Spelljammer A Look At The Upcoming Spelljammer Boxed Set

Preview images of the upcoming Spelljammer boxed set have been appearing on sites across the web, so I've gathered some of them together here. These also include the hobby store 'special edition' with Hydro74 art.

Preview images of the upcoming Spelljammer boxed set have been appearing on sites across the web, so I've gathered some of them together here. These also include the hobby store 'special edition' with Hydro74 art.




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Yeah, just like how they, for some reason, changed the Elven Man-O War to Star Moth. (as the Minature is listed with such a name.) Granted, Star Moth could be the name of a "unique" Elven Man-O War that appears in the Spelljammer: Adventures in Space adventure, but so far, I can't think of any stupid, dumb reason that would have them change a phrase used to describe powerful frigates/battle ships.
I know Man-O-War is historically a type of ship, but it's also the name given to a rather poisonous type of Jellyfish (yes I know it was named after that type of ship) known as the Portuguese Man o' War as well. So maybe they sort of want to keep their naming of ships consistent, because some might be thinking a Man-O-War ship would look more like a giant Jellyfish.


I know Man-O-War is historically a type of ship, but it's also the name given to a rather poisonous type of Jellyfish (yes I know it was named after that type of ship) known as the Portuguese Man o' War as well. So maybe they sort of want to keep their naming of ships consistent, because some might be thinking a Man-O-War ship would look more like a giant Jellyfish.
Okay, that makes sense. A lot better than the original reasoning I thought it was going to be.

But yeah, a Moth probably fits better than calling something that looks "Butterflyish" a Jellyfish.


Okay, that makes sense. A lot better than the original reasoning I thought it was going to be.

But yeah, a Moth probably fits better than calling something that looks "Butterflyish" a Jellyfish.
I think they went with Moth because the Elvin Armada Carriers look like giant butterflies/moths.


So, my only question would be; can you bypass the silvery curtain at the edge of Realmspace, travel through open wildspace, and end up in Grayspace?
I believe Realmspace = Wildspace, so no. You would have to leave a particular wildspace (Realmspace), travel the astral sea, and then enter another wildspace (Greyspace). That is my undestanding of the map that was posted a week or so ago (IIRC).

I believe Realmspace = Wildspace, so no. You would have to leave a particular wildspace (Realmspace), travel the astral sea, and then enter another wildspace (Greyspace). That is my undestanding of the map that was posted a week or so ago (IIRC).
That map is from the point of view of the Astral though, so of course it's going to show it that way. A map drawn from the point of view of the Material Plane might look entirely different (with the spherical planar border marked "Here is where you can enter the Astral if you want" and then large stretches of empty space between systems). We'll only find out when the set is released (or previewed).

Pre ordered ( first of the HB adventures I have had any interest in for a while).
The miniatures may be a purchase too far for me though ( £700 for the big box then 5 or 6 Ship-Scale packs!)

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