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A Warping of the Blood

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Isida Kep'Tukari

*Vayj, the giant seems to be closed-mouthed, but you've just met the fellow. He doesn't seem too much more mysterious than you.*


*Scinathar, the guards look at you with disinterest. They examine your items professionally, and you don't notice any furitive gestures that would indicate they're pocketing anything. Examining your things afterward, you don't notice anything missing .*

*Inside the gates, you can spot the Sacred Fork and the Enchanted Glass, two inns for travelers and tradesmen. The Sacred Fork seems to be larger, with a big chimney indicating a large kitchen. The Enchanted Glass seems to be of slightly better construction, newer, and has curiously-colored smoke coming up from many chimney pots.*
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*looks over group, his gaze lingering slightly on the Giant.*

Very Interesting!

"Delightful...This way gentlefolk."

*Heads towards the Enchanted Glass, leading his horse drawn wagon.*
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*The Enchanted Glass lives up to its name. As Leondegrance passes the front windows, he notices they're huge flawless panels of glass that have faint, transparent, moving pictures on them, as if they're windows into forests or meadows. Going around to the stables, it's apparent this place is run by faen. A pair of quicklings help him move the wagon into a barn for safekeeping, and unharness his horse. An inquiry reveals it's five silver for him to stable his beast and wagon here.*

*Once inside, the Enchanted Glass proves to be quite a character. Glass windows are set in every possible surface, including the floor and the ceiling, providing an endless variety of images for the patrons to view. The place has delicate-seeming tables made of wrought iron and topped with polished stone. The seats are similar, though softened with cushions. A large stone bar in the back is manned by a half-dozen faen, some loresong, some quickling. A half-dozen small fires burn in tiny fireplaces behind them, each burning a different, vibrant color; red, blue, purple, green.*

*The patrons are generally well-dressed and prosperous-looking. Each have an elaborate glass in hand, made from twisted and colored glass and metal, formed into fanciful and artistic shapes. Faen serving staff dart about the place, giving people glasses or plates. Curiously, though people have a dizzying variety of food on their plates, the plates the servers carry are entirely clean and spotless.*
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Isida Kep'Tukari

*People seem to be seated where they will, so you can find yourself a table with little difficulty. After sitting down a lithe quickling woman comes over to you. Leaping on a spare chair so she's at eye level, she gives you a smile.*

"Welcome to the Enchanted Glass. It's five gold for a glass, and seven for a plate. Ten for a room, and that comes with a bath," she says warmly.



Ah well, beyond my means before long. Hopefully opportunity will present itself.

"I will take the full package thank you."

*looks to others smiling*

OOC: Bluff +10 to hide the fact that the prices gave Leon a start.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Vayj Rubyflame, Spryte Magister

*Vayj feels very uncomfortable around the serving girl, but his suddenly grim expression and inability to meet her in the eye does not stop him from gawking at the price.*

"5 Gold for a cup? You can buy 30 gallons of juice for that price!"

Isida Kep'Tukari

"Ah, but these cups are special! Simply imagine what drink you wish, and it appears! As much as you want, as often as you want it. Same with the plates," she says with a wink. She'll take Leondegrance's gold and give him an amber-colored glass and a round red plate.


Scinathar, mojh 3/winter witch 2

*Scinathar is still suspicious of the non-mojh guards, but lets it pass as he enters the city. Entirely too many non-mojh crowd most cities in the Lands of the Diamond Throne and Jerad is no different. Spotting the dracha as it makes its way into the Enchanted Glass with the other non-mojh, Scinathar decides to follow. This creature was the only sign the mojh had seen of danger in the area.*

*The mojh quickly takes Korm to the stables near the fancy tavern, paying the stable boy to deal with things quickly.*

*As it slides into the faen inn, Scinathar moves surrepticiously off to one side and takes a seat in the corner where it has an easy view of the dracha and it's non-mojh companions. Scinathar orders an over priced glass from the faen woman when she approaches, declining the offer of food.*
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