Spelljammer A Look At The Upcoming Spelljammer Boxed Set

Preview images of the upcoming Spelljammer boxed set have been appearing on sites across the web, so I've gathered some of them together here. These also include the hobby store 'special edition' with Hydro74 art.

Preview images of the upcoming Spelljammer boxed set have been appearing on sites across the web, so I've gathered some of them together here. These also include the hobby store 'special edition' with Hydro74 art.




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Magister Ludorum

My understanding is that you an travel from Realmspace to the Astral Sea and then from the Astral Sea to Greyspace for example. Crystal Spheres also no longer exist.

One thought I have - as Realmspace and Greyspace are no longer connected via the Material Plane, are these separate Material Planes?

In my game, yes.


Is it just me or does 64 pages seem a little thin for a hardcover?
It is, even the 1E hardcovers such as the MM & PHB) were 128 pages and the original campaign setting was 90-some pages. And Chris Perkins states "the set contains more art than we've done for other projects".

You do get a 64 page monster book and 64 page adventure book too, though.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
It is, even the 1E hardcovers such as the MM & PHB) were 128 pages and the original campaign setting was 90-some pages. And Chris Perkins states "the set contains more art than we've done for other projects".

You do get a 64 page monster book and 64 page adventure book too, though.
Thank goodness we're getting more art! That's definitely what I've been missing from my RPG products.


That map is from the point of view of the Astral though, so of course it's going to show it that way. A map drawn from the point of view of the Material Plane might look entirely different (with the spherical planar border marked "Here is where you can enter the Astral if you want" and then large stretches of empty space between systems). We'll only find out when the set is released (or previewed).
I wanted to thumb this up twice, but settled for quoting and approving instead. (y)

Looking at the art... D&D stable on pink/blue/purple pastel palette with soothing subjects.

Meanwhile Ennie Award 2022 go to Free League's The One Ring 2nd Ed. LOL
Yeah. The recent colour palettes have been awful for me ( I really struggle to enjoy them. Hideous cartoon colours).

2nd ed TOR vast improvement over the green with everything in 1st ed.

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