Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g


First Post
"Stone Guardian! We could really use your help with these gladiators! I will try to get the Tiefling coward!"

[sblock=ooc] Free: Talking.
KarinsDad, do I have line of sight to the tiefling? Superior cover and what not? I didn't check map yet to see if I have to move to get a straight view without intervening bad guys. Mostly curious about cover and LOS [/sblock]

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Yes, Cairn can attack through the portcullis. The Tiefling just has superior cover which means that Cairn is at -5 to hit with any ranged, melee, close burst, or close blast power.

An area power that can be done at range would ignore the -5 attack penalty. One merely sets the origin square on the other side of the portcullis.

It would take minutes and tools to break through the portcullis.

Course, there is the moral dilemma here as well. Attack the Tiefling, or help save the others.

Bwa ha ha ha! :devil:


[sblock=ooc] Free: Talking.
KarinsDad, do I have line of sight to the tiefling? Superior cover and what not? I didn't check map yet to see if I have to move to get a straight view without intervening bad guys. Mostly curious about cover and LOS [/sblock]

You have both line of sight and line of effect to the Tiefling.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
You have both line of sight and line of effect to the Tiefling.
Dilemma solved! Bwa ha ha ha heh :)

Now I'm reluctant to use another daily since I used one to stop the thiefling and it didn't work.

So I'll just get the halberd hobbo prone so you can focus on the lizard. Just shift away so ... hm, reach. no matter...full post in the evening

Also, I hate letting thiefling go after I nearly bloodied myself trying to stop him. Next time, I'm jumping to attack rather then spending AP for a charge

"Hold, defenders! Cairn comes."

Cairn moves to halberdier and swings, but slips on the blood puddle at the last moment and the swing goes wild.

Move: O 15
Standard: Earthgrasp Strike vs Hal. AC; damage; stand-up damage (1d20+10=12, 1d10+5=9, 1d10+5=13) - miss
Free: mark hal
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[sblock=OOC] Didn't put this in my last OOC note, but Second Wind healed Baern for 11 hp in addition to giving +3 Defenses. But that still puts him at 0hp, which is probably also dying, right.


First Post
"Thank you Guardian. Get back here you coward!" Nyar walks north, avoiding the large range on the halberd swing.

He aims with precision at the half hidden Tiefling. A bolt of silver energy fires from his wand and glances off his head.

[sblock=actions] Move to T17 avoiding 2 blocks around Halberd.
Standard: Magic Missle, non lethal, to Tiefling. 10 damage (8 +2 arcane reserves).
If attacked/charged, I will use the Bracers of Escape to move to R15 [/sblock]

Nyar Harbor
Status: quo
Init: +5 Speed: 6 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 17 NAD: F: 13 R:18 W:16 (+2 vs. Illusion Attacks/Perception)
HP: 26/33 +5 THP Surges: 3/6 Surge Value: 8 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:8 Dex:16 Wis:12 Con:11 Int:20 Cha:10

At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Magic Missle, Storm Pillar, Scorching Burst
Encounter: Empowering Lightning, Pinioning Vortex, Second Wind, Wand of Accuracy, Otherworldly Lore
Daily: Bracers of Escape, Sleep

Full Character Sheet: [/sblock]
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[sblock=actions] Move to T17 avoiding 2 blocks around Halberd.
Standard: Magic Missle, non lethal, to Tiefling. 10 damage (8 +2 arcane reserves).
If attacked/charged, I will use the Bracers of Escape to move to [/sblock]

How is Nyar doing 10 damage with Magic Missile?

It looks like 9 to me. 5 Int + 2 Magic Missile + 2 Arcane Reserves.

The +1 Implement bonus only adds to damage rolls and there is no damage roll with Magic Missile.

Also, I need to know which square you want to teleport to if Nyar gets attacked.


First Post
[sblock=ooc] KD, when I checked on the DnD Compendium page, it says:

Arcane, Force, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Effect: 2 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Level 11: 3 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Level 21: 5 + Intelligence modifier force damage.
Special: If the implement used with this power has an enhancement bonus, add that bonus to the damage. In addition, you can use this power as a ranged basic attack.

So 10 damage, right? Also, sorry, was checking map and forgot to put in spot. R15 is preferred spot unless compromised. [/sblock]
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