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Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g


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Nyar seems a little flabergasted, "I'm not sure which surprises me more, that he is still alive or that none of his limbs have been bloodily separated from his body."

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Dalvach stands up bloody, beaten and smiling. He pats out the fire on his shoulder and then turns to the gladiator who slashed him. "Alright then! Let's play laddie!" Dalvach's burnt skin cracks and blisters as he brings his hammer in an upwards stroke aimed at the gladiator's chin. Upon striking his foe, that familiar gust of wind and power ripples over Dalvach, seemingly blowing away the wounds on his shoulders and forearms. "Come on Nyar, Baern. This fight is almost won. Let us introduce them to the Dark Six." With that, Dalvach gestures to Nyar, concentrating with a wave of his hand. A mysterious unseen wind blows Nyar's robes about his body and he looks suddenly younger, while at the same time Dalvach appears that much older.

[sblock=OOC/Actions] Move action- Stand up. Standard Energizing Strike (Augment 2) against gladiator adjacent to me, so I have 2 power points left.
1d20+9 → [14,9] = (23) Roll Lookup hits for 1d10+5 → [6,5] = (11) 1d10+5 → [4,5] = (9) 20 Roll Lookup damage total and I get to spend a healing surge. I regain 10 hit points and because of my feat (Bolstering Mantle) Baern can have 5 temporary hit points. Using my Finemail of Dwarven Vigor I can second wind for free and spend another surge so there's another 10 hp. I also regain an additional 1d6 per plus of the armor's enhancement bonus. It's +2 so I'll regain 2d6 extra hp and Nyar can have 5 temporary hit points. Then I'll minor action to heal Nyar with Ardent Surge and he gets a surge + 1d6 which = 6 Roll Lookup and I will regain 3 additional hitpoints. So a total of 23 to me, 14 to Nyar Roll Lookup

**Okie dokie**[/sblock]

Baern nods at Dalvach and looks over to Nyar. Wizard, which target shall I take?

Nyar stands slowly. "Ouch. By the Seven, I wish I could say that was the first time that happened."

Dalvach's powerful move instills new energy through Nyar. After Baern gives him to nudge, he looks over to the opposing wizard.

"That was nice... but let a real wizard show you the power of fire!" The ensuing storm of fire engulfs the hogoblin, he drops to the ground choking for a moment before all breathe leaves his body. The gladiator trys to get in a strike as Nyar casts but seems reflected by his arcane shields.

[sblock=actions] Move: Stand.
Standard Action: Scorching Burst versus opposing wizard: 1d20+8, 2d6+6 → ([20, 8], [6, 3, 6]). Roll Lookup . BOOM! That's 18 damage, plus the 1d8 from wand crit bonus. I won't bother with that since he should be toast.
I do trigger an OA from the gladiator with +7 to AC

**Hobgoblin dead. Gladiator misses Roll[/sblock]

After Nyar crisps the hobgoblin, Baern spins towards the remaining gladiator. He focuses and swings both Tooth and Claw at the man. The blades cut bloody gashes but do not take off any limbs. You best run and hide in a corner, whelp growls Baern, still surging from Dalvach's inspiration.

[sblock=OOC] Move: Walk to I14 avoiding AoO by taking the long way
Minor: Hunter's Quarry on Gladiator
Standard: Twin Strike 1d20+11=21 hits for 1d12+3=4 1d20+11=20 hits for 1d12+3=7 and 1d6=6 Not much on those rolls totals 17.

**I put you at H14. I had the gladiator mislabeled.**

The remaining gladiator looks back toward his entrance, as if he might do just that, but he quickly turns back to the party. He lashes twice quickly at Baern, opening a vein and then kicking him back. Baerns solid chest keeps him in place however.

You hear a mad, yipping howl from the tunnels, as shadows again begin to take place behind the lowered bars.

[sblock=ooc]Gladiator attacks Baern. Both hit for a total of 13 damage, and is pushed to I14. . . except Baern is a dwarf. [/sblock]



Round 8

18; Nyar; F15; 33/33 +5 thp; Acted
15; Enemies
Gladiator 1; G14; 8/45; Bloodied
11; Dalvach; F15; 31/43;
7; Baern; H14; 19/47; Bloodied

Round 9



AC 17 W 13

White boxes are doors or portcullises. Wavy lines are curtains. The walls are 35 ft and lined with spikes, except on the platform. That's 40 ft and lined with spikes.



First Post
[sblock=Actions] Standard-Energizing Strike no augment on gladiator three. The (6) temps will go to Baern if I hit. Baern I don't know if you want a heal from Ardent Surge after that, I have one left to hand out so..your call bud. That'd be my minor, and I don't really need to move. Unless I'm in someone's way, of course. :uhoh: [/sblock]

Dalvach glares at the last remaining gladiator as he focuses his mind. He holds his Craghammer low and to his right, the flat of the hammer faces the ground. He is readying for an up-swing, hoping to crush the manling's jaw. The long battle has clearly worn Dalvach out, his swing goes wild and the gladiator side steps easily.

[sblock=Energizing Strike]
1d20+9;1d10+5.extra(2) → ERROR ? I'll try again in a little while. Roll Lookup 1d20+9;1d10+5 → [3,9] = (12)
1d20+9;1d10+5 → [6,5] = (11) oh no I whiffed! Crud! I cannot figure out how to make invisible castle roll for a brutal 2 weapon either..sorry guys. Roll Lookup


Triggers- Ardent Mantle: Mantle of Clarity. Allies within 5 get +3 to all defenses against opportunity attacks. +2 to Perception and Insight checks. Status:Happy Init: +3 Speed: 5 Perception:17 Insight: 22
AC: 21 NAD:16/13/17 HP: 33/43 Surges: 8/10 Surge Value: 10 AP: 1 Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:10 Dex:12 Wis:16 Con:16 Int:8 Cha:18 Powers:

At-Will-Melee basic, Ire Strike, Prescient Strike, Energizing Strike Encounter: Fey Strike Craghammer, Ardent Surge (1/2)

Daily: Chainmail of Dwarven Vigor, Endure Pain, Wormhole Plunge, Targeting Repeating Crossbow [/sblock]
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Baern looks to Nyar Think you can keep this group out the same way? he asks before looking to Dalvach's swing.

[sblock=OOC] Waiting to see if Dalvach kills him. I have the armor that gives me second wind +2d6 as a free action plus I get +3 to defenses instead of +2 also, which I was planning to use. Depends on if Nyar will get injured more. What does FourMonos think?


First Post
"Aye, my sturdy friend. I will try to hinder any approach I can. If ye two have the opportunity, do try to put some distance between yourselves and our enemies. It does make it easier to make them explode."

[sblock=ooc] Scorpius, can we tell numbers behind the gates again? Or do we need to roll perception checks? I'm okay with whatever you think about healing. If you use your second wind, then Dalvach has the flexibility to heal either of us with his last minor and he has more Energizing Strike heals too. I have my second wind still as well. Your call. [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc] The enemies just rolled a 9 for init so its gonna go like so:

Dalvach (pending)

If Dalvach kills this fellow, everyone including Dalvach might get a full round of actions before they get theirs.

Theres at least two creatures at each entrance. Roll a passive skill check as a minor action for more info.[/sblock]


Baern quickly spins his two axes and cuts the gladiator down. Holding Tooth out before him he takes a deep breath and his armor vibrates, its stone mail shaking like a small earthquake. His bleeding stops and he looks more rested. He stows Tooth and draws a throwing axe. I will try to keep them at a distance, but I can't keep away from my targets he says, glancing at Nyar.

[sblock=OOC] Twin Strike 1d20+11=30 for 1d12+3=9 DEAD
Free Action: Armor for Second Wind - Healing Surge + 2d6=11+10=21, also I have +3 to my defenses TENT from the defensive waraxe
Minor: Stow Defensive Waraxe
Minor: Draw Handaxe

Triggers: Unbalancing Parry (enemy misses Baern with melee attack)
Status: +3 to all defenses
Init: +2 Speed: 5 Perception:22 Insight: 15
AC: 20 NAD:18/14/16
HP: 40/47 Surges: 7/8 Surge Value: 11 AP: 1
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:19 Dex:10 Wis:16 Con:15 Int:10 Cha:10

At-Will: Hunter's Quarry, Throw and Stab, Twin Strike
Encounter: Disrupting Strike, Off-Hand Strike, Second Wind, Unbalancing Parry, Battle Awareness
Daily: Chainmail of Dwarven Vigor, Jaws of the Wolf, Opportunistic Waraxe

Full Character Sheet [/sblock]


First Post
"Nay, I agree Baern, I want you up close to them, too! I just meant, if you had the opportunity to step back, after attacking, it might allow me to soften them up with some fire to the backside."

Nyar peers through the smoke from his previous fire attacks. "Mostly I'm grateful you've kept my tired hide intact."

[sblock=perception] 1d20+3 → [14,3] = (17) Roll Lookup [/sblock]

And tries to recall all he learned about the southern regions of Khorvaire.

[sblock=history] History check for the Valenar reference when we first got trapped here. 1d20+12 → [19,12] = (31) Roll Lookup [/sblock]

[sblock=actions] Minor: Perception.
Minor: History, woot 31!
Standard: Storm Pillar to either N23 or N4 if I can tell which has more people. If I can't tell or same number of people, N23. [/sblock]

Status: Enjoying the mission
Init: +5 Speed: 6 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 17 NAD: F: 13 R:18 W:16 (+2 vs. Illusion Attacks/Perception)
HP: (+5) 33/33 Surges: 6/6 Surge Value: 8 AP: 1
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:8 Dex:16 Wis:12 Con:11 Int:20 Cha:10

At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Magic Missle, Storm Pillar, Scorching Burst
Encounter: Empowering Lightning, Pinioning Vortex, Second Wind, Wand of Accuracy, Otherworldly Lore
Daily: Bracers of Escape, Sleep

Full Character Sheet: http://leb.wikia.com/wiki/LEB:pC:Nyar_Harbor_(FourMonos)#Summary [/sblock]
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First Post
[sblock=Knowledge checks] Perception - 1d20+9 → [16,9] = (25) Roll Lookup and Insight - 1d20+12 → [4,12] = (16) Roll Lookup pretty mediocre..[/sblock]

Dalvach attempts to brush off the sand, blood, dirt, ash and bits of innards that are covering his clothing and armor. He looks back and forth at his comrades and shakes his head. He grins a large toothy grin and says, "Ha ha! Wouldn't trade it for the world, friends." He listens closely to the yipping barks and tries to remember where he's heard that sound before..

Voidrunner's Codex

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