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Arrgh! Mark!

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Hey, I turned my girlfriend into a gamer. At first she just let me play as much as I wanted too without any issues. Then I said a good way to spend time together was to play with us. After locking on to a few characters and loving the ways in which you can explore settings, she even started to GM!

Now that rocks.

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Well, before this turns into ANOTHER thread about women gamers vs. women non-gamers, let me just say this and then try to put us back on track. My friend's wife is from a very stuffy, snooty upper middle class family who are the types who throw expensive dinner parties and invite "only the best people". She's inherited that, and while he puts up with it out of love (I guess it's a trade off they have) he doesn't like it. She believes RPG's are childish and immature, and "adults" should find more "acceptable" hobbies.

But, he loves her and she loves him, and it's not my place or the place of anyone else to say one or the other is wrong. As long as their system works for them, I say live and let live. When the day comes he is no longer "allowed" to play with us, I'll miss him. He's been in my gaming group since 1987 (except for the times we lived in different cities; about 3 years total). But, it's his life and his wife, and it's not my place to deride or judge him for his decisions.

Now, back on track. I'm with Diaglo on this one. Life trumps gaming. Always. I'm not griping about my friends having real life issues and activities, I'm just griping about not getting to game. Before my accident, I had to cancel several games I'd planned to run, or bow out of games run by others because of illness, family plans, or other unexpected events. I'm just tired of NOT gaming. I had planned on taking a year or so off from behind the DM screen to be player and hopefully get rid of the DM Burnout I've had for over a year. Well, I've played almost none and DM'd less, and I'm still burned out and dying to play.

This was not meant to be a whiner thread, but just me yelling into the void and listening to the echo. I don't have the means to get out and look for another gaming group (still recovering and haven't been able to replace the car I lost in the accident).
I live in a large town (by Arkansas standards--about 44,000 people). There are 3 colleges and two high schools here, and there seems to be a pretty active gaming community from what I've heard. But every other gamer I've met here are the weird and unwashed types. Whenever I'm in the local chain store (the only outlet for gaming we have since the FLGS is a pit that only carries used games) I'm very uncomfortable talking with them. The last time I was in the bookstore, a couple guys came up to me and my son and began telling us all about their hyper-munchkin deity-like characters without even a "Hi, my name is---". When we excused ourselves and left, my son whispered to me that he'd lost his appetite because this one guy kept standing really close to him and he smelled like rotten meat. I could smell him, too, and he was right. His buddy actually had head lice that I could see crawling in his hair.

Now these two are extreme examples of the kinds of gamers I've met here, and I know in my heart 99% of gamers are not hygenically-challenged. But they seem to stay hidden away from sight...probably avoiding dinner parties and gaming on the sly.

**Note--this last part was in no way a comment on the hygene habits of gamers on ENWorld or gamers in general, only regarding the ones I've met locally. I now return you to your regularly scheduled posting**
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Hijinks said:
Seriously. If a man wants to be a.) married happily and b.) a gamer, he's much better off marrying a gamer. Now if only the men didn't want a gamer woman who looks like Jessica Alba too and were instead satisfied with an average gal ....

My wife (we are very amicably separated and get along fine) is by most of society's standards not a cover girl. She is pretty (not just in my eyes but those of others) but she and I know she's no Jessica Alba... lol...but being totally objective, she's more on the average side, and is in truth just like most of the women I dated before her. I'm actually more attracted to "average" than "supah-hot".


My gaming group broke up months ago, and it doesn't look like we're ever getting back together.

Most of them are happily playing MMORPGs and have zero interest in pen-and-paper gaming. The remaining couple of guys are either a) married with kids (and therefore unreliable gamers), or b) schmucks.

Which begs the question, what the hell am I doing on a D&D message board?


DungeonmasterCal said:
Because you BELIEVE! You've not given up! Never give up-never surrender!

I agree, Due to life be it mine or others I knew who play, I have not gamed since 1990. Now I'm a collector and reader only. D&D has been part of my life since 1978 and I'll not give that up!


First Post
I have a different view on your plight. I do understand your frustration on not being able to game, however I am begining to think that some of your problems are self inflicted. (Baring the accident and the other unforseen events). You stated that 3 your the people in your game had to bow out because they had to work on a Friday night. Just an educated guess but I a betting that your friends work Retail or in the service industry or shift work. I am also betting that they do not always have Friday nights off. Or regular weekends off. They probalby do have on a semi regular basis have a weekday or weeknights off. SO my suggestion to you is to be more flexable to their gaming schedule and work schedule. Supprise them and ask them what days off they have this week and then plan agame around their work schedule NOT YORUS!!! Plan to hold a game sometime during the week, not the weekend. The key to having a regular games with people who do not work banking hours is to be more flexable with your schedule and to start thinking about gaming on different times than you have traditionally in the past.

Other suggestions:
STOP JUDGING A BOOK BY ITS COVER!!! You have stated that the people that you have seen in your local gaming/book stores seem to be from the unwashed masses. Looks can be deciving. All that you are getting is a brief look at that persons life. You may be missing out on some great gaming opportunites by casually dismissing a fellow gamer just by they way they look in that store. I have learned over the years that gamers come in all sizes and shapes. And espically with gamers looks can be very decieving.

Find and Join a gaming club. If there is not one in your community then START ONE!!!

Join the RPGA. The RPGA is a great place to find other gamers in your community and over time you will start to meet gamers out of you local communinty that will be willing to travel to a common meeting place and game.

Try Gaming ONLINE. There are an increasing number of ONLINE games out there and as the technology grows the line between table top gaming and ONLINE gaming is starting to blurr every day.

I know that many of my suggestions may seem radical but the it seams that the ordinary solutions that you have tried are failing. So it is time to try something different.

Good Luck and Keep on Gaming!!!


First Post
smilinggm said:
I have a different view on your plight.....
I know that many of my suggestions may seem radical but the it seams that the ordinary solutions that you have tried are failing. So it is time to try something different.

Good Luck and Keep on Gaming!!!

Keep on gaming! Words of advise that have brought me through many different gaming groups in the last 20 years! Where there is a will......

I think everyone would agree to never give up, and hey...I scream into the darkness a lot ;)


I lucked out on my last Girlfriend, we MET gaming... Too bad the rest of it didn't work out.

However, I sympathize as a frustrated GM. While I PLAY regularly, I no longer DM, which can be frustrating to no end.


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