A D&D Edition... into a SINGLE picture... (?)


Mod Squad
Staff member

Ladies and Gentlemen,

That you're posting images does not mean the board rules do not apply. Please don't use pictures with real-world political relevance.

I will also note - it is not "edition warring" to have a negative personal opinion about a game, and state it. Nor is it edition warring to compare and contrast various games. This is a discussion board, and these are reasonable discussion topics.

Edition warring is not in what you say, but in how you go about saying it. If you proselytize your preference too strongly, or insult people by way of what game they are playing, then you are apt to get into trouble.

And, finally, if you think a post or the thread is breaking the rules, report it, and walk away from the thread, please. Do not hover about discussing how edition warring the thread is. If you really don't like the thread, go read something else. We have a few hundred here for your amusement, surely one of them would do better for you.

Thanks for your time and attention.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
As amusing as I find this thread, it would be a terrible way for a newcomer to learn anything. A selection of pictures with no accompanying text posted by a range of people who have differing opinions and biases is about the most confusing way to learn about a new topic I could possibly think of.

I admit, it doesn't quite have the clarity that prose does. An interesting exercise in impression, though.


First Post
You forgot the part where you only actually get to use anything more than the lowest board if you're a caster.

Also bravo at another clumsy edition warring attempt

Easy there with the accusations. No need to cry "edition warring" or get insulted. I see you missed the point.

Chess, 3D chess, and checkers are all good games. The first is a classic. The second adds lots of complexity. The third is played on the same board as the others, but many of the key rules are different (the sacred cows have been slaughtered).

You seem to assume that I think 3D chess is somehow better than both chess and checkers. I don't. For me, 3D chess adds a lot of complexity to the classic that doesn't add anything and actually seriously detracts from my enjoyment of the game. Of course, others might like it and that's fine.

Which one of the three games is a matter of personal preference. None of the three are a "wrong" choice, and all three have their fans.

By the way, I'm not trying to insult 4e (or any other edition). Checkers is a quality game. It's not like I used a picture of Candyland or something like that.


First Post
can't believe this well hasn't been tapped yet:








4e essentials


First Post
None of these are meant pejoratively or negatively. But how I kind of view development, drive, and my feel of the games











PS. I suck at doing this.

Jimlock: 2E image was supposed to convey that it was the edition that left the maze and explored the world ie. campaign development. Apparently picture didn't quite come off that way. Sadly, I didn't even notice cow and barn in maze until just now.

Relique: yes it is a picture of the influenza virus. But i picked it because it has a core protein with lots of little molecular knobs ii'm a molecular biologist). It was supposed to represent 3E changed things and went to a basic core mechanic that could supplemented with lots of fiddly knobs for customization.
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First Post
Image removed by moderator

See, it's just my opinion. You can't get offended because it's just an opinion.

Mod Note: This one loses on both the "keep it civil" and "this is a family site" grounds. ~Umbran
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Raven Crowking

First Post
Image removed by moderator

See, it's just my opinion. You can't get offended because it's just an opinion.

So, you're saying 4e isn't really D&D? And you're saying its like Power Rangers?

Well, that might offend some people around here, but I'll let it slide....THIS TIME! :lol:

Mod note: How about a little more judgement on quoting content, please? ~Umbran

Sorry....I should have made sure that the images were out, instead of just hitting "quote"!

Thank you for removing the truly offensive picture -- the Power Ranger one! -- along with the rest! ;)
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