A short Yoon Suin adventure (powered by Troika!) - game is on, still room.

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How about both? [emoji2] I needed a lawyer because, perhaps, a higherup was disgruntled about me not doing my work according to his standards, perhaps when working out of town for another highup, and you defended me. Now, you need a sidekick and I’m available because my boss fired me despite being found not guilty.

Something like that?

When they finally found him, the lawyer was sleeping in a gutter. Unrecognizable in his rags, they had to search for the only element which might formally identify the man, the family sword he was using as a beggar staff. They dragged him bluntly to the trough and gave him a forced bath to remove the opium reek and the crab naughty word smell.

Subötaï had left the Khan’s court several months ago. His last case, although he emerged victorious, had led him into a deep depression. Under normal circumstances, a lawyer quickly learns to lock his conscience into a chest and to throw the key away. But succeeding to clear that evil wizard he defended had shaken his convictions and he fell into the pipe.

They cleaned him and took him to court where he was charged to plead the case of an accused man. When they promised him a free smoke if he agreed to defended this poor fellow, Subötaï understood they chose him to lose in a fixed trial. They wanted the man executed. The smart move was to accept the deal.

But that was not counting the stupidity of Subötaï. The stubborn lawyer could not help but fight and despite his intoxication level, he cleaved the opposing lawyer.
The court was outraged, both their heads put at a price and to save their lives, they had no choice but to flee Yongardy.

Saving this man’s life was a salvation for the lawyer and that experience put him back on track. He definitely dropped the pipe and they took the route of the Yellow City where everything becomes possible.

It's just an idea, but that's what came out. Feel free to add stuff.
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Sure. I am game. My computer is in the shop so I am posting from my phone, which is a pain to cut-and-paste from, so you'll just have to trust these are my rolls: 6, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2.

Sounds strange but interesting.

When they finally found him, the lawyer was sleeping in a gutter. Unrecognizable in his rags, they had to search for the only element which might formally identify the man, the family sword he was using as a beggar staff. They dragged him bluntly to the trough and gave him a forced bath to remove the opium reek and the crab naughty word smell.

Subötaï had left the Khan’s court several months ago. His last case, although he emerged victorious, had led him into a deep depression. Under normal circumstances, a lawyer quickly learns to lock his conscience into a chest and to throw the key away. But succeeding to clear that evil wizard he defended had shaken his convictions and he fell into the pipe.

They cleaned him and took him to court where he was charged to plead the case of an accused man. When they promised him a free smoke if he agreed to defended this poor fellow, Subötaï understood they chose him to lose in a fixed trial. They wanted the man executed. The smart move was to accept the deal.

But that was not counting the stupidity of Subötaï. The stubborn lawyer could not help but fight and despite his intoxication level, he cleaved the opposing lawyer.
The court was outraged, both their heads put at a price and to save their lives, they had no choice but to flee Yongardy.

Saving this man’s life was a salvation for the lawyer and that experience put him back on track. He definitely dropped the pipe and they took the route of the Yellow City where everything becomes possible.

It's just an idea, but that's what came out. Feel free to add stuff.
Absolutely great! I love it.

Perhaps Pinpehlu is watching Subotai's every move, preventing him from every picking up the pipe again. The porter is a friendly man, politeness ingrained into his every fibre from his years of working as basically a servant, but to a friend he can be somewhat more direct, perhaps?

Sure. I am game. My computer is in the shop so I am posting from my phone, which is a pain to cut-and-paste from, so you'll just have to trust these are my rolls: 6, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2.

Sounds strange but interesting.
Dubi Gan is our highest skilled PC and the lowest stamina. He also is a pretty poor wizard.

Skill: 6
Stamina: 14
Luck: 9

Background: Venturesome Academic

You spent the last few years in the academies of the Yellow City, in theory reading about magic, but in reality devouring travel journals and philosophical treaties. But you do know a spell, that's good enough right?

Money: 8 silver pieces and 100 rupees
• Reading Glasses in a sturdy case (you
cannot read without them).
•Sword of your Father: you grew up in the yellow city, but your father is from the far reaches of Sugh and of a fiercer demeanor. Once he learned of your decision to search for the Blue Palace yourself, he declared that it was time, and gave you his sword (imagine a chef's knife with a 20 inch blade...)
• Bundle of Candles and Matches.
• Writing materials.
• Journal.
Generic equipment: knife, rucksack, lantern and oil
6 provisions, lovingly prepared by your worried mother.
Advanced Skills
2 Evaluate
2 Astrology
1 Healing
1 Spell – Sleep
1 Sword Fighting
1 Sleight of Hand
You may Test your Luck to recall facts
that you might reasonably be expected to have encountered relating to the
natural sciences and humanities.

SLEEP: cost 2 stamina to cast, skill test (6+1) to cast successfully.
The wizard convinces a target to forgo wakefulness for a time, causing them
to sleep until woken unless they successfully Test their Luck. Remember:
fighting is loud.

For a little while Dubi Gan will be still GM controlled, but within a post or 3 Fitz will take over :)


Unfortunately there is a glitch that is stopping me from editing the title of this thread, we are full right now. However this may change in the future.

You rolled a monkey monger as your character btw :)

Life on The Wall is hard. One is never
more than a few yards from an endless
fall yet those precarious villages still
need to eat. This is where you come
in with your Edible Monkeys (the
distinction is purely for appeal since
all monkeys are of course edible).
You used to spend days on end
dangling your feet off the edge of the
world, watching over your chittering
livestock while they scampered hither
and thither, but there was no future
in monkey meat. You wanted much
more and so stepped off. Or you fell
off. Either way you and some unlucky
monkeys are here now and that’s all
that matters.
• Monkey Club.
• Butcher’s Knife.
• 1d6 Small Monkeys that do not heed
commands but are too scared and
hungry to travel far from you.
• A Pocket Full of Monkey Treats.
Advanced Skills
4 Climb
2 Trapping
1 Club Fighting
1 Knife Fighting
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