Spelljammer A Look At The Upcoming Spelljammer Boxed Set

Preview images of the upcoming Spelljammer boxed set have been appearing on sites across the web, so I've gathered some of them together here. These also include the hobby store 'special edition' with Hydro74 art.

Preview images of the upcoming Spelljammer boxed set have been appearing on sites across the web, so I've gathered some of them together here. These also include the hobby store 'special edition' with Hydro74 art.




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To be fair, that will be the case.for D&D, per the canon policy.
Canon isn't the same thing as influence, though. D&D worlds are shared worlds with lots of really creative people working on them. It doesn't follow that just because some of those people are working in video games or card games that their vision should automatically be dismissed.

Some things from licensed video games has influenced published D&D material, I can think of a few things from the Baldur's Gate series and Planescape: Torment.

How so? The Astral map we've seen only shows the Material and Astral. You could presumably use a color pool, but those are rare and may be too small. And the ship in thr BG3 intro is apparently using plane shift spells, and not Spelljamming in the way we're being told is how it will be in the new product.
We see Astral Dominions which should have portals to the outer planes.


Book-Friend, he/him
Canon isn't the same thing as influence, though. D&D worlds are shared worlds with lots of really creative people working on them. It doesn't follow that just because some of those people are working in video games or card games that their vision should automatically be dismissed.
Just like modern Marvel.


But to be fair I haven't been regularly collecting comics since long before the MCU.
I just started reading the new re-launch of the Amazing Spider-Man about a month and half ago, let me tell you, you aren't missing much. I haven't read them regularly since the late 80s/early 90s but will read them for a bit every 5-10 years for a few months. For at least the first 6 issues the writing is just plain bad, and issue 900 was $9.99, I remember when comics were $0.25. I'll pick up the next few issues and see if the story picks up but I'm bailing if it doesn't.

Voidrunner's Codex

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