• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Level Up (A5E) 8 days to go....


You'll need to be more specific!
Tough one there trying to guess blindly. Is there a section of attacks of opportunity?

edit: if not what about focus items? We saw a bunch for bard with unique affects when used in the bard playtest but no others

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Rearing Menace - I believe you want to say "make a wisdom saving throw DC based on your intimidate check", but it never actually says to make an intimidate check.

Trample - If the creature passes their save, does it stop your movement, or do they just "move to the side" and you continue the trample?

Launched Strike - Seems a bit weak since any character capable of 3rd level manuevers probably can just move and get 2 attacks in (or maybe even 3), but I guess there are things like paladin smites that scale really well on crits..... so a smite crit is worth more than 2 attacks, so its probably alright.

Spirited Whistle - I think this is a great balance of "realism" vs "high level coolness". Effectively the horse can move a ridiculous, physics breaking distance, but the fatigue penalty at least gives some lip service to "it moved so fast it basically hurt or winded itself".

Wheeling Charge - So I am not sure how this one actually works. It kind of implies the idea is to hit 1 creature with a ton of attacks, but by the wording.... if I move 10 feet into a circle of people, I could hit everyone of them once. Or if I'm riding by a line of enemies, I can effectively hit each one of them twice as long as my final movement puts me 10 feet away from each creature I hit. Now that does seem in line with these "ultimate manuevers", but its a bit confusing.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Tough one there trying to guess blindly. Is there a section of attacks of opportunity?

edit: if not what about focus items? We saw a bunch for bard with unique affects when used in the bard playtest but no others
Sure, focus items. Here you go!

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Voidrunner's Codex

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