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Periapt of Undead Disruption
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Turn Undead ability)
Many denominations of the Gods of Toril despise the undead, and have perfected ways of making their holy symbols carry extra power to stymie these foul creatures. The wielder of this holy symbol gains an extra use of their “Channel Divinity” per day, however it can only be used to Turn Undead. Additionally the user may add their Charisma bonus to the save DC for this use.
Knowledge Domain:
Monocle of Cognition
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Blessings of Knowledge ability)
Once per day while wearing this stylish Monocle, the user may activate it to be able to read any written language, provided it is not magical in nature. The user may instead gain advantage on any type of Knowledge check. Duration 10 minutes. While wearing this the user has disadvantage on Charisma skill checks that influence others.
Life Domain:
Mantle of Life
Wondrous item (cloak), rare,(cannot be activated unless owner has Disciple of Life ability)
This loose sleeveless garment is worn over the owner's clothes. Once per day it’s owner may use their reaction to activate the mantles power. WHen a friendly ally would take enough damage to knock them unconscious, the wearer of the mantle may choose to take the damage instead.
Light Domain
Bracers of Brilliance
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Warding Flare ability)
This blue chainmail glitters in stormy weather as if trying to contain lightning. While wearing it once per day the wearer may absorb the damage of a single source of either lightning or thunder damage. While the armor holds the charge of an attack the wearer gains resistance to lightning or thunder damage (whichever they were struck with). The wearer may choose to expend the charge from the armor inflicting the amount of damage absorbed to any creature within 5 ft. The target may succeed at a DC15 Dex save for half damage. If the wearer does not expend the charge before a short or long rest, it harms the wearer for half of the amount of damage absorbed, and becomes un-charged.
Nature Domain
Familiar field guide
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Acolyte of Nature ability)
This small book contains info about the most common and most dangerous or helpful plants and animals within the local area. While holding it the user gains advantage on Nature checks, and once a week may cast the spell Find Familiar.
Tempest Domain
Chained Lightning
Armor (chainmail), very rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Wrath of the Storm ability)
This blue chainmail glitters in stormy weather as if trying to contain lightning. While wearing it once per day the wearer may absorb the damage of a single source of either lightning or thunder damage. While the armor holds the charge of an attack the wearer becomes immune to lightning or thunder damage (whichever they were struck with). The wearer may choose to expend the charge from the armor inflicting the amount of damage absorbed to any creature within 5 ft. The target may succeed at a DC15 Dex save for half damage. If the wearer does not expend the charge before a short or long rest, it harms the wearer for half of the amount of damage absorbed, and becomes un-charged.
Trickery Domain
Tricksters Coin
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Blessings of Knowledge ability)
While holding this coin the owner may use the cantrip Prestidigitation as if they know the spell. Additionally, once per day the coin may duplicate itself up to 10 times. These duplicate coins show up as magical if a Detect Magic spell is cast on them, but have no effects or abilities. After 1 hour the coins disappear into an illusory shower of sparks and smoke.
War Domain
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Blessings of Knowledge ability)
This belt has an ornate buckle that changes shape to match the symbol of the God of the cleric wearing it. Once per day the wearer may activate it to grant all allies within 30ft advantage on their next attack. Any enemies within 30ft must make a DC 14 Charisma save or gain disadvantage on their next attack.
Periapt of Undead Disruption
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Turn Undead ability)
Many denominations of the Gods of Toril despise the undead, and have perfected ways of making their holy symbols carry extra power to stymie these foul creatures. The wielder of this holy symbol gains an extra use of their “Channel Divinity” per day, however it can only be used to Turn Undead. Additionally the user may add their Charisma bonus to the save DC for this use.
Knowledge Domain:
Monocle of Cognition
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Blessings of Knowledge ability)
Once per day while wearing this stylish Monocle, the user may activate it to be able to read any written language, provided it is not magical in nature. The user may instead gain advantage on any type of Knowledge check. Duration 10 minutes. While wearing this the user has disadvantage on Charisma skill checks that influence others.
Life Domain:
Mantle of Life
Wondrous item (cloak), rare,(cannot be activated unless owner has Disciple of Life ability)
This loose sleeveless garment is worn over the owner's clothes. Once per day it’s owner may use their reaction to activate the mantles power. WHen a friendly ally would take enough damage to knock them unconscious, the wearer of the mantle may choose to take the damage instead.
Light Domain
Bracers of Brilliance
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Warding Flare ability)
This blue chainmail glitters in stormy weather as if trying to contain lightning. While wearing it once per day the wearer may absorb the damage of a single source of either lightning or thunder damage. While the armor holds the charge of an attack the wearer gains resistance to lightning or thunder damage (whichever they were struck with). The wearer may choose to expend the charge from the armor inflicting the amount of damage absorbed to any creature within 5 ft. The target may succeed at a DC15 Dex save for half damage. If the wearer does not expend the charge before a short or long rest, it harms the wearer for half of the amount of damage absorbed, and becomes un-charged.
Nature Domain
Familiar field guide
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Acolyte of Nature ability)
This small book contains info about the most common and most dangerous or helpful plants and animals within the local area. While holding it the user gains advantage on Nature checks, and once a week may cast the spell Find Familiar.
Tempest Domain
Chained Lightning
Armor (chainmail), very rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Wrath of the Storm ability)
This blue chainmail glitters in stormy weather as if trying to contain lightning. While wearing it once per day the wearer may absorb the damage of a single source of either lightning or thunder damage. While the armor holds the charge of an attack the wearer becomes immune to lightning or thunder damage (whichever they were struck with). The wearer may choose to expend the charge from the armor inflicting the amount of damage absorbed to any creature within 5 ft. The target may succeed at a DC15 Dex save for half damage. If the wearer does not expend the charge before a short or long rest, it harms the wearer for half of the amount of damage absorbed, and becomes un-charged.
Trickery Domain
Tricksters Coin
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Blessings of Knowledge ability)
While holding this coin the owner may use the cantrip Prestidigitation as if they know the spell. Additionally, once per day the coin may duplicate itself up to 10 times. These duplicate coins show up as magical if a Detect Magic spell is cast on them, but have no effects or abilities. After 1 hour the coins disappear into an illusory shower of sparks and smoke.
War Domain
Wondrous item, rare, (cannot be activated unless owner has Blessings of Knowledge ability)
This belt has an ornate buckle that changes shape to match the symbol of the God of the cleric wearing it. Once per day the wearer may activate it to grant all allies within 30ft advantage on their next attack. Any enemies within 30ft must make a DC 14 Charisma save or gain disadvantage on their next attack.
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