Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g


Just a note: unless Veruza healed Cairn and does became an ally in his eyes, she has difficult terrain around him and cannot get where she intended.

Also, KarinsDad, the area around Cairn is two squares not one (I didn't mention it on the last map since I thought it missed error)

OOC: Well, I made the mistake for the last 3 rounds now. So, I'm not going to bother to retcon anything over it. It would have changed a few things. I'll fix it for upcoming rounds and we'll go from there.

Note: If anyone notices one of my mistakes, please mention it as soon as you see it. There's a lot going on, so I sometimes make a lot of them. Thanks.

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First Post
Baern don't leave me too close to this rock-monster! Stay back beast! Veruza begins a prayer to lower the already struggling rock monsters defenses.


Veruza currently full health, weakened, has used; Healing word X2, Command, Channel Divinity, AP.

She's getting ready to use astral seal on Cairn if their misunderstanding doesn't get cleared up before she casts.



First Post
"Stone Guardian!! Veruza!! Stop!!!!"

Nyar rushes over next to Veruza, "She is with us! We were separated on our path here. She jumped from the stands to save her sister and us. We're all on the same side! Well.... except for the hobgoblin..."

Nyar brandishes Tinder and a silver bolt flies true and smacks solidly in the halbeder's knee. "Surrender hobgoblin, you're outnumbered and alone and no one is going to help you."

[sblock=actions] Move to S15.
Free: Talking.
Standard: Magic Missle to Hobgoblin: 10 damage, nonlethal. [/sblock]

Status: quo
Init: +5 Speed: 6 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 17 NAD: F: 13 R:18 W:16 (+2 vs. Illusion Attacks/Perception)
HP: 26/33 +5 THP Surges: 3/6 Surge Value: 8 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:8 Dex:16 Wis:12 Con:11 Int:20 Cha:10

At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Magic Missle, Storm Pillar, Scorching Burst
Encounter: Empowering Lightning, Pinioning Vortex, Second Wind, Wand of Accuracy, Otherworldly Lore
Daily: Bracers of Escape, Sleep [/sblock]
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She's getting ready to use astral seal on Cairn if their misunderstanding doesn't get cleared up before she casts.

The guy purposely knocks your sister off a 40 foot platform and you call it a misunderstanding and give the other PCs a non-subtle OOC request (more of a command) to talk Veruza out of it so that your PC won't attack him? And your big threat at that against him is Astra Seal? Wow.

Virtually every PC I've ever run would have toasted this guy the moment I could. Protect my sister at all costs! Astral Condemnation and put him down. Big bad ass Warden or not, Veruza should have taken him (at least for a few rounds). :lol:

You should learn to ignore the "PC" tattooed on character's foreheads. What a waste of an excellent opportunity for a rare bit of good PC vs. PC combat and roleplaying. That could have been one of the most memorable moments here at LEB and could have been the start of an interesting relationship between the two PCs. The stories at the tavern alone would have been priceless. ;)


First Post
Ooc: I'm attemptig to communicate, before attacking a PC. I think there is a rule about this somewhere. Without Neurotic's express consent, and DM approval, what you're talkng about KD isn't allowed. Also Veruza is currently weakened, so why would she use a daily?Cairn recently became the weakest enemy, and hasn't attacked an ally since the first time. It is a misunderstanding, Cairn didn't understand who Audrey was, Neurotic did. I hope we don't have multiple ''you aren't RPing correctly'' conversations during the adventure... Justifying my actions isn't fun.

Now, may I attack Cairn? Neurotic? KD?
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
You may. There is very little chance of you doing any real harm to the brute and if I'm willing to take one from friends in the middle ofthe combat, why wouldn't I take an attack from criminal ring-leader or at least fanatical follower :p

Cairn doesn't turn, for the moment ignoring the woman, still stalking the hobgoblin. There will be time enough to sort finer points later. They needed one prisoner alive. He slides closer and the ice from his torso blasts out. It is however ragged and weak, melting almost as soon as it left his body with no apparent effect on the warrior

Move: shift P16
Free: Mark hobbo

Standard: Form of the winter herald attack(non-lethal) vs Hob AC; cold damage (1d20+10=11, 1d10+5+4=13) - nat 1 !
Minor: Insight (1d20+3=14) - to read Veruza


First Post
Finishing her prayer, partially interrupted, Veruza places a divine glyph upon the rock beast. He's a mindless killing machine Nyar! He's not going to understand even if he can speak. Quick! Hit him while my symbol still burns his stony flesh!

Veruza prepares her next prayer, calling on all her powers, focusing on words of condemnation. Cairn can sense the fear on the girl, her desperation to live oozing from every pore.


astral seal Cairn, 16 vs reflex, hits, Until the end of Veruza's next turn, Cairn takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits the target before the end of Veruza's next turn regains 6 hit points.

Veruza no longer weakened.
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Ooc: I'm attemptig to communicate, before attacking a PC. I think there is a rule about this somewhere. Without Neurotic's express consent, and DM approval, what you're talkng about KD isn't allowed.

Actually, there is no such rule, at least on LEB. Sheeva almost did it to Val once because she was grabbed and she had to push back the foe (fortunately in that case, her single target burst hit, so she didn't have to AP a blast that would have included and hit Val).

That must be a house rule that you use in one of your other games. It's not a 4E rule or an LEB rule.

I apologize if you thought I was trying to tell you how to play your PC. I didn't realize that you thought you needed permission to attack a PC. You don't. It's all good. Let's move on.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I believe there is such rule, but as I understand it it pertains to warlocks with ally damaging powers (Your Glorious Sacrifice and similar) which require willing target. Otherwise, it's only courtesy to ask to include someone in your powers.

OOC: FOR THE RECORD: I don't mind being target of even highly damaging powers if that means that meaningful number of extra enemies (that is, two or more extra) woulld be affected. That especially goes for Fort or AC targeting powers and again especially if Cairn uses second wind before that :)

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