Hypothetical: you have been put in charge of a new D&D PHB, but you have a mandate: there shall be but 6 core classes, each tied to one of the 6 Ability Scores (ie that's their "prime stat"). You are allowed to create however many subclasses that will fit in the book, but you MUST maintain 6 core focused on individual stats.
What are your 6? What subclasses do you include?
Mine with some subclass notes:
STR: Fighter. Subclasses focused on weapon mastery versus heavy armor versus niche archetypes (like a mounted knight).
DEX: Rogue. Subclasses include both thief things and scouty things.
CON: Ranger but really "survivalist". I would tie both the beast master and the berserker to this class, plus maybe a Tarzan variant.
INT: Wizard. Instead of schools, the Subclasses would focus on fictional and literary archetypes, from Gandalf to Harry Potter to Dresden.
WIS: "Cleric" though I hate the term. "Channeler" maybe? Anyway, this class covers clerics, druids, warlocks and paladins in its archetypes. If you get your powers from some otherworldly entity, this is your class.
CHA: Sorcerer. If you power comes from within, this is your class. Bards would be a sorcerer subclass, not wizard, and I might be inclined to warrior Monks into this space. The problem is Charisma is really wonky as a stat and simultaneously covers guile and straight up id. It's a tough one. Maybe the monk is a Con subclass?
Anyway, what would you do?
What are your 6? What subclasses do you include?
Mine with some subclass notes:
STR: Fighter. Subclasses focused on weapon mastery versus heavy armor versus niche archetypes (like a mounted knight).
DEX: Rogue. Subclasses include both thief things and scouty things.
CON: Ranger but really "survivalist". I would tie both the beast master and the berserker to this class, plus maybe a Tarzan variant.
INT: Wizard. Instead of schools, the Subclasses would focus on fictional and literary archetypes, from Gandalf to Harry Potter to Dresden.
WIS: "Cleric" though I hate the term. "Channeler" maybe? Anyway, this class covers clerics, druids, warlocks and paladins in its archetypes. If you get your powers from some otherworldly entity, this is your class.
CHA: Sorcerer. If you power comes from within, this is your class. Bards would be a sorcerer subclass, not wizard, and I might be inclined to warrior Monks into this space. The problem is Charisma is really wonky as a stat and simultaneously covers guile and straight up id. It's a tough one. Maybe the monk is a Con subclass?
Anyway, what would you do?