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Ability Score Generation

What method of ability score generation do you use?

  • 3d6

    Votes: 5 0.9%
  • 4d6 - discard low roll

    Votes: 251 46.7%
  • 5d6- discard 2 low rolls

    Votes: 16 3.0%
  • point buy

    Votes: 195 36.2%
  • other - please explain

    Votes: 71 13.2%


I've used 4d6 since the days of 2e. I think I've only run one campaign that used a different system, and that was the classic 3d6.

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Iron Sheep

First Post
Buttercup said:
I'll just quote from the document I gave to players for the last campaign. Generally whatever I use is similar to this, though sometimes I don't offer an array, but give them a set number of points to distribute before applying "extra credit."

I use something like this too. I use a standard point buy (usually with a base of 28 points), with the players getting bonus points if they write a background, think of a reason why their character would be adventuring with/have met other characters of the group, etc.; but I also allow them to spend points on things like playing an unusual or level adjusted race, having a bit more starting equipment, being minor nobility, or some other similar advantage.

Any left-over points can be saved and used as luck points in-game (a free reroll per point spent, or adjust a roll up or down by 1 for each point spent).


Pixie Barbarian

First Post
I like 2d6+6. It generates slightly higher than average stats, but the minimum score you can roll is 8.

Alternatively, for slightly lower stats I go with 3d6, reroll all 1's. Take a series of 7 rolls this way and keep the 6 highest.

Pixie Barbarian

First Post
I like 2d6+6. It generates slightly higher than average stats, but the minimum score you can roll is 8.

Alternatively, for slightly lower stats I go with 3d6, reroll all 1's. Take a series of 7 rolls this way and keep the 6 highest.


Basic Action Games
I chose d: other, so now I will explain.

I like the balancing of Pointbuy, but I HATE having to look up stuff in teh books all the time, especially when all 5 players need to look at the same chart at the same time and there are not 5 books. So the method I choose is the asiign a set number of "plusses" to character generation.

Bascially, ability scores are really amount to plusses and minuses. An 18 gives a score of +4, while an 8 gives a -1, etc. To create a character, I basically allow the PCs to begin with a set number of pluses- let us say 8 for now. They can begin with more pluses than 8, but they need to buy them with an equal number of minuses. As long as the ability score bonuses adds up to 8.

I know the problem you are thinking: what about odd numbered ability scores? It is easy, and odd number counts as an extra 1/2 plus over the number below it. So an ability score of 11 is actually worth 1/2 a plus.

Racial bonuses/penalties do not count against the total number of pluses you can have.

Here is an example of a character created with this system:
Olladahn Hawkmoon, Halfling Ranger
Str 12 +1
Dex 18 +4
Con 11 +.5
Int 11 +.5
Wis 17 +3.5
Cha 7 -1.5
Total 8

Laslo Tremaine

I'm currently in 3 games (playing in one, GMing one, and co-GMing another).

We use 30pt buy in all three games.

If I had to play in any game that had a random stat generation I would whine piteously. I always roll badly for char-gen...


p.s. Our groups are so enamoured with point buy that we use standard HP allocation too. Full HP at first level, and then the average rounded up for each addtional level (d4=3, d6=4, d8=5, d10=6, d12=7).

We only have one person in the group who prefers random stats, but he is willing to live with point buy...


First Post
Normally, I use point buy.

But I just generated four characters for use in a one-shot DM'd by my wife. She hasn't DM'd before and wanted some practice before hitting the big time.

I generated 100 sets of stats via the organic method (no stat switching), including random race. I assigned Point Buy equivilants and then printed the list (I was using VBA in Word).

I selected four sets of stats and used them. Gave me a little more flavor to differentiate the characters. Came out to be equivilent to about the 30-31 point buy, except that I couldn't "optimize" the stats.

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