Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g

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First Post
[sblock=ooc] Well, the crappy part of that power, I figured out now, is that the duration is until the start of the target's next turn. Don't think I'll be keeping that one in the long run. Or the short run. [/sblock]


First Post
Looking above the crowds head, Veruza sees the futility of trying to break through it to her sister. In panic, all other options exhausted, she does the only thing that would save her sister, she decides to jump...

Barreling into the crowd she breaks into the aisle, stepping onto the edge of the pit, she jumps with everything in her! If Audrey was conscious she wouldn't have believed the show of athletics from her twin was possible. Soaring twenty feet into the arena, the cleric landed hard, flat on her back.

The wind knocked out of her, and a trickle of blood forming at the edge of her mouth, Veruza was already praying.

Please don't let her die... Please don't let her die... I won't let her die... I won't let her die... I'm coming Audrey, I'm coming... The dust choked her, and she spit some more blood up, then she lay motionless catching her breathe.

Move- double move ->R2->S3->S4->
20 athletics to jump, divide by 5 with running start, 4 squares of jumping.
19 falling damage
Lands in ->S8 (is now prone)

Minor action Healing Word on Audrey, she can spend a healing surge and regains an additional 7HP, and 5 THP from Symbol of Holy Nimbus (Any ally within 5 squares of Veruza gets the 5 THP)

[sblock=MiniStat Prone]
Veruza XP 3750 Female Kalashtar Cleric 4
Medium natural humanoid
Initiative +2; Senses Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 17
HP 21/40, Bloodied 20, Surge Value 10, Surges 8
AC 19; Fortitude 14, Reflex 13, Will 20
Saving Throws +0 Speed 5
Second Wind: Not Used Action Point Total: 1
At-will powers: Astral Seal, Sonnlinor's Hammer
Encounter powers: Command, Healing Word, Bastion of Mental Clarity, Divine Skill, Provocative Order Channel divinity powers: Healer's Mercy, Divine Fortune
Daily powers: Astral Condemnation
Item powers: Lucky Charm, Sunblade Fullblade

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OOC: Ok, NPCing Dalvach again. I'm pretty much giving up on Modest as a lost cause since he only posted once and then not IC.

Baern lies in a pool of blood on the ground.

Death save (if necessary) 1d20=2 Fail

"Hold, defenders! Cairn comes."

Cairn moves to halberdier and swings, but slips on the blood puddle at the last moment and the swing goes wild.

Move: O 15
Standard: Earthgrasp Strike vs Hal. AC; damage; stand-up damage (1d20+10=12, 1d10+5=9, 1d10+5=13) - miss
Free: mark hal

"Thank you Guardian. Get back here you coward!" Nyar walks north, avoiding the large range on the halberd swing.

He aims with precision at the half hidden Tiefling. A bolt of silver energy fires from his wand and glances off his head.

[sblock=actions] Move to T17 avoiding 2 blocks around Halberd.
Standard: Magic Missle, non lethal, to Tiefling. 10 damage (8 +2 arcane reserves).
If attacked/charged, I will use the Bracers of Escape to move to R15 [/sblock]

Looking above the crowds head, Veruza sees the futility of trying to break through it to her sister. In panic, all other options exhausted, she does the only thing that would save her sister, she decides to jump...

Barreling into the crowd she breaks into the aisle, stepping onto the edge of the pit, she jumps with everything in her! If Audrey was conscious she wouldn't have believed the show of athletics from her twin was possible. Soaring twenty feet into the arena, the cleric landed hard, flat on her back.

The wind knocked out of her, and a trickle of blood forming at the edge of her mouth, Veruza was already praying.

Please don't let her die... Please don't let her die... I won't let her die... I won't let her die... I'm coming Audrey, I'm coming... The dust choked her, and she spit some more blood up, then she lay motionless catching her breathe.

Move- double move ->R2->S3->S4->
20 athletics to jump, divide by 5 with running start, 4 squares of jumping.
19 falling damage
Lands in ->S8 (is now prone)

Minor action Healing Word on Audrey, she can spend a healing surge and regains an additional 7HP, and 5 THP from Symbol of Holy Nimbus (Any ally within 5 squares of Veruza gets the 5 THP)

Dalvach swings and misses the Lizardman on the ground and then makes a tactical move to prevent a counterattack. He uses the last of his healing to heal Baern and himself.

The Lizardman stands up. Looking at his options, he decides to charge the spell caster who knocked him out, but the spell caster teleports away and he misses.

"Good idea. Take out the spell casters first. Kill him." the Hobgoblin yells to his Lizardman companion. He then proceeds to follow his own advice and attack Nyar with his Halberd, but just barely misses.

The Tiefling grimaces into pain and nearly doubles over completely, but manages to stagger away around the corner of the entry tunnel.

"Veruza you silly." Audrey scolds. "I was playing dead. Look out for that stone man. He's the one who knocked me off the platform." she says as she stands up and heads over to Audrey.

Dalvach misses Lizardman, heals Baern slightly and takes a Second Wind.

1 automiss, Ardent Surge 2 plus Healing Surge Baern]

Lizardman misses a charge on Nyar.

Hobgoblin Halbard misses Nyar due to being marked. Cairn can use Warden's Grasp if he so desires.

5+mod misses

Enemy Round 4

Cairn; O15; 39/63; +1 AC, resist 5 cold, each square within 2 squares of Cairn is difficult terrain for his enemies
Nyar; R15; 26/33; 5 temp hit points
Baern; K21; 13/47; Bloodied, prone, +1 to defenses TENT Dalvach
Lizardman; S17; 62; Bloodied, Quarried by Baern, 10 temp hit points
Hobgoblin Halberd; P16; 35; marked by Cairn
Tiefling; gone; 65; Bloodied, fled
Audrey; T8; 12; 5 temp hit points
Dalvach; N16; 30/43; +2 to defenses TSNT Dalvach
Veruza; S8; 21/40; prone

It's the PCs' turn.

White boxes are doors or portcullises. Wavy lines are curtains. The walls are 35 ft and lined with spikes, except on the platform. That's 40 ft and lined with spikes.

Climb DC for Walls is 16. Or 10 with a rope. 22 to get over the spikes safely.


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Baern groggily stands up and sees the battle has moved far away from him. Shouldering Tooth, he takes a deep breath and charges far to the lizardman. The vicious axe comes down on the creature's head.

[sblock=OOC] Move action: Stand up
Standard: Move to P21
AP: Charge to S18 and attack lizardman 1d20+11=24 (vs AC) for 1d12+7+1d6=20 damage


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I can use Warden's Fury too. Grasp pulls and halberdier is adjacent. therefore:
Immediate Interrupt: Warden's fury vs Halberdier FORT; Damage (1d20+10=11, 1d10+5=11) - duh!

Move: shift to P15, gain +1 AC and Ref
Standard: Weight of Earth vs Halberdier AC (1d20+10=15, 1d10+5=14) - and good rolls continue, luckily I hit with that first blast on the platform, at least I can soak some daamge

[sblock=Cairn Stats]
STATUS: +2 AC; DR 5 cold, +1 Ref
MARKED: halberdier

Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 15, Passive Perception 19
HP 39/63, Bloodied 31, Surge Value 15, Surges 13/13
AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 17
0 AP
Saving Throws:
+2 vs ongoing damage, take 10 or roll on death saves;
+2 item bonus vs. poison, weakened, slowed, immobilized, charm, fear and psychic effects
Resist 5 psychic

An ally that makes saving throw after Cairn succeeds on his gains +4 to the roll

Speed 6

Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike

Warforged Resolve
Second Wind
Thunder Ram Assault
Form of Winter Herald Attack
Earthgrasp Strike

Form of Winter's Herald
Nature's Abundance
Wellspring Strike



First Post
Nyar curses to himself, "Damn Tiefling, you won't get away that easily."

He steps back from the remaining gladiators and taunts the Lizardman, "Come on ugly, you aren't going to let me get away that easily, are you?" He causes an explosion between him and the lizardman, attempting to avoid hurting his friends.

[sblock=actions] Move: Shift to Q14
Standard: Scorching Burst to S 16. Burst area versus Lizardman:
1d20+8, 1d6+6+2 → ([17, 8], [4, 6, 2]) Roll Lookup . Hit Reflex 25 for 12 damage.
Note: If I trigger OA from Halberd, I have +7 AC bonus. [/sblock]

Status: quo
Init: +5 Speed: 6 Perception:13 Insight: 18
AC: 17 NAD: F: 13 R:18 W:16 (+2 vs. Illusion Attacks/Perception)
HP: 26/33 +5 THP Surges: 3/6 Surge Value: 8 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:8 Dex:16 Wis:12 Con:11 Int:20 Cha:10

At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Magic Missle, Storm Pillar, Scorching Burst
Encounter: Empowering Lightning, Pinioning Vortex, Second Wind, Wand of Accuracy, Otherworldly Lore
Daily: Bracers of Escape, Sleep

Full Character Sheet: [/sblock]
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