• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

A New Power

Super Girl

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"We'll be back well before they get there, probably by half an hour or so. Dawnsprinter out." she says, deactivating the comm, wanting to avoid comm traffic as much as possible, some equipment, specialized equipment, might actually be good enough to pick it up.

"So I should try and find one of these crystals for myself, one that I can feel through the force?" Kia asks with a sigh, "I doubt the Imps are going to give me time to come back here long enough to look around before we have to evacuate your people from the caves. I just hope that whatever we capture will have enough life support capacity to get everyone off world. It just depends on the type of landing craft they use. A Lamb can get maybe 20 passengers, with a crew of 6. Which is like half of your people, or they might just bring in an Assault Shuttle, which could fit pretty much everyone, but would mean 4 squads of Stormies, not to mention enough armament to turn the Dawnsprinter into flaming wreckage. I have a bad feeling about this..."

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"A good idea, Aasan said with a nod, then went to look around the general area. He tried to find the best place for an Imperial craft to set down and offload troops, and identify any kind of cover that was nearby. Getting in that ship behind the stormtroopers wouldn't be easy..."We need to position everyone a good distance away from wherever the ship sets down. The troopers will look for some kind of cover, and they'll probably try to stay close to their ship. If we can get a little help from the locals, we still need to be able to draw the troops away from the ship and get in there to take out any pilots before they can send a distress signal."


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"I doubt that you will have the time to do so while we remain under threat from the Imperials, but there are other places where one can find force crystals. How we're going to handle capturing an Imperial transport, avoiding annihilation, and fleeing through a system-wide barricade of warships though," Kia thinks she sees a slight tic of nervousness appear in Miera's face, "I can't be sure."

The comm crackles into life as Arias asks his question.

"Are you sure about that?" Miera replies. "I can probably get her to bring them near a specific place, but after that there's no way of controlling them."

"Let's not worry about that yet."

"Alright, it's getting dark, so they'll be waking up soon. I hope you know where you're going with this" Miera says before flicking off the comm. She settles back into her seat, closing her eyes with a look of practiced, relaxed concentration.

The chronometer Miera had set up on one of the free consoles ticks, down, showing ETAs for the Imperial shuttle and the Dawnsprinter side by side.

Dawnsprinter - Five minutes
Imperial Ship - Fifteen minutes


"I like the way you think, Aasan." Arias grins. "Remind me of myself back in by wartime days. Right, then. The Imperials will probably plan on landing as close to the Dawnsprinter as possible, which would be just outside the village. Aasan, Kal, you two should find a patch of vegetation to hide behind until they land. Jorran, Adrial and I will divert their attention from you. Then Kal, you disable their communications array, which it will be Aasan's job to point out to you. After that any plan we have is likely to fall apart, as plans are wont to do but we'll try and take one of the officers alive." As Arias finishes speaking, the last hints of sunlight hiding themselves over the horizon, leaving pale moonlight their only illumination.


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"I"m not sure exactly, Jorran. But considering all the very tall, thick trees that tend to grow around here, we'll see them when they see us." Arias replies. "Fifteen minutes, right Meira?" he says into the commlink.

"Right." Jorran hears her reply.


Super Girl

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Kia watches the seconds til the estimated arrival of the imperials tick away, it was going to be tight, whether or not the empire would be able to visually detect the villiage before she got the ship settled back in again. "I think we should leave the transponder in the villiage when we leave, it might buy us a bit of extra time to slip over the horizon and get the planet between us and the fleet before we slip away. After this, it'd be too hot to run her as the Dawnsprinter anyway, just get a new transponder and register the ship again."


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It's a close call, but Kia's trusty ship pulls through. Just as she sets down, the Dawnsprinter's short-range passive radar starts to pick up not one, but two ship signatures approaching from the east.

"That is most certainly not good." Miera says, unbuckling herself and heading towards the ramp.


In the dim moonlight, the sight of the recently arrived Dawnsprinter is complemented by the appearance of half a dozen red, long-necked, hugely fanged dog-like creatures that melt out of the shadows and wait patiently in front of Arias. Adrial lets out an anxious 'EEP!', but otherwise retains her composure.

"Say hello to our distraction." Arias says, indicating the gathered Nightstalkers.
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Super Girl

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"Sithspit" Kia curses "We have 2 incoming, ships here...an Asault Shuttle, and a Lamda Class Shuttle. We can probably expect a good number of Stormies from the Assault shuttle since it was sent down to pacify and capture a settlement. Lord knows they'd need to pack em in there to be cost effective." she comms out to Arias'sgroup, hoping they'd be able to get inside the assault shuttle quickly, the Dawnsprinter was no match for such a thing, on the otherhand, she might be able to take a Lambda Shuttle, especially if the shuttle was caught by surprise, with its shields down.

Kia typed in aquick command, searching the Dawnsprinter's police databases for the Specs for the the imperial craft, hoping to find a weakness, or an idea of what they could do.


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Angcuru said:
Arias grins. "Aasan, Kal, you two should find a patch of vegetation to hide behind until they land. Jorran, Adrial and I will divert their attention from you. Then Kal, you disable their communications array, which it will be Aasan's job to point out to you.

Kal nods, and moves to assist Aasan with his search "An illusion might distract them long enough for us to get behind them" Sounding very unsure


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"So, Arias... what exactly is our diversion? Talking to them? Convincing the local wildlife to cause some chaos? There have been suggestions, but I think I've missed what exactly we decided."

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