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I've not gamed in months....first the game nights fritter and wither away due to real life, then I'm in a major car accident and am out of commission for weeks. Now, I have the first free weekend where I'm able to game, and BAM! No one can make it. Three have to work, one has to go out of town, the other has to host a wine tasting party (against his will, but his wife hath spoken :) ).

Real life is the game killer. We've gamed so sporadically in the last year it's not even funny, and the Great Plan the rest of the guys had for a weekly short game has died after only about 5 sessions.

Gaming... a fond and distant memory............................................................

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Prodigal Member
Why can't you have a game at the wine tasting party?

I'm pretty sure it wipes off a battlemat.


I think we all empathize. The group I used to game with in KC had a lot of problems after I left. I moved away, and took a friend of mine with me (we both got a job at the same company in Richmond), and another guy had health problems, and kind of dropped off the face of the earth. Another took on a second job and couldn't game anymore. So they added a couple of more people, and went ok for a few months, and then the GM's wife had major medical issues which lasted over 2 months. So, I think they ended up going a good 3-4 months without any game at all.


I feel for you, but I am not suffering to anywhere near the same degree. Still, I had to miss diaglo's last session (in Disney with the family) and will miss an Olgar Shiverstone session this weekend (son's baseball game).

Real life is the game killer, and having kids is great example of real life.


First Post
Running a game once a month or so for my son and his friend is the only gaming outlet I have at the moment. I've looked at the possibility of pbp gaming, but that's just not my bag. I like my gaming live and in living color. Sad thing is, my gaming with some of these guys go back over 15 years, and we can't even find one weekend a month to set aside for polyhedral tomfoolery.

And as far as the wine party goes... his wife does not conceal her disdain for the hobby, and has gone so far as to say that when they have children, his gaming days are over.



First Post
DMCal - yours is truly a tale of sorrow. I've been DMing for 25 years now so I've seen many close friends/gamers come and go and it's a bummer. I'll add a pat on the back to the other's condolences.

With the free time you now might have, perhaps check out manowar.com for their tour dates this summer - though I noticed it looks like it's all east coast. I live in Baltimore so let me know if I can help out.

Anyways, keep up the good fight. A friend of mine moved away a couple of years ago who was a sort of anchor for our gaming group at the time. When I was bummed about it she told me all I had to do was keep working on adventures and people would always be around to play. It was really good advice - I kept working on stuff and found a new gaming group through good ol' fashioned networking. DMs are a commodity in gaming, and I think you can use that to your advantage.


First Post
I understand your situation since I'm down to one regular player thanks to real life responsabilities. I'm lucky enough to have a good dm ratio in my group so we have a few irregular campaigns to keep us busy. I also miss the golden years of gaming but at least I get more time to prepare games.

Introducing the game to others and meeting up with other players are good ideas indeed.

Good luck on filling up the gaming table


First Post
DungeonmasterCal said:
I've not gamed in months....first the game nights fritter and wither away due to real life, then I'm in a major car accident and am out of commission for weeks. Now, I have the first free weekend where I'm able to game, and BAM! No one can make it. Three have to work, one has to go out of town, the other has to host a wine tasting party (against his will, but his wife hath spoken :) ).

Real life is the game killer. We've gamed so sporadically in the last year it's not even funny, and the Great Plan the rest of the guys had for a weekly short game has died after only about 5 sessions.

Gaming... a fond and distant memory............................................................

I can emphasize. I had the same problem a couple of times - each time wasn't just a single evening, but an extended period of time.

Unlike yours, we didn't have the real life problem, but rather the players-don't-give-a-damn problem. The first time, almost all games were cancelled - usually 30 minutes before it was supposed to begin, and often an hour after - since people just didn't show up, without a good reason and without saying anything. After 3 months or so I just quit the gaming group, and shortly thereafter it collapsed, anyway.

The second time, it was similar: We had a player problem, anyway, so every missing player would cause the session to be cancelled. And it happened almost every time, just because one or two people. Like with the first time, it wasn't a single campaign, but several games with roughly the same gaming group. I finally quit almost every campaign in it, and since then, the other games run smoothly.

Oh, and there was another group, where we had a lot of cancelled sessions, too (luckily, these were cancelled in advance, not on the very day). The problem here was that we had just enough people in the party - 3 players plus DM - so if one player coulnd't make it, the game would be cancelled. Some people used that to their advantage, saying they had other things to do. It wasn't stuff that could easily be taken care of another day (very easily), but guy in question just figured that he won't miss anything, since there was no game without him, and so was careless about it. He also rejected everyone that wanted to join the group.
We solved it by finally overriding his decision and taking on several other people, and saying that when one couldn't make it, and didn't say so well in advance (usually, it's stuff you know in advance, at least if it's important), we would play without him. Suddenly stuff got much less important, and could be taken care of on other days.
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First Post
I also have made the observation that cancelled games aren't encountered alone. I'm in two distinct gaming groups (only me and one other guy who is in both), and if one of them doesn't take place, you can be quite sure that the other one is cancelled, too. Sometimes this involves the one guy that is in both groups (he's the DM in one group), but often things just happen at the same time.

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