect, you gain resistance to any damage caused by the magic or spell.

YRDEN: Yrden draws power from the fifth element of aether, creating a magical trap on the ground to
snare your enemies.
At-Will Effect: Choose an object within 10 feet of you. You can decipher a discrete magical
inscription on that object that would otherwise be unintelligible, including a spell, a line of
mystical runes, the name of a specific glyph or symbol, etc. Decipher this writing does not
invoke the magic contained in it.
Combat Effect: You place a fixed magical ward in a 10 foot diameter circle around you that is
invisible to normal senses and lasts for as long as you concentrate on it, up to 1 minute. There
are two versions of this ward that you may place:
• Radiant Ward: The next creature hostile to you that enters the area triggers the ward, and
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 radiant
damage and is restrained until the end of its next turn, and on a successful save the creature
takes half as much damage. Once triggered, the ward ends.
• Magic Ward: Monsters normally resistant to nonmagical weapons can be affected normally

within the area of the ward, and they treat the area within the ward as difficult terrain.
Empowered Effect: The radiant ward deals 5d6 radiant damage instead and the creature is
stunned instead of restrained. The magic ward applies to monsters normally immune to
nonmagical weapons, they cannot take bonus actions or reactions within the ward, and
projectiles fired into or thru the warded area are destroyed.

Shield Master. You use shields not just for protection but also for offense. You gain the following benefits while you are wielding a shield:
• If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can usea bonus action to try to shove a creature within 5 feet o f you with your shield.
• If you aren’t incapacitated, you can add your shield’s AC bonus to any Dexterity saving throw you make against a spell or other harmful effect that targets only you.
• If you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, interposing your shield between yourself and the source o f the effect.

Skills (P proficiency)
+2 Acrobatics
+1 Animal Handling
+1 Arcana
+5 Athletics P
+1 Deception
+1 History
+3 Insight P
+3 Intimidation P
+3 Investigation P
+1 Medicine
+1 Nature
+3 Perception P
+1 Performance
+1 Persuasion
+1 Religion
+2 Sleight of Hand
+2 Stealth
+1 Survival

Herbalism Kit

Scale Armor
Silver Longsword
Sentinel Shield (advantage on Initiative and Perception)
Dungeoneers pack

Background: Fergus Llew Gawain was born in the Skellige Islands. Even before he was born he had been claimed by a Witcher. His father, a local lord, was plagued by a troll. Witcher Judoc answered the reward offer. After he had killed and burned the troll, Judoc collected his payment and was to leave (rather stridently asked), the troll’s tribe descended from the highlands for revenge. Lord Gawain offered anything for Judoc to stop the rampage that had already claimed two entire villages. Judoc invoked the ancient price “that which you have but do not know”. Judoc, of the Bear school, took a methodical approach, using several living sheep to lure the trolls into an oil soaked house. After locking them in and burning them alive, Judoc used acid to finish the job.

Several years later Judoc came back to claim his price, a young lad full of promise. With the Bear school destroyed by Raghnall, Judoc took Fergus down to the Amell mountains, far from his home to be trained in the Griffin school. There Fergus was subjected to the harsh trials of the Witcher. He survived and thrived in the school, learning the style of the Griffins well. He did so well that he was awarded an ancient heirloom of the Griffin’s, a special shield designed to empower the wielder with the awareness of the griffin. With few Witchers left, the heirlooms are more available to be given to the few who pass the trials.

After his trials, the skin of the young Skellian began to manifest strange marks. As he passed further trials and grew in age, the marks grew darker and more clear. As a young man, the marks became clear. Fergus’ back, chest, legs and arms were covered in runes. Ancient runes that no one in the school could read. He was referred to the Owl school, but hasn’t taken the time to head there. No one knows if these runes provide a message, grant the witchering powers or some other effect.

Once he survived all the trials, and had been trained in all the techniques of a Witcher, Fergus set out to earn his living as a Witcher. Fergus started out small, taking a few contracts in the mountains to hunt down some pesky nekkers. With some experience and coin, Fergus traveled north as it seemed that was where there were more monsters, or at least reports of monsters as the Nilfgaardians don’t let much information travel.

After wandering from village to village for some time, he came across a small village in the Posada region looking to hire a witcher. They claimed to have a hag living in the woods who had cursed the village.

Fergus went to the cottage, but saw none of the other signs of a hag, other than her appearance. Fergus approached Melora/the hag and asked to speak with her, Melora was hesitant at first, knowing she looked like a hag and that the Witcher had been sent to kill her. But as she found the Witcher to not be in a hurry to kill her, and indeed to accept her as a person not as a hag. They spent the day talking and drinking tea. By the end of the day a friendship was formed. Together they decided to track down the source of the curse.

Together they ventured further into the woods, finding evidence of rot and sticky sweet saps in the trees. They both suspected a black annis and their fears held true when they found the candy house in a tree. The annis had cast the curse to force the children to wander into the woods to find food and make them easier to capture. Together they were able to slay the monster after a long battle. As the blood of the black annis sprayed onto Melora as it died, she began to change. The curse was lifted and her rightful appearance was restored. Despite his Witcher’s training to be free of emotion, Fergus could do nothing as he stared at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. After a few minutes of staring, Melora asked him if he had been turned to stone by the annis. Chagrinned, Fergus blushed and they both laughed. The death of the annis lifted the curse on the region.

Despite the fact that Witchers most often travel alone, Fergus could not resist the opportunity to stay nearer this amazing woman. Together they traveled the region and took a few more jobs. Melora actually found the latest job. While it wasn’t a traditional Witcher job, it wasn’t against the code so Fergus felt he could take it. They were to escort a local girl to safety among the elves.

Fergus suspects, but does not know that there may have been another hag or two who were part of a coven with the hag they killed.


Orlaith (golden princess)

Height 5’ 4”; Weight 110# ; Hair:. ; Age 21; Patron Deity:
Sex: Female Race: Half-Elf Class: Source (Wise Lineage)
Alignment: Chaotic Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +3; Passive Wisdom (Perception) 15
Languages : Common, Elder Speech,

AC 13
HP 27 (HD: 6 + 9 CON )
Saving Throw Proficiencies: Constitution, Charisma
Speed 30ft.
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 16 , Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 20

Racial Traits: +1 to Any two Stats,+2 Cha, Darkvision 60ft., Advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can’t put you to sleep, Proficiency in two skills, +1 Language
Background: Hermit
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine and Religion
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit

Personality Trait:
Bond: Sacred Relic

Class Features:
Innate Magic: Don’t need components, magical aura, cast detect magic at will.
Sorcerous Bloodline: Wise Lineage
Source Weakness
Proficiency with Herbalism kit
Way of the Wise
Curative Forensics

Class Proficiencies: Armor: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: None
Saving throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose 2 from Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Nature and Persuasion

Skills (P proficiency)
+3 Acrobatics
+1 Animal Handling
+3 Arcana P
+0 Athletics
+5 Deception
+1 History
+1 Insight
+5 Intimidation
+1 Investigation
+3 Medicine P
+3 Nature P
+1 Perception
+5 Performance
+5 Persuasion
+3 Religion P
+3 Sleight of Hand
+3 Stealth
+1 Survival

Herbalism Kit

Spells Known:
Cantrips: 4
1st: Cure Wounds, Find Familiar, 3
2nd: Lesser Restoration, Augury, 1

Spells Per Day:
1st: 4
2nd: 2

Light crossbow
20 quarrels
Two daggers
A small gnomish music box (plays a tune faintly remembered from childhood)
Explorer’s pack

The third daughter of the King and Queen of Cintra was born a beautiful little princess. It soon became obvious though that she was special in more ways than one. Both the King and Queen had Eldar blood, but in Princess Orlaith, the Eldar blood was particularly concentrated. So much so that her ears were pointed, she had the thin, fine features found more commonly in elves. Fearing a backlash among the population or worse accusations of infidelity, the princess wore lots of hats until her hair grew long enough to cover her ears and pass as human more often than not.

The Eldar blood manifested in other ways as well. Toys and dolls moved on their own accord. As she grew, it became obvious that she was a Source. Her mother, Pavetta was also a source, it was however a very different world from when Pavetta’s powers manifested when her husband showed up to claim her. There was a concern then over her powers as well as obvious racial identity. On her fifth birthday though, when she didn’t get the pink dress she really wanted and she threw a fit that things got bad. The Source flowed through her uncontrollably. Luckily no one was hurt, but she did cause extensive damage to an entire wing of the castle. It was then decided that her presence would endanger the safety of the kingdom, as superstitious peasants would not accept a member of the ruling family to be uncontrollable. So she was sent away. No word was said, but from the age she left, most people assumed she had been given to the Witchers.

In fact she was sent away to the Posada region to be trained so that she would not be a danger to herself or others. The Posada region was well known for it’s accetance of Sources, especially thouse who were Wise (often referred to as White Witches). She was delivered to a wise old woman Osfala, the local herbalist, healer, and prophet. There she was given a new name, Melora, and trained to use the Source. She grew to be a beautiful young woman, no longer ashamed to show her exotic beauty among a more open population. Additionally, her powers were mostly under control, at least as much as any Source could be. She was an accomplished healer, knew her local herbs, and could see at times into the future.

The day came when she had finished her apprenticeship, and built a small cottage out in the forest of her own near a different village. Things went well for a while. She mostly served the womenfolk with medicine, midwifery and advice. Until things went bad. Strange things began to happen near the village; milk would turn sour, frogs appeared in the well, springs ran dry, and locusts ate the crops. The villagers of course blamed a curse, a curse laid on them by the witch in the woods. The fact that no one asked her if she did it or why didn’t seem to matter. Some of the women folk went to see Melora to ask for advice, but found a hag living in her cottage. Melora had felt the curse and had been fighting it. Unfortunately it had been to strong and she had a surge that turned her into a hag. While Melora was not vain about her beauty, she was very distressed about being a hag as it meant she would not be accepted to help people.

Distressed, the village hired a witcher to kill the hag and lift the curse. Fortunately for Melora, the Witcher who found the job was Fergus Llew. Fergus went to the cottage, but saw none of the other signs of a hag, other than her appearance. Fergus approached Melora/the hag and asked to speak with her, melora was hesitant at first, knowing she looked like a hag and that the Witcher had been sent to kill her. But as she found the Witcher to not be in a hurry to kill her, and indeed to accept her as a person not as a hag. They spent the day talking and drinking tea. By the end of the day a friendship was formed. Together they decided to track down the source of the curse.

Together they ventured further into the woods, finding evidence of rot and sticky sweet saps in the trees. They both suspected a black annis and their fears held true when they found the candy house in a tree. The annis had cast the curse to force the children to wander into the woods to find food and make them easier to capture. Together they were able to slay the monster after a long battle. As the blood of the black annis sprayed onto Melora as it died, she began to change. The curse was lifted and her rightful appearance was restored. Despite his Witcher’s training to be free of emotion, Fergus could do nothing as he stared at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. After a few minutes of staring, Melora asked him if he had been turned to stone by the annis. Chagrinned, Fergus blushed and they both laughed. The death of the annis lifted the curse on the region.

However, Melora found that the local village no longer trusted her, thinking she might be a hag under a glamour. Saddened by the loss of her village, Melora decided that she would spend some time wandering around, perhaps hunt some monsters with the Witcher. As luck would have it she soon found a position to escort another young source to safety in the Posada.

Two issues from Melora’s past are unknown to her. She is not aware that she was born into a royal family. Of course some people are aware and of course the restoration of a throne is always on some minds. The other is that the black annis that she and Fergus killed had a sister in the Posada region…….




[MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] The characters look good, and you've got a nice backstory that interweaves for both Fergus and Melora. Some specific thoughts:

Obviously the personality traits, bonds, ideals, and flaws need to be decided. And skills. Also Melora's metamagic / sorcery points are missing.

Fergus: With his Soldier background, are you using that to represent his Witcher training? Or did you actually mean to imply an association with some armed forces?

Melora: I'm thinking there is a village to the west of the Posada region map (off map) where the hag business went down, will have to think of a name. Also, the fact that she had human parents and is essentially a half-elf is a BIG deal for elves, since they are in a losing genetic race with humans (elven blood being diluted & having a low birth rate than humans).

When you finish up the characters post them to the RG?

Also [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] and [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION] haven't heard from you, but post your characters when you get the chance!
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First Post
Yar, almost done. Sorry. Took forever to pick a Background, and then I got too sleepy to quiiiite finish last night. :)

Axel, I have one suggestion for your character, which you should feel free to ignore without any issue. As your character is the one who will probably be handling traps (you are the only with with proficiency with thief tools), you might want to choose Perception instead of Insight as a skill to be proficient in, if you have that choice.
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Cool, almost everyone's PCs are up or half-way up. Later today I'll post a RP thread for everyone to get acquainted - it'll be in media res while you're traveling with Odvara approaching the Aedirn / Dol Blathanna border. I am assuming some of the PCs traveled with her from Gulet and some are meeting her in southern Aedirn

[MENTION=6787159]Skarsgard[/MENTION] This is a Scioa'tael mission for Darius, an unusual one, but a mission nevertheless. It's also personal because he knew Odvara growing up in Gulet. He is part of the original escort leaving Gulet.
[MENTION=93196]Axel[/MENTION] Odvara's father had reached out to Kynee's criminal contacts about a smuggling job that would provide her with good cover for her real delivery of smuggled alchemy to the elves, and it turned out to be smuggling his daughter Odvara. She is part of the original escort leaving Gulet.

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] ?
What's Talashia's involvement with Odvara? Maybe the Lodge/Conclave she was apprenticed to had been tracking Odvara? Maybe a chance encounter and she hopes to help a fellow Source? Maybe she also has a connection to [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]'s Druid PC? Maybe something else?

[MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] [MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] Fergus and Melora have traveled into Aedirn to meet up with Odvara and her existing escort. Melora, for who this is more personal helping a fellow Source, learned of Odvara thru her Druid contact - [MENTION=15132]Steve Gorak[/MENTION]'s PC who accompanies them. Their trio, Melora and Steve Gorak's PC especially, are the experts in the Posada region.

Let's see...any questions?
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Queen of Everything
I'm going to totally be a pain in the ass and change my character's name. Just drop the M and make it Elora. I'm finding I am getting confused with another character whose name starts with M. Sorry! We're still working on the small details but we're excited to get started. Just a busy weekend. Hopefully we have time tonight to get them finished and posted.

I was thinking exactly what you wrote QL... Elora heard about Odvara's plight and can sympathize, so felt a pull to help. Have no problem hooking up with Steve's character!


No worries!

Ok, the RP thread is up!

Consider the next couple days a prelude to the adventure. I want you all to have time to finish your characters, get a feel for your character's voice, talk with Odvara, establish any background you want to, decide on the route you want to take into Posada, and generally just have some in-character downtime without any pressure. Feel free to ask me any setting questions you might have too; you can use [ OOC ] [ / OOC ] tags when you want to post something out-of-character.

If it's OK with you all, rather than use XP I'd like to use a narrative-based leveling system. Basically, whenever you accomplish a major quest (e.g. deciding what to do with Odvara and then doing it) then you gain a level. Let me know if there are objections?

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