TSR A 20 yr old phone call to TSR


Well, that was fun
Staff member
About 20 years ago, my friends and I had a (D&D 2E) rules query. We phoned TSR UK to ask and were told that somebody would call us back. About an hour later the phone rang - and somebody (a man) from TSR UK was there, calling *us* to answer our D&D rules question. As I recall it was about a lion and multiple attacks or somesuch.

Anyone know how many people were working at TSR UK about 20 years go? How may of those people would be considered qualified to answer our question, given that the initial person who answered the phone wasn't? I know it's a long shot, but it would be fascinating to figure out who that might have been.

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That would have been 1996, wouldn't it have been. However, it was in the UK...not sure who would have been there at the time to be honest.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
About 20 years, but I can't place the date in my memory accurately. That would be give or take a couple of years.


About 20 years, but I can't place the date in my memory accurately. That would be give or take a couple of years.

That makes it a tad harder. Most of the people I remember would have probably been there prior to your call. I suppose a list might include

Don Turnbull
Dave Brown
Tom Kirby
Graeme Morris
Jim Bambra
Phill Gallagher

I'm not sure how many of those were left in the 90s. A lot of my information was in regards to other aspects in regards to TSR and some other things which later came into a major factor on my end of business, however, for that time period of the 90s it was fleeting, so not a ton of details on my end, at least on staffing. I can try to look at some various sources of information, but in truth, I don't have the information to answer your question directly. The only person I know that I could have gotten information easily from and may have had the information you seek that I still had some personal contact with recently passed away, which makes it difficult.

There's another person, but it would be a lot more difficult (for starters, haven't talked to them really in over a decade) in all likelihood. Hopefully someone else around here might be able to answer your question.

There is ALSO two others I know of that may have the answer, but I do not know them personally. I'll send you a PM with that information.
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That makes it a tad harder. Most of the people I remember would have probably been there prior to your call. I suppose a list might include

Tom Kirby
Graeme Morris
Jim Bambra
Phill Gallagher

I'm not sure how many of those were left in the 90s.

Of the names above, none, with the possible exception of Mr Morris. All the others had left for the GW Design Studio by 1987 at the latest. And Graeme Morris was at least freelancing for GW at that time, though that might not have been incompatible with his still being at TSR UK.

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