Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Forgot extra crit damage from the halberd if it's not too late to take into account
Crit from halberd (1d6=5) - cold damage

[sblock=OOC lamentation of the wicked (for rest of the team)]
why oh why didn't you use your actions to follow Cairn. Climbing the rope is DC 10. And there must be an exit from the auditorium :) Now we have to kill everything and maybe fight the guards...

Do you need help or should I go for the thiefling?
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First Post
The thunder explosion and its ramifications settle in, "Damn!"

Nyar sets his jaw. Green and yellow electricity circles his wand before lightning shoots out and blasts the spear holder, knocking him back.

The wand still pulses with power as a vortex of wind and lightning forms underneath the hobgoblin with the halberd and lifts him straight up.

"Bearn! Can you finish off that lizardman while he is down? Dalvach can you heal Bearn and keep him up?"

[sblock=ooc] KarinsDad can you check the math on Hob Spear health, I think he took 9 from storm pillar, 27 from jaws of the wolf, and 22 from disrupting strike? 58 damage? [/sblock]

[sblock=actions] Move: Shift to O22.
Standard: Empowering Lightning versus Hobgoblin Spear: ([16, 8], [3, 7, 6]) Roll Lookup So hit Reflex 24 for 16 damage. He is also pushed one square.
Free: Wand of Accurary (+3 to next attack, +5 damage for use after Empowering Lightning)
AP: Pinioning Vortex versus Hobgoblin Halberd: 1d20+8+3, 2d6+6+5 → ([20, 8, 3], [2, 5, 6, 5]) Roll Lookup Crit! extra damage: 1d8 → [2] = (2) Roll Lookup . So then hits Hobgoblin Halberd Fortitude 31 for 25. He is up 10 feet, dazed, immobilized and grants CA to allies. [/sblock]

Nyar Harbor, lvl 4 Wizard
Status/Conditions: +3 vs OA
Init: +5 Speed: 6 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 17 NAD: F: 13 R:18 W:16 (+2 vs. Illusion Attacks/Perception)
HP: 26/33 +5 THP Surges: 3/6 Surge Value: 8 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:8 Dex:16 Wis:12 Con:11 Int:20 Cha:10

At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Magic Missle, Storm Pillar, Scorching Burst
Encounter: Empowering Lightning, Pinioning Vortex, Second Wind, Wand of Accuracy, Otherworldly Lore
Daily: Bracers of Escape, Sleep

Full Character Sheet: [/sblock]
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Baern moves quickly to step over next to his ally Dalvach. He takes a deep breath and roars loudly. GRRRAAAAAAAA! The rangers sweeps his twin waraxes around at the Hobgoblin with the Halbard. He keeps Tooth up between them in a defensive posture.

[sblock=OOC]Move: Shift to N20
Minor: Second Wind for +3 defenses
Standard: Twin Strike against Hobgoblin Halbard 1d20+9=22 vs AC for 1d12+3=11 damage, Miss (13) with second and 1d6=5 quarry damage

Triggers: Unbalancing Parry (enemy misses Baern with melee attack)
Status: +3 to defenses TENT, Hunter's Quarry on Hobgoblin Halbard
Init: +2 Speed: 5 Perception:22 Insight: 15
AC: 20 NAD:18/14/16
HP: 17/47 Surges: 4/8 Surge Value: 11 AP: 1
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:19 Dex:10 Wis:16 Con:15 Int:10 Cha:10

At-Will: Hunter's Quarry, Throw and Stab, Twin Strike
Encounter: Disrupting Strike, Off-Hand Strike, Second Wind, Unbalancing Parry, Battle Awareness
Daily: Chainmail of Dwarven Vigor, Jaws of the Wolf, Opportunistic Waraxe

Full Character Sheet [/sblock]


[sblock=ooc] KarinsDad can you check the math on Hob Spear health, I think he took 9 from storm pillar, 27 from jaws of the wolf, and 22 from disrupting strike? 58 damage? [/sblock]

9 from storm pillar, 12 from first part of jaws of the wolf, 14 from second part of jaws of the wolf, 16 from disruptive strike, no quarry damage since Hob Halberd is the one that Baern quarried. Total: 51.

Note: If Baern would have used Disruptive Strike on any of the other foes, he would have gotten hit 3 times instead of 2 since the other 2 rolls were so high. I used the opponent that johnmeier1 indicated that he wanted to block (even though he accidently thought that spear was the quarried foe) and the opponent that was the most hurt. That was not the quarried foe.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]It seems like FourMonos posted simultaneously with me. Resolution-wise do we go with Nyar first since he went first AND is listed first by init? If so, then Baern can throw that damage at the lizardman AND since he was adjacent I would not move and instead swap that move for Hunter's Quarry on the Lizardman. Would coup de grace be an autocritical on a hit? He is helpless so let me know how many of my attacks hit so I can roll crit dice[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Ah the unfortunate simultaneous post! As for the spear wielding hobgoblin, he's dead. The other hobgoblin seems to be in charge of these three anyway. Curious to see if KD will allow a little (or a lot) of retcon damage on the lizardman... [/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]It seems like FourMonos posted simultaneously with me. Resolution-wise do we go with Nyar first since he went first AND is listed first by init? If so, then Baern can throw that damage at the lizardman AND since he was adjacent I would not move and instead swap that move for Hunter's Quarry on the Lizardman. Would coup de grace be an autocritical on a hit? He is helpless so let me know how many of my attacks hit so I can roll crit dice[/sblock]

Posting order in Mal's init system is first come, first served. The initiative in the list is only relevant for any PCs going before the NPCs in round one. I'll see if I can find a link to Mal's system somewhere, but many of the DMs here are using it.

I typically only allow retcon for illegal actions, not sub-optimal actions. For example, the Lizardman charging Dalvach was an illegal action, so I changed the target to Baern because that was the only legal action.

Another example, if Baern had attacked Hobgoblin with Spear and Nyar beat him to the punch and killed Hobgoblin with Spear first, then Baern could use his attack and damage rolls for a different target. I would even allow a PC to change his actions a bit if the first PC pushed the target so that it was no longer in reach of the second PC and it would change the available actions for the second PC.

But, changing targets or deciding to not move after you have already posted that you will move or similar modifications because someone else made a suggestion that you didn't yet read or think of, is something that I typically won't allow unless it is very unusual circumstances.

I also allow retcon for things like: I did a move and a standard action, but did not do a minor, so I'll add a minor to the list.

In other words, adding actions is pretty much ok. Changing actions, not so much unless the simultaneous post made your listed actions illegal.

Remember, the combat round itself is simultaneous as well. Someone shouted out something. Opps. You missed it this time. :confused:

The way to avoid near simultaneous posting in the future is for everyone to do a preview post of their post before hitting submit. That way, if anyone has beat your post by a few minutes, you still have time to change your post. But again, once you write your actions into Invisible Castle and press Submit, those are your actions and your target unless they become illegal and even here, if you use the same attack against a new target, whatever you rolled against the illegal target is what you also rolled against the new legal target.

I'm a little flexible, but not a great deal so.


[sblock=OOC] So if I understand this correctly, the Halbard Hobgoblin IS an illegal target for Baern (melee 1 at a target 10 feet up) so I have to just use those attacks on the lizardman (only legal target) with no special advantages, other than +2 from CA. Right?[/sblock]

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