Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g


First Post
Nyar pauses after the lightning and mini tornado and sees the stone golem standing still. "Hey! Guardian! Don't just stand there! Go capture one of those two! I bet the fat tiefling knows who is in charge!"

[sblock=ooc] Actions: Free: Speaking. Just didn't want to strategize in ooc ;). Also I thought defenseless beings, like unconscious, could be subject to coup de gras with autohit and max damage? [/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC] So if I understand this correctly, the Halbard Hobgoblin IS an illegal target for Baern (melee 1 at a target 10 feet up) so I have to just use those attacks on the lizardman (only legal target) with no special advantages, other than +2 from CA. Right?[/sblock]

Almost. The Halberd Hobgoblin is illegal. But, Baern does not have to attack the Lizardman. He could do something else completely. He could run towards the Tiefling for example.

Remember, unconscious targets are at a -5 penalty to defenses, so Baern is effectively at +7 to hit.

But if he does attack the Lizardman (or anyone else), he has to use the same to hit roll. I would allow him to use a different attack power, but the D20 roll(s) would stay the same. In this case, Baern typically would have done Twin Strike regardless (more overall damage and chance to hit than any other power), so you probably should use the same attack power. I won't stop you from using a different power, but that's the one you probably would have used for a coup de grace. With a +7 to hit, even the second attack roll here has a good chance of hitting (but I obviously won't tell you that before you decide on which power to use).

The damage rolls are irrelevant to a coup de grace other than a critical weapon roll and the quarry roll.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Turning his head this way and that, guardian decides for some strange reason that the target in the arena is better then running after the elf in the press of people.

He runs toward the edge of the platform, holding the end of the rope and simply dropping down, only catching the edge with his hands arresting his momentum once and then dropping again, trailing the rope. Amazingly, the rope catches the blades and thugs back for a moment before snapping, slowing the fall of the behemot for barest of moments.

It hits the ground with a crash and plume of dust obscures it from the view. It then barrels toward the thiefling hitting it with that strange halberd of his.

Move: 2 squares to T13; 2 squares of his reach down into the abbys and dropping down for 6 squares
Athletics climbing; Acrobatics for avoiding damage; (1d20+10=15, 1d20+3=10)
Fall damage (3d10 - 5=16) - ouch! 5 above the average

Standard: get up
AP: Charge vs Thiefling's AC; Damage (1d20+10+1=28, 1d10+5=14) - non-lethal, end up in P9

Free: Mark the thiefling
Minor: If this doesn't drop the thiefling use Form of the winter herald to slow him - the idea being, no shifting on difficult terrain and if he triggers OA and is hit, he'll be slowed. :)

[sblock=Cairn Stats]
MARKED: Thielfling

Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 15, Passive Perception 19
HP 39/63, Bloodied 31, Surge Value 15, Surges 13/13
AC 20; Fortitude 19, Reflex 16, Will 17
0/1 AP
Saving Throws:
+2 vs ongoing damage, take 10 or roll on death saves;
+2 item bonus vs. poison, weakened, slowed, immobilized, charm, fear and psychic effects
Resist 5 psychic

An ally that makes saving throw after Cairn succeeds on his gains +4 to the roll

Speed 6

Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike

Warforged Resolve
Second Wind
Thunder Ram Assault
Form of Winter Herald Attack
Earthgrasp Strike

Form of Winter's Herald
Nature's Abundance
Wellspring Strike

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First Post
[sblock=ooc] KarinsDad, would it be worth knowing the outcomes of Baern's attack, i.e. possibly dead lizardman, before CaBaNa or modest post? Also, nice job Neurotic. [/sblock]


[sblock=ooc] KarinsDad, would it be worth knowing the outcomes of Baern's attack, i.e. possibly dead lizardman, before CaBaNa or modest post? Also, nice job Neurotic. [/sblock]

The lizardman is not dead, which also means, the lizardman is not bloodied.

However, Baern needs to roll two d6s for the critical weapon damage. If johnmeier1 doesn't do that before I post the next round, I'll take care of it for him.

Also, Cairn missed his Climb roll by 5 or more, so he falls 40 feet, not 30 feet.

He takes another 8 damage.


First Post
Releasing her full-blade from it's resting place, Veruza rushes headlong into the crowd, almost forgetting the danger she was putting herself in, almost. She carefully kept her back against the furthest wall from the pit, and held her sword ready in front of her.


Minor wield full blade

Standard, ready action, Sonnlinor's Hammer, Intended Target; first hostile attacker, Trigger; when first hostile attacker strikes Veruza. 20 vs AC, 14 damage, and the next attack the target makes before the end of Veruza's next turn takes a -4 penalty to the damage roll. Roll Lookup

Move as close to Audrey as possible, while staying in the stands, and away from the edge. (I think this is Q1, but if the crowd has left, Veruza may be able to make it to S1)

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OOC: It's been 5 days and Modest hasn't posted, so I'll be NPCing him this round again.

The thunder explosion and its ramifications settle in, "Damn!"

Nyar sets his jaw. Green and yellow electricity circles his wand before lightning shoots out and blasts the spear holder, knocking him back.

The wand still pulses with power as a vortex of wind and lightning forms underneath the hobgoblin with the halberd and lifts him straight up.

"Bearn! Can you finish off that lizardman while he is down? Dalvach can you heal Bearn and keep him up?"

[sblock=actions] Move: Shift to O22.
Standard: Empowering Lightning versus Hobgoblin Spear: ([16, 8], [3, 7, 6]) Roll Lookup So hit Reflex 24 for 16 damage. He is also pushed one square.
Free: Wand of Accurary (+3 to next attack, +5 damage for use after Empowering Lightning)
AP: Pinioning Vortex versus Hobgoblin Halberd: 1d20+8+3, 2d6+6+5 ? ([20, 8, 3], [2, 5, 6, 5]) Roll Lookup Crit! extra damage: 1d8 ? [2] = (2) Roll Lookup . So then hits Hobgoblin Halberd Fortitude 31 for 25. He is up 10 feet, dazed, immobilized and grants CA to allies. [/sblock]

Baern takes a deep breath and roars loudly. GRRRAAAAAAAA! The rangers sweeps his twin waraxes around at the Lizardman. He keeps Tooth up between them in a defensive posture.

[sblock=OOC]Move: Shift to N20 quarry lizardman
Minor: Second Wind for +3 defenses
Standard: Twin Strike against lizardman 1d20+9=22 vs AC for 1d12+3=11 damage, Miss (13) with second and 1d6=5 quarry damage

Coup De Grace 15 first hit, 15 second hit, 6 quarry, 4 crit weapon, 5 crit weapon = 45

Nyar pauses after the lightning and mini tornado and sees the stone golem standing still. "Hey! Guardian! Don't just stand there! Go capture one of those two! I bet the fat tiefling knows who is in charge!"

Turning his head this way and that, guardian decides for some strange reason that the target in the arena is better then running after the elf in the press of people.

He runs toward the edge of the platform, holding the end of the rope and simply dropping down, only catching the edge with his hands arresting his momentum once and then dropping again, trailing the rope. Amazingly, the rope catches the blades and thugs back for a moment before snapping, slowing the fall of the behemot for barest of moments.

It hits the ground with a crash and plume of dust obscures it from the view. It then barrels toward the thiefling hitting it with that strange halberd of his.

Move: 2 squares to T13; 2 squares of his reach down into the abbys and dropping down for 6 squares
Athletics climbing; Acrobatics for avoiding damage; (1d20+10=15, 1d20+3=10)
Fall damage (3d10 - 5=16) - ouch! 5 above the average

Standard: get up
AP: Charge vs Thiefling's AC; Damage (1d20+10+1=28, 1d10+5=14) - non-lethal, end up in P9

Free: Mark the thiefling
Minor: If this doesn't drop the thiefling use Form of the winter herald to slow him - the idea being, no shifting on difficult terrain and if he triggers OA and is hit, he'll be slowed. :)

Releasing her full-blade from it's resting place, Veruza rushes headlong into the crowd, almost forgetting the danger she was putting herself in, almost. She carefully kept her back against the furthest wall from the pit, and held her sword ready in front of her.


Minor wield full blade

Standard, ready action, Sonnlinor's Hammer, Intended Target; first hostile attacker, Trigger; when first hostile attacker strikes Veruza. 20 vs AC, 14 damage, and the next attack the target makes before the end of Veruza's next turn takes a -4 penalty to the damage roll. Roll Lookup

Move as close to Audrey as possible, while staying in the stands, and away from the edge. (I think this is Q1, but if the crowd has left, Veruza may be able to make it to S1)

Dalvach moves up and attacks the Lizardman on the ground, hoping he can help out Baern in the process.

The Lizardman stirs to consciousness. The Hobgoblin with the Halberd yells at the Lizardman and encourages it "Get up and fight!". It then savagely slashes Baern across the chest, flinging his unconscious body across the arena. "You're next." it snarls at Dalvach and it moves around and slashes him across the shoulder. The Hobgoblin smiles a toothy grin when he connects.

The portcullis to the north starts to rise at the Tiefling's last command. The Tiefling pulls out Flashbang Powder and throws it into Cairn's face. "Bye, bye, sucker." he cackles before slipping away in the smoke. As Cairn wipes his eyes, he cannot see the Tiefling at first. The rest of the team sees the Tiefling run through the gates to the north "Drop the gates!" he yells and the portcullis suddenly drop downs with a loud bang.

Darvach moves to O17 and Coup De Grace's Lizardman for 17 and gives Baern 6 temporary hit points.

Hit for 15 +2 for crit

Lizardman wakes up.

save vs. unconscious 16

Hobgoblin with Halberd hits Baern for 23. It gives Lizardman 10 temporary hit points. It hits Dalvach for 10.

16+mods to hit Baern, 23 damage

14+mods to hit Dalvach, 10 damage

Tiefling throws Flashbang Powder at Cairn and moves behind the portcullis. He has superior cover from behind it (i.e. -5 to PC attack rolls)

Flashbang Powder vs. Cairn 23 Fort, Stealth 17+mods

Enemy Round 3

Cairn; P9; 39/63; +1 AC, resist 5 cold, each square within 2 squares of Cairn is difficult terrain for his enemies
Nyar; P22; 26/33; 5 temp hit points
Baern; K21; 0/47; Bloodied, unconscious, prone, dying
Lizardman; N18; 62; Bloodied, Quarried by Baern, prone
Hobgoblin Spear; K18; 67; dead
Hobgoblin Halberd; P16; 35;
Tiefling; N3; 55; Bloodied, marked by Cairn, superior cover
Elf; gone; 3; fled
Audrey; S13; 26; Bloodied, prone, possibly dead or dying
Dalvach; O17; 20/43; Bloodied
Veruza; Q1; 40/40;

Baern's init goes first since he is unconsious. I need a death saving throw for him. It's the PC's turns.

White boxes are doors or portcullises. Wavy lines are curtains. The walls are 35 ft and lined with spikes, except on the platform. That's 40 ft and lined with spikes.

Climb DC for Walls is 16. Or 10 with a rope. 22 to get over the spikes safely.


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: just a clarification, please. Can one attack through portcullis? i.e. if I use area power will it hit or will it break on the 'cullis? Is there room for halberd attack? Also, what kind of action would be needed to open it forcefully? Normaly, move action to get there, standard to attack and it leaves minor for perception (if needed before the attack) or for breaking the door.

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