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[ADULT - Medical Update] Angelsboi Q & A


First Post
Ok to keep the threads to a Minimum, Post all questions here. I will answer them the best I can.

Malder asked:

How are those meds suppose to affect you? Reduce Viral counts? Boost T-cell counts? And how long will the startup phase be?

Im curious as how those meds work? Will you gain a more "normal" life pattern? Or will you be as sick as you are now?

Well the meds have had the following side effects: Restlessness, swimyheaded-ness, some blurred vision, little nausea.

They are supposed to protect the T Cells and boost them and kill off the virus. At least reduce it. The start up phase is generally about a week. Im on day 4.

Once they start working, it takes a while for T Cells to go up. The meds dont do that. Your body produces them. It could take me about 4 or 5 months to get a T Cell count of maybe 200. My doctor wont let me work till its about 250.

Will I be as sick as I am now? Probably. I will probably be one of the few who dies quickly. I was infected in December when Randy and I had split for 9 days. I started the night sweats in may and now im down to probably less than 10 T Cells. I broke the soundbarrier on Sero-conversion (the virus taking over).

I dont have HIV. I have full blown AIDS. Its ok. Im strong and I will fight this. I just hope to be a community supporter by then LOL. And for hong, it wasnt 10 bucks, its 35. Im not working so its kinda hard right now. Especially living with your ex and hes taking care of you.

Other Questions?

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Michael Morris

First Post
Here's something funny to read when you're down Angel

Bonnie Lee was a cavalier and a handsome man was he
He rode a horse that was snow white with long mane flowing free
He was bold and reckless as they come on this side of the sea
But one day his white horse came home, but never home came he.

Bonnie Lee had heard a tale of gold, a dragon far away
And so he set off to slay it upon a cloudless day
He came upon the cavern and there stood awhile to see
One day his great horse came home, but never home came he.

Carefully he stepped beyond the threshhold of that cave of gloom
He scoffed at the feeling in his heart that he was facing doom
And deeply he delved into the cavern where the dragon should be
One day his great white horse came home, but never home came he.

Bonnie Lee looked about in the cavern when suddenly it forked
He did not know which way to go and this could ruin his sport,
So he took the largest passageway that his eyes could see
One day his great white horse came home, but never home came he.

The dragon soon arrived outside and knew something wasn't right
The place had that distinctive smell of all too arrogant knight
The horse caught sight of the dragon, then bolted away free
One day the scarred white horse came home, but never home came he.

Bonnie Lee was pondering which way in the cavern he should pass
When the dragon came up behind and then fired up his ass
And when the smoke had cleared there wasn't much of Bonnie Lee
His horse did come back home that day, but never home came he!!

Amrynn Moonshadow

First Post
sorry to hear about the bad form of some people here, but gaming isn't life. life is life. and our friend is living it, and in the middle of a very large fight. when he gets out he'll have a whole lot more xp to look back on with pride.

t cell count is too low man, but you are doing all you can. as for bmi, it is a severely flawed scale. professionally, i've never really seen it used to mean much, if you want to be accurate about health at all.

Karl Malone is an nba basketball player. he is 40 years old. he has been playing for 18 seasons or so. very high compotition. his body fat % goes down each year. which is completely against the outdated method of bmi. according to that (he is 6'9 and 256 lb.) he should have a bmi in the mid 30's. a former team mate of his was 7'4 and 290 lb. his bmi was calculated into the low 40's.

my bmi is in the high teens.

both of those professional athletes are in better shape than i am, that's for sure. karl malone is 40 years old, has 19 inch biceps, and routinely schools people in their 20's.

according to his bmi he should be in the hospital after even thinking of being a professional athelete.

keep up the spirit man. the medical science, as advanced as it is, is still progressing. older methods of detection, provention and curing are found to be wrong.

remember us 'docs' use to go around with leeches. now we go around with band aids.

as society changes, and technology becomes better true understanding advances. (we don't call girls who can do math witches anymore either!) ignorant people will some day learn about their ignorance.

keep smiling man.

because we love you. and we love to see you smile too.


Registered User
I don't normally post in threads such as this, dealing with people's personal issues (whatever they may be), but I've been here a long, long time and so have you.

So, first I wanted to congratulate you on your new title - I know the "angel" meant a lot to you. Whether you were able to be a Supporter or someone bought it for you, congratulations.

Second, I have a question. I thought HIV had a long incubation period, especially in industrialized nations like the US, where they have to be to keep spreading. So the question is, are you sure it happened in December? It just seems like a very fast progression. Also, if the medicines work, wouldn't that significantly extend your timeline? If they can get and keep your T Cells up, why couldn't you be here indefinitely?

I apologize for the personal questions from a stranger, but hope you'll answer anyway...

Good luck,


Bloodstone Mage

First Post
Hey, man! Keep strong! I don't have any questions I can think of now, but I'll sure to post them when I think of some~
I'm sorry that some people can be like that, posting off-color remarks and such. Some people need to take a long walk on a short pier. :)
My best wishes are with you, Ryan. By the way, I like the title and the signature image!
Godspeed, You Mighty Angel!


What do other people have?
Hi, Angel.

Well, Angelsboi, it looks like you're now a fully-fledged supporter of ENWorld! Congratulations! Not sure whether there was a fairy godmother (or -father?) that stepped in there, or you yourself! But anyway, here's hoping ENWorlders can support you in your time of need, and also that you start rolling some pretty hot T-cell ability checks -- try using d100s rather than d10s. ;) Wishing you all the very, very best, Dunx.


Amrynn Moonshadow said:

keep up the spirit man. the medical science, as advanced as it is, is still progressing. older methods of detection, provention and curing are found to be wrong.

remember us 'docs' use to go around with leeches. now we go around with band aids.

Most doctors aren't really above the leech stage, they just have more choices now.

Radiation for cancer...one prescription to cancel the side effects of the last one, ad infinitum...sometimes I think we'd be better off with leeches than the putzes they let through medical school these days....Go Affirmative Action!


Mod Squad
Staff member
d20Dwarf said:
Most doctors aren't really above the leech stage, they just have more choices now.

Doctors are far beyond the leech stage. But the human body is a terribly complicated thing, and it someties takes a bit of fiddling to find the specific cure that's right for a particular individual. Please, let's not give in to the tendency to negatively stereotype.

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