Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g

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Baern groggily stands up and sees the battle has moved far away from him. Shouldering Tooth, he takes a deep breath and charges far to the lizardman. The vicious axe comes down on the creature's head.

[sblock=OOC] Move action: Stand up
Standard: Move to P21
AP: Charge to S18 and attack lizardman 1d20+11=24 (vs AC) for 1d12+7+1d6=20 damage

Cairn swings, but misses.

Move: shift to P15, gain +1 AC and Ref
Standard: Weight of Earth vs Halberdier AC (1d20+10=15, 1d10+5=14) - and good rolls continue, luckily I hit with that first blast on the platform, at least I can soak some daamge

Nyar curses to himself, "Damn Tiefling, you won't get away that easily."

He steps back from the remaining gladiators and taunts the Lizardman, "Come on ugly, you aren't going to let me get away that easily, are you?" He causes an explosion between him and the lizardman, attempting to avoid hurting his friends.

[sblock=actions] Move: Shift to Q14
Standard: Scorching Burst to S 16. Burst area versus Lizardman:
1d20+8, 1d6+6+2 → ([17, 8], [4, 6, 2]) Roll Lookup . Hit Reflex 25 for 12 damage.
Note: If I trigger OA from Halberd, I have +7 AC bonus. [/sblock]

Veruza stands and shouts at the lizardman, but it seems ineffective.

Move stand

Standard Command on lizardman, 13 vs will most likely a miss[/sblock]

Dalvach swings at the Hobgoblin, but misses.

The Lizardman stabs Baern in the arm. Being desparate, it swings again at Baern, but misses.

The Hobgoblin slashes Cairn across the chest.

Dalvach misses the Hobgoblin.

Energizing Strike 20 vs. AC misses

The Lizardman hits Baern for 7.

13+mods hits, 7 damage

The Lizardman misses Baern.

6+mods misses

Hobgoblin Halberd hits Cairn for 13.

12+mods hits, 13 damage

Enemy Round 5

Cairn; P15; 26/63; Bloodied, +1 AC and Ref, resist 5 cold, each square within 2 squares of Cairn is difficult terrain for his enemies, marked by Hobgoblin
Nyar; Q14; 26/33; 5 temp hit points
Baern; S18; 6/47; Bloodied
Lizardman; T17; 84; Bloodied, Quarried by Baern
Hobgoblin Halberd; O17; 35
Audrey; T8; 12; 5 temp hit points
Dalvach; P17; 30/43
Veruza; S8; 21/40

It's the PCs' turn.

White boxes are doors or portcullises. Wavy lines are curtains. The walls are 35 ft and lined with spikes, except on the platform. That's 40 ft and lined with spikes.

Climb DC for Walls is 16. Or 10 with a rope. 22 to get over the spikes safely.


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Cairn swings again, but it seems the fall left permanent mark on his coordination

Move: shift Q16, +1 AC and Ref
Standard: Thorn Strike vs Halberdier AC (1d20+10=17+1=18, 1d10+5+4=19) - on hit pull halberdier to P16
FORGOT Warforged Tactics, added to link, but it's not rolled
Free: Mark Halberdier
Minor: Warforged Resolve; regain 5 hp AND gain 5 thp

[sblock=Cairn Stats]
STATUS: +2 AC; DR 5 cold, +1 Ref
MARKED: halberdier

Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 15, Passive Perception 19
HP 31+5/63, Bloodied 31, Surge Value 15, Surges 13/13
AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 17
0 AP
Saving Throws:
+2 vs ongoing damage, take 10 or roll on death saves;
+2 item bonus vs. poison, weakened, slowed, immobilized, charm, fear and psychic effects
Resist 5 psychic

An ally that makes saving throw after Cairn succeeds on his gains +4 to the roll

Speed 6

Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike

Warforged Resolve
Second Wind
Thunder Ram Assault
Form of Winter Herald Attack
Earthgrasp Strike

Form of Winter's Herald
Nature's Abundance
Wellspring Strike

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Baern dodges the second of the lizardman's desperate thrusts and forces him off balance. The dwarf then swings Tooth and Claw in rapid succession at the creature.

[sblock=OOC] Immediate Reaction: Unbalancing Parry - Slide Lizardman to R17 and gain CA TENT Baern
Standard Action: Twin Strike on Lizardman 1d20+11=13 MISS 1d20+11=19 ??? for 1d12+3+1d6=13
Move: if he is dead, walk to P18. If not dead, then shift to S17
Minor: if he is dead, quarry the Halberd.

Status: Bloodied, Lizardman grants CA to Baern TENT, Hunter's Quarry on Lizardman
Init: +2 Speed: 5 Perception:22 Insight: 15
AC: 20 NAD:18/14/16
HP: 6/47 Surges: 3/8 Surge Value: 11 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:19 Dex:10 Wis:16 Con:15 Int:10 Cha:10

At-Will: Hunter's Quarry, Throw and Stab, Twin Strike
Encounter: Disrupting Strike, Off-Hand Strike, Second Wind, Unbalancing Parry, Battle Awareness
Daily: Chainmail of Dwarven Vigor, Jaws of the Wolf, Opportunistic Waraxe

Full Character Sheet [/sblock]


First Post
Unable to get an explosion off now that his allies are surrounding the lizardman, Nyar sends a silver bolt of arcane force that connects with the lizard's chest. "Gladiator, surrender now or you are forcing your own demise!"

[sblock=actions] Standard: Magic Missle to Lizardman: 10 damage.
Free: talking. [/sblock]

Status: quo
Init: +5 Speed: 6 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 17 NAD: F: 13 R:18 W:16 (+2 vs. Illusion Attacks/Perception)
HP: 26/33 +5 THP Surges: 3/6 Surge Value: 8 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:8 Dex:16 Wis:12 Con:11 Int:20 Cha:10

At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Magic Missle, Storm Pillar, Scorching Burst
Encounter: Empowering Lightning, Pinioning Vortex, Second Wind, Wand of Accuracy, Otherworldly Lore
Daily: Bracers of Escape, Sleep [/sblock]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Get that lizard overhere if you can. And watch out for that fanatic who just jumped down to save one of the ring-leaders!"


First Post
Veruza moves to the weakest enemy, I will not fail, nor will my allies! A burst of healing energy washes over the cleric, and Baern.


Double move S16, if Lizardman is dead, circle around Cairn to N17, adjacent to hobgoblin.

Minor Healing Word on Self, spend a healing surge regaining 20 HP (surge 10, 10 from Healing word), 19 brings her to full Health.

AP: Healers Mercy, Close burst 5, each bloodied ally in burst can spend a Healing Surge and regains an additional 5 HP. Veruza is weakened TENT
(I don't think Cairn counts as an ally currently to Veruza)


Cairn swings again, but it seems the fall left permanent mark on his coordination

Move: shift Q16, +1 AC and Ref
Standard: Thorn Strike vs Halberdier AC (1d20+10=17+1=18, 1d10+5+4=19) - on hit pull halberdier to P16
FORGOT Warforged Tactics, added to link, but it's not rolled
Free: Mark Halberdier
Minor: Warforged Resolve; regain 5 hp AND gain 5 thp

Baern dodges the second of the lizardman's desperate thrusts and forces him off balance. The dwarf then swings Tooth and Claw in rapid succession at the creature.

[sblock=OOC] Immediate Reaction: Unbalancing Parry - Slide Lizardman to R17 and gain CA TENT Baern
Standard Action: Twin Strike on Lizardman 1d20+11=13 MISS 1d20+11=19 ??? for 1d12+3+1d6=13
Move: if he is dead, walk to P18. If not dead, then shift to S17
Minor: if he is dead, quarry the Halberd.

Unable to get an explosion off now that his allies are surrounding the lizardman, Nyar sends a silver bolt of arcane force that connects with the lizard's chest. "Gladiator, surrender now or you are forcing your own demise!"

[sblock=actions] Standard: Magic Missle to Lizardman: 10 damage.
Free: talking. [/sblock]

"Get that lizard overhere if you can. And watch out for that fanatic who just jumped down to save one of the ring-leaders!"

Veruza moves to the weakest enemy, I will not fail, nor will my allies! A burst of healing energy washes over the cleric, and Baern.


Double move S16, if Lizardman is dead, circle around Cairn to N17, adjacent to hobgoblin.

Minor Healing Word on Self, spend a healing surge regaining 20 HP (surge 10, 10 from Healing word), 19 brings her to full Health.

AP: Healers Mercy, Close burst 5, each bloodied ally in burst can spend a Healing Surge and regains an additional 5 HP. Veruza is weakened TENT
(I don't think Cairn counts as an ally currently to Veruza)

Dalvach is bound and determined to strike the Hobgoblin, the he easily evades Dalvach's swing.

The Lizardman moves away "Ok, ok. I surrender." it says as it heads towards the southern gate. The few remaining people in the crowd start to boo.

The Hobgoblin takes a mighty swing at Cairn, but fails to connect.

Dalvach misses the Hobgoblin.

1, automiss

The Lizardman surrenders.

The Hobgoblin misses Cairn.

2 plus bonus misses

Enemy Round 6

Cairn; Q16; 31/63; Bloodied, +1 AC and Ref, resist 5 cold, each square within 2 squares of Cairn is difficult terrain for his enemies, marked by Hobgoblin, 5 temp hit points
Nyar; Q14; 26/33; 5 temp hit points
Baern; S17; 22/47; Bloodied, CA on Lizardman TENT
Lizardman; R17; 107; Bloodied, Quarried by Baern
Hobgoblin Halberd; O17; 35; marked by Cairn
Audrey; T8; 12; 5 temp hit points
Dalvach; P17; 30/43
Veruza; S16; 40/40; Weakened TENT Veruza

It's the PCs' turn.

White boxes are doors or portcullises. Wavy lines are curtains. The walls are 35 ft and lined with spikes, except on the platform. That's 40 ft and lined with spikes.

Climb DC for Walls is 16. Or 10 with a rope. 22 to get over the spikes safely.


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Just a note: unless Veruza healed Cairn and does became an ally in his eyes, she has difficult terrain around him and cannot get where she intended.

Also, KarinsDad, the area around Cairn is two squares not one (I didn't mention it on the last map since I thought it missed error)


Baern does a swivel on one foot and look about. He sees the retreating lizardman and almost pursues him. The dwarf shakes his head and seems to relax a bit as the healing energy from Veruza flows into his body. He moves carefully over to the hobgoblin. You best flee too. He swings both his waraxes in a reverse, striking the gladiator at critical points with the haft of his weapons.

[sblock=OOC] Move: Walk to P18
Minor: Quarry Hobgoblin Halberd
Standard: Twin Strike for non-lethal 1d20+9=26 for 1d12+3+1d6=18 and 1d20+9=29 CRIT for 15 +1d6=19 for a total of 37 damage

Status: Bloodied, Hunter's Quarry on Halberd
Init: +2 Speed: 5 Perception:22 Insight: 15
AC: 20 NAD:18/14/16
HP: 22/47 Surges: 2/8 Surge Value: 11 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:19 Dex:10 Wis:16 Con:15 Int:10 Cha:10

At-Will: Hunter's Quarry, Throw and Stab, Twin Strike
Encounter: Disrupting Strike, Off-Hand Strike, Second Wind, Unbalancing Parry, Battle Awareness
Daily: Chainmail of Dwarven Vigor, Jaws of the Wolf, Opportunistic Waraxe

Voidrunner's Codex

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