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smilinggm said:
I have a different view on your plight. I do understand your frustration on not being able to game, however I am begining to think that some of your problems are self inflicted. (Baring the accident and the other unforseen events). You stated that 3 your the people in your game had to bow out because they had to work on a Friday night. Just an educated guess but I a betting that your friends work Retail or in the service industry or shift work. I am also betting that they do not always have Friday nights off. Or regular weekends off. They probalby do have on a semi regular basis have a weekday or weeknights off. SO my suggestion to you is to be more flexable to their gaming schedule and work schedule. Supprise them and ask them what days off they have this week and then plan agame around their work schedule NOT YORUS!!! Plan to hold a game sometime during the week, not the weekend. The key to having a regular games with people who do not work banking hours is to be more flexable with your schedule and to start thinking about gaming on different times than you have traditionally in the past.

No...I never said anyone had to work on Friday nights; no one wants to game on Fridays. Only one of us works shift type work, and he works for a company that makes it very, very hard for him to request specific times off. If he doesn't work what they schedule him without a very good reason, he'll lose his job. The rest of us have regular "white collar Monday thru Friday 9 to 5" jobs. We've tried gaming on Fridays, and a couple of the guys decided Fridays was too much after working all week. I won't game on Sundays because that's the day I go to church and spend time with my family. During my time out, some of the guys decided to run a weekly short game on Tuesdays. That died after about 5 sessions because again, people kept running into obstacles that caused late arrivals or just not being able to make it altogether. So, except for Sundays, I'm the most flexible one out of the lot.

smilinggm said:
Anyone who knows me knows I'm just about the least judgemental person on the planet. I'm not judging by appearances. I'm stating the fact that I've not met any gamers in this town who are on more than a passing acquaintance with soap and water. I'm not saying all gamers in my area are like this; I've just only encountered the ones like I've mentioned. I'm far from the GQ ideal of manly good looks, but at least I shower on a daily basis.

smilinggm said:
Find and Join a gaming club. If there is not one in your community then START ONE!!!

Join the RPGA. The RPGA is a great place to find other gamers in your community and over time you will start to meet gamers out of you local communinty that will be willing to travel to a common meeting place and game.

Good suggestions, and I've looked at the possibility of a gaming club in the past. Even checked a couple of local ones that tried to get off the ground, but died after only a few weeks. I am a member of the RPGA (as of GenCon last year). But if you read my posts you saw that it's not just my friends who can't make games regularly, it's me as well. I'm not criticizing my friends, I'm just tired of circumstances not permitting regular scheduling. I did contact a few folks in the RPGA from the area (there aren't many, it seems) but like me, they wanted concrete gaming schedules. It's just not something I am able to do, which also makes starting a new gaming club very difficult.

smilinggm said:
Try Gaming ONLINE. There are an increasing number of ONLINE games out there and as the technology grows the line between table top gaming and ONLINE gaming is starting to blurr every day.

When you say gaming online do you mean games like World of Warcraft or Everquest? If so, I have to simply rule that one out because of my aging computer. I'm happy any day it even loads a webpage.

If you mean play by post or play by email, I'm trying one of those now. I've never really liked gaming by post, as it just doesn't have the same feel a room full of people have, with the sidetracks, tangents, bad jokes, and just general goofiness. But, I am giving that a shot so we'll see how it goes.

smilinggm said:
Good Luck and Keep on Gaming!!!

Thanks! It's really just a matter of the wheels of fate aligning to allow gaming, I guess, because like I said, it's not just my group, but my life as well.

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Hijinks said:
Why is it ok for this man's wife to force him to do someting he doesn't want to do (i.e. the wine tasting) because SHE likes it, but he's not allowed to do what HE likes?

Women can be so evil. If I wasn't one, I'd hate them all :þ

Seriously. If a man wants to be a.) married happily and b.) a gamer, he's much better off marrying a gamer. Now if only the men didn't want a gamer woman who looks like Jessica Alba too and were instead satisfied with an average gal ....

I introduced my girlfriend to roleplaying. She tentitively tested the waters, just watching for a bit at first (I didn't push), and eventually she became a gamer. Now, as my wife she routinely plays with my, ahem, OUR gaming friends. Instead of it becoming a barrier between us and a source of adverserial powerplays against one another (wine tasting vs. gaming: fight!!) it is an enjoyable hobby that we can share with each other.


First Post
What I mean by gaming on line I mean Gaming via AIM Instant Mesanger and In Chat Rooms. I know of Many RPGA Games that have been ran that way It takes longer but for the most part It feals like table top gaming. Also each year with advancments in computer tech, Running a game online will be almost like beeing thier. The DM will have electronic maps and the players will have control of electronic mini's to move on the map through combat and through terain. Another polular system is a program called GRIPS and this is a popular way to run Traveller online.
Electronic gaming is (pardon the pun) Virtually here. I have played several RPGA mods this way and it was just as fun as being at the table top.

BTW I am not trying to make any assumptions or accusations just trying to help from a different perspective.


First Post
smilinggm said:
What I mean by gaming on line I mean Gaming via AIM Instant Mesanger and In Chat Rooms. I know of Many RPGA Games that have been ran that way It takes longer but for the most part It feals like table top gaming. Also each year with advancments in computer tech, Running a game online will be almost like beeing thier. The DM will have electronic maps and the players will have control of electronic mini's to move on the map through combat and through terain. Another polular system is a program called GRIPS and this is a popular way to run Traveller online.
Electronic gaming is (pardon the pun) Virtually here. I have played several RPGA mods this way and it was just as fun as being at the table top.

BTW I am not trying to make any assumptions or accusations just trying to help from a different perspective.

Ah...thanks! That is an option, for sure. And I didn't mean for my own posts to come out sounding combative. I truly appreciate the suggestions!

Foundry of Decay

First Post
We've had some bizarre luck with gaming in my group. We only get together perhaps once every few months (though are trying for once per month now), and the last few sessions were cancelled due to illnesses of sorts. The first time it was one player's kids getting a flu I think, the second time it was my fault since I had a migrane that could suck the grey out of cement on the day we were to game, and then there were 3 months of just not being able to schedule a game.

..Then we were able to get one free weekend, only to have one player's kids *and* wife catch some terrible flu!

Its now a running gag with us that whenever we plan a game to get together, some great illness will overtake one of our families. :p

Rogue Silencer

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DMCal id say the closest youve ever gotten to meeting someone who games in arkansas,is probably when the pizza delivery guy said he played.he had a weremage whos claws could get bigger than short swords

yes it is i drazziw hahahaha!

get put out of a game for a whine tasting party?That must really suck


First Post
For those who don't know, Rogue Silencer is my 11 year old son's best friend and the other half of the two guys I've been able to DM for on the rare events I've been able to play the last several months. And the little blurb he he mentioned is true. I'd actually forgotten about it, but the last time we played, the pizza guy told us about his 5th level "weremage" who specialized in spells that made him larger and when in his "were" form had claws that were larger than shortswords. He also said his DM had opened a portal to the Positive Material Plane in his campaign, and everyone had to always keep wounding themselves, otherwise they'd die from all the positive energy flying around.

Now get to bed, Ken. :)

Foundry of Decay said:
..Then we were able to get one free weekend, only to have one player's kids *and* wife catch some terrible flu!

Its now a running gag with us that whenever we plan a game to get together, some great illness will overtake one of our families. :p

Running gag...get it? Sorry.....couldn't resist. I know how horrible the Howling Toilet Marathon can be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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